Thursday 18 June 2015

My Favourite Book of the Bible

As most people know, the book of Leviticus in the Bible declares homosexuality to be an abomination and condemns its practitioners to death. Homophobic Christians rely almost totally on Leviticus to fuel their anti-gay bigotry but of course, Leviticus also contains a whole laundry list of other forbidden activities which conveniently get overlooked or forgotten. Activities which haters (and everyone else) regularly engage in. Mmmm, is that the sweet, sweet smell of hypocrisy in the air or are we just near a pig farm?

Yes, we're looking at you, Duck Dynasty bigot.

Bible thumpers can cherry-pick with the best of them!

And Gawd forbid you point out their hypocrisy to them, LOL!

Here's my final word on this topic --

Yeah, we don't give a flying fuck what Leviticus or any other so-called holy book says about us!


  1. The extreme right wing conservative, homophobic Christians are blight on a decent society. Those extreme, bigoted, paranoid fuckers think they got some ticket to heaven and that makes it okay to be a total asshole.

    Take care, eh!


  2. Pretty much any organisation or group of people is mired in hypocrisy. What is important is focusing on the good ones and not letting a vocal minority ruin things for a silent majority.

  3. FUCK YEAH! "cafeteria xstains" who pick and choose are NOT to be trusted.

  4. This is the best post! Yes, hypocrisy is alive and well, and so many things get 'conveniently' overlooked or forgotten. And when you do point it out, that is exactly what you get: an angry response with some curse words thrown in.

    I love that last photo! So funny :)

  5. I have a tattoo on my arse. I'm going to hell.

  6. I love this post so much. I also love the comments. And you don't even have to mention how the Bible advocates slavery. Pardon me while I revel in this beautiful post.

  7. the bible is a piece of shit. i am going to go hide now.

  8. Doesn't Leviticus also tell Christians not to pick and choose? Or did they choose not to follow that part.....

  9. Take a bowe Senator Meredith! Ordained extrodinaire ! Hmmm?

  10. Yes indeed, life is a fickle bitch. Look what happened, all because there was no one around to bless or gesundheit you when you sneezed.

    Thou wilt stone any who snort alone - Lewitticus 69:2

  11. I particularly loved the conversation. There is nothing more dangerous than stupidity!

  12. the Bible is a very interesting read, but not something that I would want to lead my life by..but then I'm smart.

  13. Cool using their own words (and Bible) against these "Holier than Thou" A$$-Holes...
    they don't like that very much....
    and that smell in the air ... well here anyway .... is Pig $hit... they just spread it over the area fields Monday and Tuesday...
    I do the same thing to folks who "upset" me with their words... (we have studied many years of psychology) we use their words against them and twist about what they have stated by working with their own statements.... and the more they try to get their "point of view" across... the more frustrated and confused they become....
    and a lot of these "outspoken" folks... are of much "lower" intelligence...
    A great day to you dear Lady Debra...

  14. now this is a wonderful post. Having worked in "the church", I can absolutely say that the most twisted evil comes out of the mouths of the "mighty and holy" when they don't think any of the "peasants" are watching. It is so sickening just how stupid and arrogant the folks who run the church are.....and that doesn't count the "peasants" who are just mindless drones. Just my experience

  15. I don't get how they pick and choose what works for them. I just don't get it. But I did enjoy this series from your posts.

  16. When a Christian quotes something from Leviticus, they are quoting from a book that was not written for them. The Old Testament has nothing to do with Christians, it's written strictly for the Jews. Hypocrisy and stupidity go together like milk and honey.

  17. Best Post Ever....luv this!!! Good Job!

  18. WOOT! My thoughts exactly on the subject! Eff the bible.

  19. I've been soooo over the bible since I was 12 and figured out that it was "do as I say not say as I do." Yeah ... it's just a piece of crap book that tends to contradict itself so much. Besides, it's all about men dominating women.

  20. Well put!!! The bible is just a novel and I have always found it odd how people follow it the way they do rather than simply being a loving, accepting person. It's creepy how churches preach hatred.

  21. I have seen most of them on Atheist Facebook pages. Love them. So funny, especially the first one about tattoos.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I love the people who say "there is a guide on how to live your life, it's called the Bible." because they clearly haven't read the bible. They get bored halfway through Genesis and close it. There's not much you could do without pissing off some rule in the bible

  24. Leviticus also says that if a child disrespects his parents he should be killed. Boy, would that cut down on the world population.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  25. Leviticus 21:20 forbids allowing dwarves or hunchbacks near an altar.


  26. It's amazing to me how people pick out little portions of things and twist their meaning to suit their purpose...The media is a prime example..Have a good weekend..

  27. I used to love Phil and the show ... can't really watch it anymore after that comment. :(

  28. I have a Snoopy and Woodstock tattoo. See you in hell, sister.

  29. I love the Leviticus grouping.

  30. Hear hear! Rejecting all that nonsense was literally the most comforting thing I have ever done for myself. And I have two tattoos, and regularly eat pig, so we can be fabulous in hell together!


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