Wednesday 17 June 2015

People Get So Needlessly Worked Up Over Gender

OMG, we can't let kids play with the "wrong" toys! Or can we?

OMG, we can't let people wear the "wrong" clothes! Or can we? Lay some wisdom on us, Eddie Izzard --

OMG, we can't let people change their genders! Or can we? What's the big deal?

OMG, so what does this new word "pansexual" mean? Don't worry, your kitchenware is safe --

It means people who are attracted to people regardless of their place on the gender continuum, rather than being attracted solely to those who fit the traditional definition of male or female.


  1. Love me anything that references Eddie Izzard. I also love that birth certificate one. A lot has changed indeed. Why do people care how other people realize their true self?

  2. All I can say is amen, apart from the cuddle part. :D

  3. I love the birth certificate one - mine says 6.5 pounds. yeah.

    the ken cake is FABULOUS!

    people need to evolve. period.

  4. great post! the times they are a changing...thank goddess!

  5. that girl turned out to be such a hot hunk in the end!
    And love that Sheymus' doll! He is such a beefcake!

  6. So sad that society is so hung up on labels! I have two grandsons who have two sisters. The grandsons are younger than their sisters. The grandsons love to play Barbie and dress-up with their two sisters. I see nothing wrong as the girls also play cars and superheroes with their brothers. But, OOOhhhh, the outcry from people when they find out the boys play with dolls and have make-up put on them. I've even heard the phrase, you're going to make them Gay! REALLY?????? {{shakes head in disbelief}}

  7. These were all great but the birth certificate one....BAHAHAHA... Fun post.

  8. Great morning post. Brought to mind my dad's desire for a son. Mom never had another child so dad always bought me boy's toys for Christmas. I loved getting out there and building roads for my cars and trucks.

  9. These are good.

    I've never really understood why people get so hung up on gender. I mean, I suppose it's important if you're someone's doctor, or maybe they're sexual partner.

    But most people we interact with on a daily basis aren't either one of those things.

  10. Oh the birth certificate is priceless and I love the ken cake.
    Perhaps it is because Ry is on the autism spectrum, perhaps it is because he has an older sister and lives in an estrogen laden household, or perhaps, just perhaps it is because he is who he is......but his rigidity towards all things worldly does not extend to gender roles. He has gotten in trouble at school for playing not only with the girls but also "girls" toys, games etc. Doesn't understand why more boys don't like to play dress up at the Children's museum, or girls aren't allowed to play on the sport teams at school. It gives him lots of consternation. I'm so happy with who he is and how he conducts himself. He has a great sense of self.

  11. How did you know I was silently wondering what the HELL? did that latest trending word me?
    This planet could use More attention to keeping us from distorting ourselves than picking apart what and who we LOVE.
    As always, I know where to go when I need informed info, which keeps Nana cool and intouch. xoDebi

  12. Here here!!!! Everyone need to take a pill and chill out over such issues. Just let it be. Meanwhile my parents never fretted over what toys I had. I had everything from stuffed toys , to GI Joe and a nice collection of barbies. It was a hellva of a tea party

  13. PS! My son at 2 , delighted in playing with and dragging around a red headed boy doll. Raised by a single Mom, with older sister, the whispers were........well nonsense but the trending knowledge of the day. Instinctively, I knew this was self expression of the purest kind.
    Child , after all are far more human than what attempts to raise them.
    Anyway.....wild mother, older protective sister, NO father his whole life = strong, determined ( yes rebellious ) protective, dowding father of two with ginger hair.

  14. There are so many other issues we really need to deal with - abuse, hunger, the planet being destroyed - and yet some people continue to insist that everyone live by their standard ( or more likely their interpretation of the Bible's standard ) that the real issue gets missed - we are who we are - and we shouldn't be "blamed" or criticized for that. Loved the birth certificate!!

  15. The very first toy my son ever asked for on his own was a Barbie doll. Do you know what I did? I bought him one. One year later, he asked for a Dancing Debbie doll. I bought him one of those, too. If it turned him gay, it will sure be a surprise to his girlfriend.

  16. I LOVE the "if it didn't matter then" one. That is going to be my standard saying from now on....

  17. One day people will look back at us and say "What the fuck was the matter with those people?" I say this with hope in my voice.

  18. as much stupid shit that is going on in the world..the last thing we need to be worrying about is boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys.both boys and girls are starving all over the water, no food and no future..get over it...sigh*...I love you.

  19. If we could comment with pictures I'd respond with an adorable picture of my grandson bottle feeding his baby doll, Layla. He wants me to knit her a sweater for when they go visit his other grandmother.

  20. Really make me wonder about evolution. Especially in the light of the white woman who feels black. Someday the human race will reach a point where folks will just get up in the morning and be what they feel like being that day. Then like Ellen says we will have to judge people by the cars they drive. :)

  21. This is so great! I'm glad the transgender community is receiving so much attention lately that is helping ignorant people understand it. What a fabulous Ken doll there!

  22. Like others said, my favorite is the birth certificate, though the red layer of the cake looks delicious and simply fabulous.

  23. My mother once told me that my father was against the idea of getting me a GI Joe for Christmas because he didn't want his son playing with dolls.

    He's matured a lot since then and we all had a good laugh.

  24. Loved, loved, loved them all!!!!!! Xoxoxoxo

  25. Thanks for this, Debra! Important message here for us all.

  26. I am still laughing at the 1 in 3 is gay, with the dog and the baby.
    It's bad, I kept making that choking sound know, when you remember something funny and you try not to laugh...that's YOUR fault!!

  27. Great post, wish more parents and people in general would come to their senses on this question.

  28. I don't understand why all people don't see sense like that. Why it's hard to let people be what they are. That's the part I don't get.

  29. He-Man was such a gay icon. He even had a double identity and as his alter ego was wearing pink!

  30. I especially love drag queens. They are flamboyant and colorful and in your face - they must be great fun to be around. I have said it before: my brother-in-law is gay and a better person doesn't exist on this earth - I love the bugger.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  31. Both my children had baby dolls and lightsabers at their disposal - I didn't see either one as being gender specific.


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