Thursday 2 July 2015

Summer Hiatus

Hi everyone -- I'm going on a blogging hiatus until about mid-September. I'll still pop around to read and comment on your blogs from time to time but I won't be blogging here for the summer. It's time to pause, recharge and refuel!

I'm looking forward to new vistas and new adventures! My Rare One and I will be doing some vacation traveling in July and August. As well, my theatre buddy and I will be checking out a new-to-us theatre festival in September.

I still have a handful of "Ask Me Anything" questions to answer and those posts will be coming in the Fall. Just in case any of you are wondering what happened to your question, LOL!

Have a wonderful summer!


  1. lucky you! have some great adventures, and don't forget to kiss-n-tell come september!

    if ya come down here, watch out for all the gun idiots.

  2. damn! i m going to miss you. have fun!

  3. After while, crocodile!

    Have wondrous adventures, and tell us all about them.

  4. Have a great summer and return with lots of crocodile tales

  5. Have a wonderful summer Debra. It sounds like you have a lot of fun planned.

  6. Enjoy your summer, Debs, we shall keep an eye on your place and defend it from trolls and dogs :)

  7. Typically this "hiatus" talk is an excuse for a soft exit. "I'm going to rethink how I blog, I 'm going to try a new venture. I...Who am I kidding? I'm never coming back, suckers! Go on, keep giving away your thought-gems away for free! I'm out, losers!" I hope you enjoy your new found freedom.

  8. have the best time, you and your Rare One,, I will miss you,,

  9. You too, Debra! You ole hippie!

  10. Have a wonderful summer. Will miss your early morning humor. Have a good one.

  11. Have a great summer!! See ya in a bit!

  12. Happy Trails! See you in September! ( song in my head now! ). Thank you for a fabulous event month of June ! xoDebi

  13. Hello, have some time away and come back refreshed. Best wishes!

  14. Wait...I thought this was about ME. ME getting my morning chuckles with coffee. I guess I'll have to give up coffee until September. Nah. I'll muddle through somehow. Here's to a great summer for you and yours!

  15. Sounds like lots of good times are coming your way. Have a wonderful summer, Debra!

  16. Sounds like a wonderful summer, Debra! Lord knows we have to take advantage of it when it's here since it's so damn short! :)

  17. Have a wonderful time. You will be missed, but I sure understand rest, relax, refuel!

  18. Have fun! I hope a lot of adventures come your way so there will be lots of blog fodder for the Autumn months! :o) After while Crocodile!

  19. fun in the sun..have a great time..wish you could make it to Westfest on Labor Day weekend...pivo and skunk eggs..

  20. I'm sure that you will have more blog fodder to share after your summer adventures. Have a blast and I look forward to hearing from you again in September......xoxo Oma Linda

  21. Have a blast, and then come back to tell us all about it! ♥

  22. I'll be right behind you sister woman!!! I have alot of vacations also planned. Have a great summer!

  23. Ask you anything? I guess I'll have to get to know you better first.

  24. AAWWWWWWWWW! I'm going to miss ya kiddo. Have a great summer.

  25. Have a ball! We'll miss you!

  26. Have a great summer! The hippy cat is so cute.

  27. Have a grand summer - see you in the autumn!!! If you are heading to the Peg, bring a face mask. The smoke from the fires in Regina are horrid here. Gives the sky a post apocalyptic glow...eerie....

  28. Good for you! May you do lots of dancing in the sun, take care, and enjoying yourself and the Rare One.

  29. ╭━━┳╮╭┳━━┳━┓HAPPY

  30. Hey Debra!

    Here's wishing you a peaceful and adventurous time away from the weird and wacky world of blogging :)

    Enjoy your Summer and I hope you had a really nice Canada Day!

    Penny's alleged human,


  31. Have a wonderful blogger break, Debra. I'll check in with you from time to time in email. I am writing this from bed and Tim is over my shoulder, reading out loud every word I write.

    He cracks me up.

    Anyway, enjoy your break, recharge and see you soon.

  32. I will miss getting a good laugh over your funny posts but we all need a break. Have a wonderful summer, see you in the Fall.

  33. Have a fabulous hiatus Debra, smell the roses, kick up your heels and make lots of great memories.
    Take care
    Peggy xxxx

  34. Hi Debra, wishing you a great vacation time! I was out of the blogosphere for a while, missed your posts a lot! See you in a few months, have fun! Linda (Night Owl, the crazy doll lady ;-) )

  35. Enjoy your summer travels...looking forward to hearing about your adventures in the fall!

  36. You'll be missed..Have a wonderful summer..stay safe..See you in the fall..

  37. Have a good Summer and happy vacation.

  38. Do enjoy your blogging break. Sometimes we all need take a break. Feel the wind on your face and relax. Thank you for your kind words and visit.

  39. I am sad because I am going to miss your blog. Why can't we all take a blogging break at the same time? But hey, I understand there is a life outside the blogosphere. So enjoy your blogging holidays and your summer.

  40. I come back and you leave? I will miss you my friend! Have a great time off! Big Hugs ;o)

  41. Recharging is good! Enjoy your break, and travel safely!

  42. Take us with you? We don't take up much space and we keep to ourselves... mostly.

    Enjoy your time off!

  43. I've been posting less. Now that summer is here I just might slow down even more. Have a great summer.

  44. Have a great break! Hope it's full of adventure and fun! :)

  45. I will miss you, but enjoy your adventures! And let us know all about them when you're back.

  46. Have a great Summer dear Lady Debra....

  47. Hope you have a great vacation! You'll be back just in time for all the blogs to start their Halloween preparations - good move :)

  48. Have a great time Debra! I love that cat photo!

  49. See you in September!
    Linda :o)

  50. OMG, I love the 'Let us dance' pic

  51. Sounds like a wonderful summer! Hope you're back fully recharged!
    I have been on 'summer hours' too. Meaning hardly ever looking at my computer. It's nice to remember there's a real world out there :)

  52. Just popping in to say...
    My Dad has a fig tree that is loaded with figs just now (not ripe yet, but heavy with fruit). When I saw it this past weekend, the cartoon that I saw on your post came to my mind...
    "I said I hated FIGS not FAGS"....Jesus

    You do make me laugh! Enjoy your summer1 I miss you.

  53. I hope you are having a wonderful summer too! See you in September.

  54. Good for you! I have already missed you tons but am thrilled for you to have so many adventures ahead and to just take time offline. Bravo my friend!

  55. We started following a few "pleasant" blogs ("no monsters") ... and do seem to be in better "spirits" for having done so...
    A great weekend to you and yours, dear Lady Debra...

  56. Looking forward to your return Debra.
    You have been missed!
    Warm hugs
    Peggy xxxxx

  57. Hi Debra, I hope you are having a fabulous time off.

  58. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and thanks for commenting on my character interview on Michael D'Agostino's blog.

    Hope you're having a good time away. :-)

  59. I hope you are having a fun hiatus and got lots of traveling done. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures with the Rare One. Thanks for stopping by today. :)

  60. I believe it's about time to return! Your greedy followers await!! A hot toddy huh? The thought didn't cross my mind! So much better than soup!!!

  61. Aaaaah so how ya going babe, it's September, I know you are there, because I loved you came visit, THANK YOU & so hope you are enjoying your break, and know you will have lots to share when you return :)

  62. Came by to see if it was mid-September or as I like to think of it, the return of Debra, She Who Seeks.


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