Friday 2 October 2015

Bloggin' Buddy Meetup -- Francie

In September when I was in Niagara-on-the-Lake for the Shaw Festival, I had the pleasure of meeting up once again with my bloggin' buddy Francie of A North End Journal! We first met in person a couple of years ago when My Rare One and I were visiting nearby Hamilton.

Francie, my theatre buddy and I all went for a lovely dinner at a winery vineyard restaurant. And this time I came prepared for the photo shoot. See? My face is out of the shot but my purple fingerless gloves verify my identity!

Thanks for being such a good sport about all this crazy subterfuge, Francie! It was great to see you again. Vikings rule!


  1. I'm not sure what Vikings you're referring to but Vikings in general are pretty cool. As is getting to meet your fellow bloggers. It'd be a nice thing to do some time.

  2. I'd love the opportunity to meet some of my blogger friends. If you ever get to New York, let me know.

  3. Aw, this is great! Francie is the best. The most amazing man in the world and I had the pleasure of meeting up with her a couple of years ago. It was so nice.

  4. Clever! Clever! You're a Smart One! :o)

  5. Hmmm, those fingerless gloves are looking a bit hinky in my opinion...

  6. lol, I'd know those hands anywhere!!!

  7. How fun! I'd like to meet more of my bloggy friends in person.

  8. What! Debs, ya didn't even match the shirt with the colour of the gloves :) You must buy tons of violet stuff, pronto!

  9. My pleasure! Good food, good friends! And to Debra's readers: she is referring to 'Vikings' the TV series which is too awesome for words. We are both big fans!

  10. you were in Niagara in September...and didn't tell me????
    our cottage is down there...and I live in Mississauga, right at the Oakville border!!
    Oh dear...perhaps next time,eh??
    Glad you had a great time...any wine tasting??
    Happy weekend...
    Linda :o)

  11. What fun!!! Always good to meet up eh? :) Love the gloves!

  12. hahaha...I guess it really is you!

  13. I will add to your list of people that want to meet you. I am on Vancouver Island. :-)

  14. Great photo and the gloves are perfect. Now, will you switch out the image you have for your own hands?

  15. Looks like fun! I could use some about now :)

  16. I'm really hoping it's vodka in those glasses and not water. :D

  17. IS THAT WATER?????? Or was it straight gin or vodka!?!? Sounds like you two had a fun and lovely day.

  18. Francie is such a good sport! Well done with the gloves! glad you guys had such fun! Have a good one!

  19. Very cool! I would really love to meet some of my blogger pals someday...

  20. Your hands look just like you! *giggles*

  21. Very cute! I think this is great! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  22. I'm from a long line of I agree

  23. What a fun post! You are a true woman of mystery, Debra! :)

  24. I hope no pics come out with a purple-gloved person committing crimes of some sort. It could spell the end of your blog!

  25. Wouldn't it have been fun if everyone turned up wearing those cut off purple gloves an Francie did know who she was meeting with ?

    I have met so many wonderful folk in the blog-o-sphere ...glad you guys got together.

  26. those gloves have a Glenn Gould similarity about them, are you sure you did not steal them from him?


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