Friday 19 June 2015

That's (Better) Entertainment!

Remember when feature films at the movie theatres were always preceded by cartoons? You youngsters out there won't recall it, but we Boomers do. Of course, we never saw any cartoons like this . . .

. . . or did we?

We have such good movies today, don't you agree?

Plus our TV shows are pretty good too.

And now, of course, we can also rent movies on TV! Yay!


  1. this is my first read of the morning (6a here and I just climbed outta bed). I spit my cawfee (philly pronunciation) at my monitor.

    the jason alexander one is the best; I would "turn the other cheek" (as it were) if he were the last man on earth and I were the last female!

    have a great weekend, dear!

  2. I was going to comment about Bugs Bunny and how he probably contributed to a number of funny feelings down there for young boys, but then I saw the Yeti movie. That's not a real movie, is it? It's not on Netflix as far as I can tell. I'll check Redbox later, but holy hell I want to see that movie.

  3. You'd think a story about just a Yeti would be exciting enough

  4. Mama Sofia was always so wise!

  5. Oh yes! The last one! A perfect movie for Friday night! Did you say there was popcorn???

  6. A homicidal and wildly homosexual Mountain Yeti. Now there's an image to start the day with.

  7. I think the Yeti movie won some Academy Awards, didn't it?

  8. and to the best of my knowledge no one was scarred from watching Bugs dressing as a woman..nor did we even think anything about it...

  9. hahaha....luv this!!! Oooh Bugs Bunny....bah hahaha

  10. I have to say I'm not sure if lesbians shed or not. It would be a selling point with me too. Then again I'd just rather live with cats than people as it is. A movie about a gay yeti though? Sign me right up.

  11. Bugs in a dress was brilliant!

  12. Hmmmmm, a homicidal and wildly homosexual Mountain Yeti? Really? Wildly?? Just what are they insinuating there? I protest!!

  13. The cartoons were way more interesting than the stuff they show now. Tech Talk? Seriously? I miss Bugs! Gay guys on the mountain ... that's hilarious. :)

  14. At first I thought the movie title was "Bare Back Mountain".

  15. Bugs Bunny has to be the best cartoon of all time considering that it is looked at as too racy too violent for today! Poor George!

  16. I understand how George feels.

  17. Ha! Awesome.

    BTW, I logged in just to send you this:

  18. BAHAHAHAHA! OHMYGOSH...Debra. Where in the world to you find these things! This is snorting type humour :)

  19. Do you remember that Golden Girls where Blanche mixes up lesbians and Lebanese?

  20. I suspected as much of Prince Charming. He was always overly focused on a glass slipper. And glass? I bet he has an underground dungeon full of adult toys too.

  21. @ Riot Kitty -- Thanks for the link! "Relentlessy Gay" -- something to aspire to!

    @ Birdie -- That is one of my most favourite episodes!

  22. The Seinfeld quote is truly hilarious.

  23. I'm loving all these! I loved the previous Leviticus post too. Word, sister!

  24. I'd watch that movie; but much to my wife's chagrin I'll watch most anything Sci-fi.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  25. I've been laughing my way through your recent posts, Debra, except for the CBC no longer able to broadcast hockey games. That was a bit of a gut kick, even if I cursed CBC when I was a kid because hockey preempted everything on our one and only tv channel. I especially enjoyed the Leviticus post. I have no idea where you find all these wonderful images and jokes, but I appreciate the effort you put into it.

  26. The Gold Girl one was the BEST. So funny and it sounded like something her character could/did or would say.

  27. I vote the for the Golden Girl one too. Ha!

  28. I definitely want to see that Yeti movie hahahaaa


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