Friday 16 October 2015


By gawd, I feel good today! I'm stoked! I'm pumped! You know why? Cuz I just checked off the oldest task on my to do list -- DONE! Dating from 1983, this item only took me 32 friggin' years to get around to doing!

Now, I don't know about you but certain tasks on my to do list can languish there for years, even decades. Hey, I'm a busy gal. And there's only so much time in a day to accomplish everything. The ever-changing crucial or urgent items always get priority of course and always get done in a timely fashion. But their priority comes at the expense of those other tasks that can, well, wait. And wait. And wait some more.

The next oldest item on my list dates from 1998, so it's only been waiting a mere 17 years for my attention. However, I think that doing it will have to be put off until I'm retired (whenever that may be). I'll have lots of time on my hands then.

So what's the oldest item on YOUR to do list?


  1. Congrats, congrats and congrats some more. The oldest thing on my list ... I'll have to give that a think.

  2. Great congrats on your achievement. Greetings!

  3. Congratulations! That's actually quite a big deal... says the woman who also has a decades-long to do list.

    Hmmm, my oldest is probably 40+ years along. Learning how to sew with a machine, and not just by hand, lol. Sewing machines actively hate me and attack me with needles through the thumbnail and such.

  4. Do we not even get a hint as to this monumental accomplishment? I mean, I want to congratulate you, but what if that to do was "murder the prom queen" or "poop in my neighbor's mouth"? There's a world of infinite possibilities as to what that item checked off could be.

  5. So what it is? You got married? :)

  6. I don't even keep a "to do" list. but congrats on completing one of your tasks!

  7. That's awesome. I don't keep a 'to do' list per se, but I keep one in my mind and am accomplishing one of my old ones right now by being back in school.

  8. I don't really have a to-do list. So there's nothing that's been on there years for me. But congratulations on getting such an old task done. Good luck with the next one.

  9. Hmm? a to do list just for me? novel idea indeed! I think? getting a passport so I can be warm this winter! Yeah that's it! xDebi

  10. I was so busy in 1983, my to do list looked like: Change the babies diaper, grocery shopping, get a shower someday. I don't really make a list anymore, but I think my oldest unfinished task is the sweater that I'm making for my grandson.

  11. I'm scared to even make a to do list! ;) ;)

  12. I really never hold on to a do to list for more than a couple of days so nothing on it is old.

  13. Good for you...I just cleaned out my garage..I guess that was it..

  14. Congratulations! I'm one of those annoying type A personalities that has to keep on top of my to do list. My bucket list on the other hand gets completely ignored!

  15. Well, first of all, it's more than one item that's super duper old. I'd have to start another to do list to narrow down my old to do list. Too much work. Lol. I'll stick with today's to do list. Much more manageable.

  16. Well done! Now you can rest easy....

  17. Nothing, that's the best thing of not having a to-do list

  18. Congratulations!! A 32 years old to do list!! Intrigued!!

  19. I mean I am intrigued! My daughter was pushing something in my mouth, so I rushed my comment. Thank Goddess it turned out to be just a piece of watermelon.

  20. I am impressed with your ability to procrastinate AND your memory AND your ability to keep a list after so many years. I am not worthy.

  21. But what was it? I was 12 in 1983 so there is nothing waiting but I do have to make a will.

  22. I just have daily to-do lists myself, but congratulations on your accomplishment! Now I hope you will share what it was of course :-). Have a great weekend!

  23. Well, that's just not right, Debra. You didn't tell us what it was. :(

  24. And what did you do, that you do so well?

    Mine oldest item is to do all the things I said when I bought my first loto ticket back in 1976. I still have the list of all the things I wanted to do with that million... I'm waiting....

  25. I thought of you earlier this evening when I was sorting fabric to keep, toss or donate. I found my super fun skeletons, pumpkins and other fun oogies. And there it was. Fabric I'd bought back in the day to quilt with. Gotta be 8 or 10 years ago.

  26. Well done! Time is all relative, so as long as it (the task we all want to know) is done is all that matters!

    Longest item on my list is probably learn the meanings of my Tarot of the Spirit cards and be more accurate on readings. Really though, my bathrooms need remodeling, my studio needs to be fine tuned and I need to finish the book I am writing....but first, I need to read another book or two and go for a walk!

  27. Congrats!!!!
    That's awesome!!!!!

  28. Well done!! I don't have a to do list! Ha.

  29. Allllll the way from back then? I am so curious as to what this mystery task was! Not even a teeny tiny hint?

    As for me, most of the things on my to do list are more recent except for one: I am writing my journal to leave to my daughters one day. I started it in 2000. Still not done.

  30. almost 70 years...
    !. stop swearing..

  31. I have a lot of old items on my list too. Someday maybe?

  32. I am so freaking lazy that i always fail to follow my own to do list.
    I prefer to obey my shopping list.

  33. Congratulations! I can't help but wonder what that item must have been.
    Over the last few years, I really made a conscious effort to check off as many items as possible on my bucket list. It's all about making a priority and to find a solution for the excuses (not enough money, not enough time, etc). There's still a few books I've been meaning to write for ten years or so :-)


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