Thursday 5 November 2015

Canada/Russia SMACKDOWN!

Canada and Russia have long had an INTENSE hockey rivalry but now there's a NEW battleground for world dominance -- which one of our countries has the sexiest, most handsome LEADER?

In the Russian corner, there's Vladimir Putin, he of the icy KGB good looks and Daniel Craig-esque air of macho thuggishness --

But here in the Canadian corner, we now have gorgeous young Justin Trudeau, who simply OOZES sex appeal and bilingual French-English charm --

Yes, "Shirtless Putin" DOES have his own internet meme, so that's a point in his favour. He certainly seems to love doing athletic things in the Great Outdoors while mysteriously underdressed.

But CHECKMATE Trudeau! He's been newly christened in the Twitterverse as #PMILF ("Prime Minister I'd like to . . ." well, you get the idea). Just see how sexy our Justin looks doing athletic things while FULLY CLOTHED!

Okay, the time has come for a DIRECT COMPARISON of how they both stack up in the BARE CHEST department.  Here's Putin fly fishing in some Russian river -- nice shoulders and biceps, I must concede, but not much in the way of a six-pack and aren't those pecs perhaps a LITTLE droopy?

Now here's a shot of our Justin taken before a boxing match for charity (which he won of course). I admit, he's a little scrawnier looking than Putin but still he has nice shoulders, a better six-pack and AN AWESOME TATTOO. That's got to be worth EXTRA points right there, I think you'll agree.

But now it's SMACKDOWN time, boys and girls. Here's the REAL TEST of macho sexiness. How do they each look in a white sleeveless undershirt? Well, at first glance, Putin does seem to have AN EDGE here, I'll grant you that.

BUT, I ask you, has Putin ever STRIPTEASED for charity while wearing that undershirt, like our Justin did in 2011 when he was still a backbencher? Why don't I just let this video speak for itself . . . .

GAME, SET AND MATCH to Trudeau, I believe!

(This post is dedicated to every female politician the world over who has ever been unfairly judged, rated, mocked or marginalized solely on the basis of her looks instead of on the content of her character, policies or effectiveness as a leader. Turnabout is fair play, boys.)


  1. That's the first time I've really looked at your new PM - he is a looker! Love the comparisons with Putin. :) Love this tongue in cheek post.

  2. Putin is manly and definitely has his appeal but Trudeau is more traditionally handsome. He has flowing locks and a beautiful smile. I think he wins on that.

  3. I love the coda at the end. Ha! Is Putin considered sexy? There's appeal to unimaginable despotism? I mean in a "pure unadulterated evil hate-sex" kind of way, I guess, but in general, ew. He looks like someone with a baby dick who drives a giant raised truck. No contest here...Unless Trudeau decides to invade some innocuous country for funsies.

  4. Expert at bad choices.....I have finally learnt.....LOOK to the the eyes ladies! Our Mr. Trudeau is the whole deal! ( great genes! )
    Putin sparks the " don't go there you'll be sorry" appeal, but Mr. Trudeau tickles the " Ill be there when your old and wrinkled"
    You are correct, once again, ...isn't it fun to objectify , the other side!

  5. Quite the comparison! I'm on Trudeau's side too.

  6. Turnabout indeed! Well done Deb!

  7. Good point Ms Debra - I love your closing statement. Putin's man boobs are droopy and Justin is weedy - I don't think either are fit to govern with those physical flaws. Better get to the gym boys.

  8. I think Canada has this one in the bag! ;P

  9. you Canaderians win hands down..your guy is not only better looking..he's a better person..which is way more important.but our president is pretty hot too..

  10. AUGH! You HAD to show the naked from the waist up Putin pics? I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    But hot damn! Your PM is fine!

  11. DAYUM!!!
    I would have just finished all that bidding war crap and yelled $100,000. Your PM is so freaking HAWT!! Putin is mere pittance compared to Trudeau. I mean DAYUM! Y'all are a lucky bunch up there.

  12. I appreciate your flipping the script, but I've got to go with Riot Kitty on this one. Putin attractive? Yeesh, not in this world.

  13. I LOVE how you ended this post. So damn flippin' cool.

  14. TRUDEAU - hands down fuckable!

    PUTIN - butt ugly h8er, bully, tiny dick.

