Saturday 17 October 2015

Witches in Fiction 2015 -- Death Rites and Remembrances

It's my first time contributing to Magaly's annual bloghop of wicked witchy fun! She gave people a lot of leeway with this year's theme -- "Your entry must focus on death rituals. Witches and magic motifs are optional." I knew immediately what I must write.

Alas, I'm afraid there will be no witches or magic in my entry. Just a lighthearted death-related ritual to honour a certain friend's life and personality when her inevitable day of departure arrives (hopefully not for many, many years in the future).


not for her a forlorn niche
in some forgotten cemetery
nor a staid and solemn scattering
in a wayside memorial garden
no, not even a canoe-and-backpack trip
to scatter her amidst the wilderness beauty
of a mountain lake

no, she will be released out of the open sun-roof
of a speeding van doing 140 klicks
down the yellowhead highway
across the canadian prairies
on a glorious summer day
under a flax blue sky
a golden sun
and a few fluffy clouds

with two . . . no, make that three . . .
screaming cop cars in hot pursuit
lights flashing, sirens blaring
tires scarcely touching the pavement
her ashes will stream backwards
floating over their heads
untouchable at last
a brilliant rainbow arc of glitter
for how could her ashes be
a mere dull pewter grey

yes, one final bit of scofflaw fun
one last defiant fist shaken at the mounties
and their devil hand-held radar machines
and unjust speeding tickets
which plagued her heavy foot
and cost her untold amounts of money
over so many many years

be it so


  1. A wonderous last adventure for someone dear

  2. What a lovely fun romp. Great post!

  3. Makes me think...what would I write as a post mortem poem? Would be no where near as good as yours was.

  4. Ha! How cool! Reminds me of Thelma and Louise!

  5. Sounds like the perfect exit to me ... you driving?

  6. Wow! What an exciting way to a final exit. Not only did she sound like a wonderful, fun gal, but the person that took it upon themselves to arrange her final defiance is a true friend.

  7. Perfect rememberance TRUE beyond and always! xo

  8. oh stars..........this is perfection. You painted a lovely mental picture of high jinx and a wonderful way to rememberance of an very important someone. I wish I would have thought of something like that......hmmmmmm maybe I'll steal the idea and give instructions to my grands. xoxo Oma Linda

  9. What a way to go. I hope you're having a good weekend.

  10. Now, that i did not see coming. You must have the most original post!
    I loved the whole ritual and the rainbow sand in the end!

  11. Very cool! A helluva way to exit :)

  12. That sounds AWESOME! Does she have a get-away song in mind to be blared as she scatters over the Canadian highways? It almost calls for something metal I think. Can't Drive 55?

  13. Oh wow, I loved this! Also I have a heavy foot :)

  14. Awesome! What did your friend think?

  15. Hahaha, so funny, I had a fleeting vision of Thelma and Louise, but then I imagined your friend as a granny escaping custody and taking 1 last speedy exit ;)

  16. Love it :)
    Is this for Thelma? Or Louise?
    Beautiful, beautiful piece, Debra.

  17. Remembrance has never sparkled so brightly. I hope there are cameras the day this glorious funeral takes place (many decades in the future of course). Because this dance of speed, engines and glitter will sure make death less gloomy.

  18. Ha, the perfect way to go :-). Beautiful writing, your friend must love reading this!

  19. Oh, gosh! This would be perfect for a certain friend of mine too!! :D Loved it!! This was a merry, Burtonesque slant on death... with a little glitter for good measure!!

  20. Love, love, loved it!


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