Saturday 10 October 2015


Canadians are currently in the midst of a seemingly never-ending federal election campaign. Here's the latest political development! A tattoo parlour in Montreal has issued a challenge to the leaders of our federal parties --

Which leader believes so strongly in his party's campaign platform that he will take the shop up on the offer and bare his heinie for the tattoo gun?

Will it be our dogged and embattled Prime Minister, Steven Harper?

How about our ever-hopeful Leader of the Opposition, Tom Mulcair?

Surely we can count on the hip young leader of the Liberal Party, Justin Trudeau?

Yeah, I'll believe in those tats when I see them too, LOL!


  1. "Canadians are currently in the midst of a seemingly never-ending federal election campaign." - so are we, and it's fucking annoying, moronic, and just plain stupid!

    mr. trudeau reminds me of his dashing father. hope mr. harper is voted out; he sounds like one of those teathuglicans we have down here. and I know nothing about mr. mulcair. off to google!

  2. seems like the usual political scum like everywhere around the world.

  3. I voted yesterday , sick of the adds for sure

  4. Well I hope yours is over soon - we have another 13 months of this crap!

  5. I hope you kick Harper out..don't know who I'd vote for as I don't know enough to say..but good luck anyway.

  6. I'm not too surprised Harper has stayed your PM as long as he has. Canada's right wing is mostly unified with one party, the left is split into two. If they really want to see him gone, they need to form a coalition government

  7. This comment has nothing to do with your post but you asked me for info about finding a free photo editor that allows you to pixelate faces.

    Debra if you go to the FotoFlexer site I posted about (The link is then hit the "Effects" tab. There is a "Pixelate" choice. This worked when I tried it. There is also a "Super Pixelate" choice but it did not work too well.

    Let me know how it works out for you.

  8. Haha! Election time is so entertaining. We are very entertained by our presidential candidates already and we don't got to the polls for the final election until 13 months from now! I love that tattoo parlor's invitation. That would be fantastic if one of the candidates takes them up on the offer!

  9. Yeah, I think both of our countries could learn a lot from Great Britain's electoral season which only goes on for a month. But no one is going to willingly part with all that sweet sweet money that's spent on the over-indulgent multi-year campaign season.

  10. I just hate politics, campaigns and politicians. After the parody we lived in my country the last five or so years I just have no tolerance for it anymore. I hope you are doing well.
    As for your comment... My favorite movie growing up was Mary Poppins and I never get tired of it. I didn't know they are going to do a remake. How exciting!! I never read the book, the thought never crossed my mind, because I never saw it in a shop or someone's library. I will definitely read it now though. Thank you for the inspiration!!
    Lots of love!!

  11. Hey Debra,

    Long time no visit, eh. Sorry for my um, no doubt, notable absence....

    Ah yes, October 19 and election time in Canada. I've heard a rumour that Stephen Harper is almost as despised as David Cameron. That takes some doing. I always voted No Down Payment aka NDP.

    All the best, eh!


  12. 9 more day.

    It all comes back to one thing. Anyone but Harper. But truthfully, even though I will be voting NDP (anything else is a vote for the Conservatives) I think Elizabeth May would make an amazing leader.

  13. Blah Blah Blabbity Blah... These damn leaders have been promising the moon and the stars. I LOVE that video and I would dare any one of these three to tattoo what they really stand behind. All I've been seeing lately is attack ads, a lot of empty promises, posturing and a continuous cycle of blah blah blabbity blah. And, of course, photos of each of these blabbers holding babies. So many photos of them holding babies. I'm sick of it all...

  14. Sadly, if you break thru all the hyperbole, our two political parties are pretty much the same way.

    Father Nature's Corner

  15. Politics;
    They promised so hard to bring change and in the end nothing new happen OR the change they bring will not be to your liking.

  16. I think it's total bullshit that Harper called the election so early. The money they are wasting is ridiculous! Whoever wins, it won't be a majority government, so at least things will be debated, rather than the old Harper Steamroll.
    I've never liked that man. The hair and teeth bother me like nothing else.

  17. It seems politics are the same the world over...Why do people throw all that money at these idiots?? I know the answer to that but there has to be a better way..

  18. Well since Mr.Trudeau already has one, I think he'd be the likely one to get one!! The other two just may be a tad too old.

  19. Promise the moon and the stars and instead, give a big wet bowl of nothing.

  20. I know the one I would like to see. ahem.

  21. Why not Rob Ford? That would be interesting.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  22. I don't envy you. We have a presidential election next year and it's already ridiculous.

  23. Ugh, don't remind me! Actually, this is the first time Chloe has taken a real interest in politics being 23yrs old and all. I used to tell her that if she didn't care or know who to vote for then she had to do as I say and vote my way. I guess I might be on my own now. (But god I hope we have a big government change!)


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