Friday 27 November 2015

A Supersized Tribute -- You Want Fries With That?

Who doesn't love McDonalds?

Who doesn't love working at McDonalds?

Who doesn't love eating at McDonalds?

Who doesn't love going through the drive-thru in the middle of the night?

Who doesn't cheer for Ronald McDonald in a fight to the death against any other fast food spokesperson?

It's like he's a . . . a . . . superhero or something! The Mighty McThor!

Okay, admittedly, that went too far. Sorry.


  1. They were all so so so great!!!

  2. oh sweet mother of pearl! first read of the morning, and it's for a schlock outfit that DOESN'T serve real "food" no way no how. have you ever seen "supersize me"? THAT will swear you offa dis joint FOREVAH!

    (and yes, the pix are funny)

  3. can I get a mayo fountain instead of the ketchup one?

  4. Thanks for posting these and giving me a laughter attack :-D!!!

  5. There's a post-apocalyptic wasteland-type novel called "Wild Wolf Women of the Wasteland" (yeah, I know) where the only city left is run by McDonalds. They've turned it into a kind of religion, the average life expectancy has dropped because it's all anyone can eat, and to escape the horror of everyday life people ferment ketchup packets for alcohol.

    The good guys end up doing battle with Hamburglar.

    This post reminded me of that once you got to the outrageous pics at the end.

  6. Oh my stomach just flinched! Nice to see your funny bone isn't McFROZEN! Daw dump!
    xo Debi

  7. I think Ronald McCloud vs Colonel Sephiroth is one of my favourite pictures on the whole internet.

  8. not me..only thing I like about McDonalds is the french fries

  9. I saw the 2nd one awhile back, that kid sure is creative

  10. I loathe McDonald's lol .. That Ronald Thor is just... 😵

  11. When I picked up Penelope from the rescue organization in Georgia, the drive was much longer than I thought it would be. I drove through the drive through at a McDonald's and got a burger. I don't remember the last time I ate at McDonald's, but it's probably been ten years or more. I bit into that burger and wanted to spit it our. It was a round patty of salt.


  12. these are really funny and really creepy.

  13. Oh, McDonald's! They make me laugh when they try adding healthy things to their menu.

  14. Lol! Laughing way too hard at that job application. Have never worked at McDonalds though. I guiltily eat there once in a blue moon. I used to eat there a lot more often in my younger days. And yes, I always have fries with that. I love them. Greasy, salty deliciousness. In fact, the other day I drove by a McDonalds and congratulated myself on not having been there in ages. But then I cleaned out my car that very day, also for for the first time in ages, and found two fries and two little ketchup packets under the driver's seat. Not sure how old they actually were...

  15. I allow David to have fast food only on Fridays. It's usually Micky-D's and he gets a large fries for me to share with the puppies. They love me best.

  16. Okay that ketchup fountain would be great as a centrepiece at a bris.... with cocktail weinnies and calamari???????

  17. Excellent application. Don't know that I would hire Jeremy but I'd like to be friends with him. He speaks my language!

  18. I confess to having never visited let alone eaten at a McDonalds

  19. I've laughed so hard at this. The "felony" and the "Only when set on fire" made me squeal. I know, I'm so not mature. :D

  20. It has been such a long winter hasn't it ... oh wait winter has only started. Well hang in there my friend, Vikings will be back soon! :)

  21. Hi Debra! I've been catching up on all your posts. I really loved your Remembrance Day post, although I was shocked to realize I was that far behind. I shared the poem "In Flanders Fields" with my kiddos almost every year. And poppies always strike me in the heart. After that it was laughs all the way up to this post. You find the funniest cartoons! Proselytizers always come after me, and it makes me crazy. I enjoyed some laughs at their expense. The best though has to be the job application for MacDonalds. Have a great weekend with your Rare One!

  22. It looks like I am the only one on the planet but I do eat at McDonald's occasionally.
    Those Ronald McDonald pictures are going to give me nightmares.

  23. That job application is a hoot - I would have hired him for his sense of humor.

  24. That job application! Bahahaha... I would have hired him, too :)

  25. Hi human, Debra,

    A job application response right out of Monty Python!

    My human went for a Happy Meal and didn't feel any better. Can he sue the big shoed clown with the orangey red hair?

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  26. That resume: hilarious. I haven't been to McDonald's in like, seven or eight years or so. But in this here little English town, we have Wimpy's, which is just the same really, except more posh. Slightly.

  27. Great post, had me laughing out loud!

  28. Thanks for the chuckle..Good ones...Enjoy your weekend..

  29. That ketchup fountain is so funny, my daughters would love it! :D

  30. I only go to McD for its apple / pineapple pies.

    I don't find its burger to be good at all.

  31. Loved the correction about the working car. Too much.

  32. Hahaha the resume !!!
    Ketchup fountain??? I still prefer chocolate.
    ThorMc is having an identity crisis I suppose :)

  33. I've noticed that while I've been shuffling Thanksgiving leftovers you have been busy posting. I'm going to pin the casket going through the driveup - classic picture.

  34. Fabulous. All great. Loved the job application and kudos to him for doing it.

  35. LOL! Fantastic! I love the ketchup fountain! And, that application was the best! I love eating at McDonalds at night time, when you are craving something!


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