Monday 12 October 2015

Canadian Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. Harvest blessings and best wishes to everyone! My Rare One is cooking a big turkey dinner and a dozen friends are coming over later to help eat it. So hopefully there shouldn't be too many leftovers. We're serving everyone's favourite Thanksgiving dessert too!

Sometimes our eyes can be bigger than our stomachs, of course . . . .

. . . but when it comes to pumpkin pie, we can rely on our "dessert stomach" to kick in and save the day!

So go on, have that second (or third) piece of pie . . . we can do it!


  1. Ha ha, I hope you enjoy yourself! The idea of dozens of people in my house wouldn't feel like much of a holiday! But have fun!!

  2. Are you sure that's enough whipped cream? Looks kinda stingy to me :)

  3. sounds like a fun time at your house; enjoy!

    I prefer salmon or lasagna for TD cause I don't like turkey, but that's just me. I DO loves me a slice o pumpkin pie, but undressed (no whipped creme) please...and I just heard you scream in horror!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I have to disagree with the whipped cream on the pie. I like pumpkin pie as it is, why ruin it with excessive whipped cream? The less cream, the more pie.

  5. That is exactly how my hubby eats pumpkin pie! Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful time. :)

  6. Ahh the good old dessert stomach. It's saved my life on many an occasion. Didn't do much for that cake though. Have a happy thanksgiving Debra. Eat well and be merry.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the feast :-). I definitely have a dessert stomach, just didn't realize it until now.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your feast.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy all its goodies!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

    And I will have to inform Hubby that he was correct about the dessert stomach. **le sigh** **just hate it when he's right!** :o)

  11. HAHAHAHA! I love the dessert stomach. Kids seem to have an especially large one. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Have a great day Debra!
    Turkey farts!
    Linda :o)

  13. I'll admit it; I don't like whipped cream. I think it tastes terrible. Besides, why eat a mountain of weird, sugary shaving foam when I can shove more pie into my dessert stomach?

  14. I love it! Thank goodness I have a rather sturdy Dessert Stomach.
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and yours, Deb!

  15. That is too funny. Loved this post! I hope it was a good Thanksgiving.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving, Debra! I didn't know about the dessert stomach!

  17. Hahahah, on the eye that said we can and we will. I love it. That's funny stuff. Glad you had a fun harvest weekend. Best time of year.

  18. It's so nice to know that you and your Rare One are sharing this day with friends. Enjoy your day!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the feast.

  20. Here it's just your regular Monday.:-( In Québec my parents often make a tourtière for Thanksgiving.

  21. OH THANK GOD for that dessert stomach!! Used it today as a matter of fact!!
    Enjoy your feast Debra!

  22. yum! yum! yum! Your making me hungry for pumpkin pie!

  23. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your Canadian readers!!!! I can't get used to hearing Thanksgiving and Halloween in the same month.

  24. Overeating and calorie ingesting is patriotic on Thanksgiving. Anyone who pulls back from the table while they can still walk around (as apposed to heading for the nearest couch) should be boiled in their own pudding - pumpkin puccing.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  25. Are you laying on the couch moaning in distress yet? ;)

  26. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving... we had a slight problem here with the whipped cream. The person bringing desert couldn't find whipping cream in any of the near by stores, not even for ready money, so picked up a whipped cream in a can - gasp! - made from Coconut Milk for those who are lactose intolerant!!!!! The idea of a substitute for whipped cream on pumpkin pie was almost as vile as the substitute itself.

  27. You've been on a roll these past few posts, Debra! So many great funnies. Trumpy Cat takes the Halloween prize for best costume. Your never ending federal election? Try south of your border if you want to experience election nightmares! Although Trump is at least providing comic relief! I've been resorting to that spare dessert stomach for weeks. Do you know how many wonderful sweets can be found in Victoria!? I hope your Thanksgiving Dinner was a blast!

  28. ours is in Nov..happy thanksgiving.

  29. Happy belated thanksgiving!.. hope you had a great time and lovely meal

  30. Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you will have a great time and will have to use that second stomach.

  31. OK, I missed this post yesterday. So, happy after your Thanksgiving Day. Indulge your left-over stomach. Love the proper way to each pumpkin pie.

  32. Good ones..HAppy Thanksgiving..Nothing better than turkey sandwiches!! Gotta at least have that left over..Enjoy..I don't love pumpkin pie, so that would work for me..

  33. My family has been joking about the dessert stomach since I can remember!

    When I got my blood checked for the first time ever this year it all made sense - I have chronic low blood sugar. No wonder I'm always craving sweets!

  34. Dessert stomach - I never knew that! All these year believing what my uncle told me about a hollow leg. thanks

  35. Best part of the Thanksgiving meal - the pumpkin pie!!!

  36. That 1-900-turkey cartoon is great!

  37. I always knew I had a dessert stomach. I just didn't know what it was called. All is well now.

    *runs to call 1-900-TURKEY!

  38. I'm late but happy Thanksgiving. I'm headed the Canadian way this coming weekend. late again...

  39. Nice post!!! I like your blog!!
    Would you like to follow each other? let me know....and I follow you back.
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  40. Hello! Sorry I'm late! You are correct! and Wise, I have seen this happen.....OH! New product...Coconut WHIP CREME! and Pumpkin Pie Ice CREME......xoDebi

  41. That's the best looking pumpkin pie ever :) Hope your Thanksgiving was great, and all that food got eaten!

  42. I thought only I had this particular secondary organ. Hmmm!!!

  43. Oh wow! I love desserts!
    Makes we wanna go out and have a pie in the middle of the night.

  44. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!! Big Hugs :o)


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