Thursday 22 October 2015

That Old Black Magic

Calling all evil wizards, magicians and necromancers . . .

. . . along with the witchy, the weird and the just plain spooky!

It is time once again to concoct our secret spells and potions for all our nearest and dearest friends . . .

. . . and for our nearest and dearest enemies too, of course.

Young witchlets can put their extra-curricular activities to good use . . .

. . . while others among us can use the ancient magickal training to put everything in its proper perspective.

But always remember -- don't piss us off!


  1. I hear black magic can't actually do what I want it to do so I'll probably stick to exercise.

  2. The witches brew has pickled toad? I mean, as a connoisseur of pickle mash-ups, I'm not sure I can endorse that. The exercise analogy I can and will cosign, but pickled toad? That just aint right.

  3. Love those witch jars - do you remember where you found those pictures? I would like to add those to my cabinet.

  4. What great decor those witch jars would be for this time of year.

  5. Delious! Where I can we earn that badge? May I use your word " witchlets"! You are a clever delight!

  6. @Lady M -- Sorry, I don't know where these images originated from. I got them from Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness but my guess would be that he found them on Tumblr somewhere. Maybe try an image google and see if the original source shows up?

  7. That patch is hilarious! I should wear it on my upcoming trip to Salem...

  8. Some people have all the FUN!

  9. I like the patch. I really need one for all my outfits.

  10. Time to clean out under the frig .... never know how many bat winds or eye of newt or pickled toad I might find...... Yeehaw!

  11. wings ... wings ... silly autocorrect ........

  12. It is sad of how many ultra-Christian there are out there that believe black magic is real. Ooga booga!

  13. I could use a flask like that.

  14. I'll take 13 of those Grand Daughters patches, please!!!

  15. Great post Debra! I'm sharing it with my Twitter friends!

  16. I think that I will stick to Black Magic chocolates they are simply divine.

  17. The bit about exercise and black magic is hysterical!

  18. There was a witch who lived in the flat beneath ours not so long ago. She hated our black cat and tried to have us evicted. I don't like witches since them. I might blog about them in the upcoming week.

  19. Oh my Goddess!! I will make a t shirt out of this patch!

  20. Do you know if witches have special enhanced spell checkers on their smartphones?

  21. I want those flasks, they are awesome :-). Indeed, never taunt a witch, that is very wise advice :-D.

  22. HAHAHA! I had a good laugh with that poor frog...

  23. That flask! I must have one. Or make one. Either way, I need that flask!

  24. "Taunt the witch..." HA!!!

    thanks for the smile :))))))

  25. Aw! I think froggy has definitely learned his lesson! Lol

  26. No, kidding. I just ate my last pickled toad with breakfast. And you know what? He was yuuuuuummmmy.

  27. LOL, Debra! Like I could accidentally miss that you had posted a new post with that eye-catching display on the side of my blog! Like I could make it through the opening scene of MacBeth in high school with the name MacBeath (Shakespeare anglicized it!). Spare me "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble." That witches' brew was the bane of my childhood, closely followed by "Out out, damn spot." I did earn my pioneer badge in Girl Guides, and one of the skills was building a fire in the snow, but this badge would have been way more fun! Are the Girl Guides now called Girl Scouts in Canada??? Thanks for the multiple laughs right down to the poor little frog! Happy weekend!

  28. Words to live by. Never taunt the witch.

  29. Love the girl scout badge..Where do you find this stuff..?? Very cool..Have a wonderful weekend..

  30. Hey Debra!

    All this stuff reminds me of my ex wife. I'm pleased to inform you that my ex wife is now a full time test pilot for a broom factory.

    Take care, eh. Go Blue Jays!


  31. I am going to search for one of those patches for my wife.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  32. That skull bottle is beautiful! where can i get one?

  33. LOL! You always make me laugh! Thank you :o)


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