Tuesday 20 October 2015

Fun Family Costumes

When Halloween rolls around, some parents go that extra mile . . .

The beard and pipe are a nice touch.

That's one tough little zombie hunter!

Freshly popped!

Other times, it's only the kid in costume but you know a clever parent devised the idea behind it, like this sweet little Calvin and Hobbes --

And isn't this the cutest little psychopath you've ever seen? Just drinking his milk-plus and waiting for his droogs to come by for a night of ultra-violence . . . .

When designing costumes, don't forget the pet's potential!

The human walking this next pet wouldn't even need a costume -- all eyes will be on the dog. And quite rightly so. Yikes!


  1. Hahaha! The dad dressed as red riding hood was awesome!!! And the husky dressed as grandma!!

  2. Some of these make me irrationally angry. Like dressing the kid up as the dude from A Clockwork Orange? So, you kid truly does just exist to feed your ego, I get it. And the guy who dressed up as Princess Leia to his daughter's Han Solo? That's gross and borderline incestuous. The obviously correct choice there is to dress up as Chewbacca. He blew it.

  3. That's all great so long as they leave the pets lone. And don't make my kids jealous.

  4. some of those would be totally opposite of doing it right as a parent and fully disturbing. Especially the CLOCKWORK ORANGE and the zombie one.... borderline disgusting.
    The lil' girl with her dog is charming, though!

  5. I chuckled all through this, thanks for the laugh!

  6. Costumes sure are different than they were in my day.

  7. These are great. I really love the husky as grandma.

  8. Pipe and Beard is the hands down winner for me! LOL

  9. Dads supporting their daughters and throwing tired gender stereotypes to the curb will always win the gold medal.

  10. These are great photos. I love the dads dressed as girls. That's great fun and why the heck not.

  11. I saw the husky one last year I think, it's too perfect

  12. these are so funny especially the last one.

  13. All excellent ideas. I have to show Little Red Riding Hood to my daughter. She has two daughters and 3 huskies.

  14. These are so cute. Halloween is for fun. Huzzah for fun.

  15. These are both adorable and awesome. I really want that muzzle! It'll make the folks around me all that more terrified of my dog haha

  16. Buster so wants the dog muzzle!!! He wants to be mean at least once. I personally like the Clockwork Orange myself.

  17. Love these! I always get a kick out of a dad dressing as a female to go with their daughter's costume. That is always very sweet to me!

  18. I love the one with the little boy and girl toddlers dressed as little old man and little old woman with walkers. It's sooooo cute!!


  19. Some of those are adorable..a few, not so much!!!

  20. I've been thinking of dressing Molly up this year. I'd love to have that muzzle thing!

  21. I can see Sophie in that last mask!!!

  22. Hi there... I was just reading a book called "The Great Cosmic Mother" and while I was not aware of a Bee Goddess until I came across her in the book, it interested me because my name is Debra which I knew in Hebrew meant bee. So I googled this in images and came across the beautiful painting that you have on your sidebar. But I was wondering about the source of it?

    If this comment goes to moderation my email is debrapugh@comcast.net

    I too am interested in the Goddess...at different points in my life I keep returning to this subject :)

  23. What a strange choice to dress a kid in a Clockwork Orange costume! A few weeks ago this film was on television again, and again I had to switch to another channel after a short while, I just can't look at it. Some are really funny though, the girl with the dog/grandma is adorable :-).

  24. Hey Debra,

    Aha and those photos remind me of the locals in the English town I'm living in.

    Take care, eh!


  25. These are great! I love when parents join in on the fun. I used to dress up along with my girls when I took them out trick-or-treating. It was fun - and profitable. The people would give me treats, too.

  26. WHen my niece was a month old my brother-in-law dressed as Chewbacca and dressed my niece as Princess Leah. She had a little wig with the side buns. It was so cute! I wish I could find a picture but I think I lost it when my last laptop died.

  27. In this time of mass shootings could probably get by without the gun theme for children.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. I am having such a chuckle out of these wonderful Halloween costumes, Debra, not to mention your recent posts I've just caught up on. btw, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog when I've been so non-reciprocal. My life's Holy Grail is consistency, and after decades of seeking it, it's still evading me. I laughed when you said that you would have time on your hands when you retired. Time on my hands continues to evade me too, and I'm three years into retirement. My oldest ToDo item dates to the summer of 1957 when I was exploring my Grandmother MacBeath's bookcase and I discovered Richard Halliburton's "The Flying Carpet." I found a first magical photo of Petra in Jordan and swore I would go there, as well as a photo of the Headhunters of Borneo and a second promise. Borneo and the headhunters, I've done, and that was magic! Have a happy Wednesday!

  29. I love these...don't you love imaginations?

  30. Halloween popularity is growing and I understand why. Pretending and creativity is fun. enjoyed the pics you found.

  31. I love these, especially the Calvin&Hobbes and the little boy as Alex. Fun fact: I did once dressed as Alex for Trick or Treat.

  32. Oh my God, I love all of those! Is there anything cuter than little kids in Halloween costumes? (No. There is not.) And I love seeing tough-guy looking dads being so sweet with their little girls. Gives me a bit of hope for humanity.

  33. Calvin and Hobbes is da best, followed by A Clockwork Orange.


  34. Those dog teeth are brilliant! LOL! Those dads rock!


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