  15. I think Anne Marie in Philly is thinking of Obama, Bush and Clinton, and also of Hilary and Albright when saying what she said about Putya above :) Putya is everything the opposite, you can hate all you want, lady. The truth hurts!

  16. At first when I saw the photo in my reader, I thought it was Craig.

  17. Hey I got no problem with objectifying our boy Justin.... after all it's 2015....

  18. Ahh...yes, we need to judge the men as the women would be judged...on that note, Putin has a few years on Justin...probably hard to compete...teehee...

  19. Yes, let's base it on on looks alone. Canada WINS!!!

  20. Oh dang, I can't see the video! Margaret's genes certainly spiffed up Pierre's! Putin's bare-chested self-agrandizement does nothing for me. Turn about is delicious fair play, Debra, and your post was so much fun!

  21. Well done, it's about time the men are judged for a change! Ewww for Putin, yaaay for Trudeau's tattoo ;-D

  22. Yeah, but who would win the "Invading/Destabilizing-Other-Countries-to-Rebuild-an-Empire" competition?

    That's what I thought!

  23. I just can't stop loving the idea of someone oozing "sex appeal and bilingual French-English charm". :-D

  24. I just saw one reason why Trudeau wins and why I am now a huge fan of his. When he was asked why his cabinet was diverse and has so many women, dude shrugs and says "because it's 2015." He should have picked up the microphone just to drop it and walk out.

  25. I liked that little beard in the striptease video ... when did he get rid of that? Shame. :)

  26. Mmmmm! Justin is quite yummy! ;o) Now why can't we get someone in the White House with that kind of sex appeal??????

  27. Neither one for me. I'll pick Julianne Moore. While not political in any way, shape or form - I prefer gingers. :)

  28. I bet Justin is glad he didn't get his dad's balding hair

  29. I love the way you think!! While Putin has some nice qualities, he is just creepy looking to me. I don't know why but he turns me off. Perhaps if you put someone else's head on his body I'd drool. Now Justin...well, that man is downright HAWT! I little small for me but I just love a strong forearm with hair! That is sexy! And the hair and the goatee and the eyes and the...well, you get it!!

  30. I'm a breeder boy, but I gotta say Trudeau for sure!

  31. LOL, the Justin striptease video worked this morning! I kept wondering just how far he would go! Great fun, and he had Putin heated hands down. I remember the start of the recent Russian Winter Olympics. I kept watching Putin's face throughout the games and wondering what was going on in his mind. The world learned not too long after the games were over. I worry more about Russia, China, and the US getting into a conflict more than I worry about the Middle East. Thanks for warming my heart this morning.

  32. I say this because I love you as one of my dearest friends. THIS is the finest post I have read is a very very very long time. Better than the drivel I usually produce. I should have thought of it first and that is what makes it greater. I must send people to read this from the Cave of Cool. Brilliant. You have the heart of a satirist. I knew it. I never hitch MY wagon to anything less than a star.

  33. Cal, you're making me blush, you sweet talker.

  34. It's good to see a breath of fresh air come down from the North. Trudeau may be one of your greatest yet. I hope he can set an example for the idiots trying to run this country.

  35. I hadn't looked too closely at your PM. Ohhh, Canada! And just think -- he hasn't invaded Ukraine. There's that, too.

  36. Oh no will we find PMILF sites popping up on the internet now? This might be one good thing about this if it is a trend - Donald Trump doesn't stand a chance unless his hair competes.

  37. it. Here's hoping we get a sexy one like yours down here in the Bahamas. Putin has his points...I feel like there would be rough kinky sex that you may or may not survive. Your yummy Prime Minister looks like he could make even the kinkiest sex feel special. Hmmm...I think I will have good dreams tonight.
    And yes, I find sexual objectification just awful...unless I'm doing it.

  38. Turnabout is indeed fair play. Ha.

  39. Honestly, I'll trust yours more than theirs. At least with yours, they ain't t staged.


  40. I love your statement at the end. I was wondering why you were posting so fervently about this. I don't want to f*** either of them, but I fear Putin more. He seems like the kind of guy that would beat you to death with an empty vodka bottle for looking at him the wrong way.

  41. Justin, FTW!
    But really, it's Debra for the win. Great post!


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