Tuesday 30 June 2015

Thanks for Celebrating With Me!

Well, we've reached the end of another fabulous celebration of


Thanks for all your interesting, supportive, honest and touching comments this month. I appreciated receiving each and every one! Teh interwebs can be a wonderful place and an amazing way for people to connect whose paths would otherwise never cross. Aren't these grand times in which we live!

In 2014, fifty years after his death, Alan Turing finally received a royal pardon regarding the criminal conviction for "gross indecency" which so unjustly ruined his life. He is now rightly acknowledged as a hero of World War II and a leading scientific genius of the 20th century. We owe him a great debt of gratitude on both counts.


  1. "an amazing way for people to connect whose paths would otherwise never cross" - tru fax dat! I would NEVER have met such nice people in real life. but my interwebz friends are THE BESTEST EVAH!

  2. I'm rather fond of the online and the friends I've made through it, so thank you Mr. Turing!

    So you spotted my 'Greens Man'... thinking of attempting a couple of other things: A fruit and veggie 'quilt' piece, and a little something to celebrate the Supreme Court's decision. Whatcha think?

  3. How Turing was treated was tragic. Ugh, even thinking about it right now I'm on the verge of tears. I'm just glad his legacy has endured.
    Thank YOU for celebrating Pride month. Your posts were great.

  4. and such a hot hairdo he had!

  5. i really enjoyed all of your posts. i loved the recent movie about turing!

  6. I just want to point out what a difference these posts you've done have really made.

    Why, when you started this series, gay marriage was not legal in my state, and now? Legal!

    Powerful stuff...

  7. I am all the wiser having a whole month of fun, humour and knowledge! Happy Canada Day! xoDebi

  8. Sad to see these posts ending. I'm hoping that you do this at least once a week. It would be fun.

  9. I love Canaderians..especially if they're gay...

  10. It's been a great month of positivity and much needed education for some!

  11. What a great month it was! Thanks for doing this and the chuckles along the way! Happy Canada Day - I am off to the cottage tonight!

  12. It's sad that there's still a lot of people out there that want gay people to live in a terrible era like that again. Not only hiding who you are from your personal life, but from the government too.

  13. I never knew Alan Turing was convicted - where have I been?

  14. Oh noes, it's over already? :(

    I still can't wrap my head around the fact it took me that long to get the fig one. Probably my favourite for that very reason - I had to work so hard at it. :)

  15. We owe a lot to gays, atheists and of course gay atheists. I'm only atheist, but nobody is perfect.

  16. 50 years after his death, that breaks my heart.

  17. Here here!! So truly deserved indeed, Debra!

  18. And we here in the states couldn't ask for a better end to Pride month!!!!!! I too agree about the interwebs! When they work that is.

  19. I loved all your Pride posts this month! What a wonderful, no, FABULOUS community it is when people can just be themselves and not be judged for who they love (or what's between their legs!)
    Thanks for all of the posts,

  20. It's been another great month! I look forward to this round of posts every year. It wasn't too long ago that I learned about the story of Alan Turing. Very heartbreaking. And disturbing. There are still many vile things going on around the world that I hope will come to an end one day. Equal rights for all. The freedom to love. The freedom to be who you are! That's my wish for this world.

  21. It was a terrible tragedy that Alan Turing felt compelled to commit suicide - how things have changed for the better

  22. I watched a fascinating program on PBS about his life. We do indeed owe our ability to "know" things and "meet" people instantaneously to this very directed and remarkable man. I also read somewhere (urban legend???) that the apple with the bite out of it, on the computer is a nod to this man as well. He was found dead with a partially eaten apple next to his body.

  23. Interesting..No surprise there..Happy 4th

  24. Thank you Alan Turing, for without you I wouldn't be here right now. Seriously though, that's so awful. "Gross indecency". People suck. Glad he's finally getting the gratitude he probably would've liked while alive. Course since there's no life after death, he won't know. Oh well :)

  25. Can you imagine? Being yourself was being a crime - so shameful of the government.

  26. I always learn so much from you! Never knew anything about this! Very sad! Happy Pride my friend ;o)


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