Monday 5 October 2015

What Month is This Again?

Oooooo, time for some spooky fun! But before we get too ghoulish, how about starting things off with a few harmless LOLs?

I promise some truly scary stuff in my next post!


  1. The person with the "Vlad the Impala" license plate is going places. In their Impala. I don't think I even walk past 36 people a day so statistically all the people I walk past are murderers.

  2. Gotta love the pumpkin with crooked teeth.

  3. One of my favorite months to Debs!!!!!! I love Halloween and everything about it. Like Anna Marie, that isn't my car either. You don't what to know what mine says.

  4. LOL! The pumpkin will have a Hollywood smile soon :-). Great jokes, thanks for the laugh!

  5. Everytime I turn the calendar to october i go "I love halloween! it's candy pumpkin and candy corn season!"

    (And then I remember that 1. i'm an adult and 2. candy pumpkins are disgusting to adults, apparently. Then i get sad.)

    Is hocus pocus on tv yet??

  6. That fun fact is a scary fact! I wonder about stuff like that when I'm walking around at the mall. Perhaps I'm a bit paranoid.

  7. Hello there :)
    I am Ramzu Zahini from Malaysia.
    Just wanna ask you a question because I need to know.
    The VLAD_THE license plate is indeed funny. But is it real?
    Here it took tremendous amount of money for a custom plate.

  8. My favorite month of the year. Love everything about it, especially Halloween.

  9. I love them all!!

  10. Best licence plate ever :)

  11. Okay now I"m looking very nervously at the people I walk past...

  12. 31 days simply isn't long enough to celebrate spooky stuff.

  13. The Impaler car is my favorite!

  14. that fact probably has a higher number but you just can't get these people to publicly admit these things. I guess they're shy about it.

  15. I'm with Mark. I leave the house maybe twice a week, so apparently every person I've ever crossed paths with is a murderer. Maybe next time I leave the house I should bring my slashin' axe. You know, just in case things go down.

  16. If I pass 35 people, and none of them are murderers, does that make me the murderer?

  17. Vlad, the Impala. Too freakin' awesome. Love these. I needed a chuckle this morning.

  18. When I hear about something terrible happening in and around the world I do sometimes wonder about the people we innocently walk pass on the streets. Now I know that I have passed quite a few murders in my lifetime.

  19. Hurray Halloween...because...Halloween! The Vlad car is too funny. Happy Halloween month!

  20. vlad the impala...almost makes me want to buy an impala....not!

  21. As always, you find the best LOL's and I enjoy the giggles. Thanks, Oma Linda

  22. Oh boy! The murderer stat is scary. I love that pumpkin with braces!

  23. What, really? Or is that in the States. 36 times?? What, really?

  24. 36 times? That puts a stop to my Mall walking - right now!

  25. stole a few and that last one freaked me out.

  26. Yikes! I've been held at gunpoint, but fortunately that person was not a murderer! I wonder who I've walked by! That's pretty scary! Thanks for the laughs. Have a great Monday, Debra!

  27. I'm hoping I drive past Vlad the Impala soon!

  28. I actually did laugh out loud at this; thank you!

  29. I dig that license plate. I love when people are clever with their plates like that. I'm so curious if that murderer stat is close to true...

  30. How the hell did they figure that last one out?

  31. I live in PA so I know that is probably true. He likely paid off our corrupt politicians to allow him to not only live here, but brazenly get the vanity license plate. My husband and I were wondering how they figure out that last fun fact.

  32. I LOVE this time of year, especially when blogging pals put up posts like this!

  33. I dunno, I think butt-summoning a demon is pretty scary...

  34. I've completely reversed my opinion of Impalas now. In fact, my next car might need to be one just so I can get that license plate!

  35. Oh I'd love to meet that "Vlad the Impala" person ... MY sense of humour.

    The pics are all fun. Thanks for the smile. Sybil

  36. Thanks for the chuckles! I didn't know that about Pennsylvania, I guess I better be careful. Looking forward to the next ones.

  37. we have some of these .... but these were some "Fun" ones , dear Lady Debra...

  38. This is a great theme and it's giving me some ideas. That in itself is a scary thought.

  39. I cannot wait for the truly scary stuff. But this stuff was really funny. And yes, Halloween is coming. I have been preparing for it since August.

  40. Depending upon whose dead body you're dragging, that COULD be relaxing.

    Can't wait for more scary fun here.

  41. I nearly died at the sight of Vlad the Impala, lol!

  42. I hope the last one is not actually true!! Eeeeesk!
    They were all sooo funny! I can't wait for all your halowweny memes...
    Thank you for your comment. I think you are right. I did n't have any issues for months but something changed these last couple of days.

  43. I think I butt summoned a demon this morning.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  44. I giggled my way all the way through this post... have to say a walk in the woods is my fav.....!!!!

  45. Wow only 36 times? I always feel that anyone who walks past me is a potential murderer. :D

  46. I love the walking through the woods. May I take that for my blog. Really funny.


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