Monday 9 November 2015

In Praise of Rabbits

The beauty and whimsy of rabbits know no bounds. Rabbits inspire artists of every style and period. Their cuteness just cannot be denied.

Look at these Japanese bunnies dancing with dragonflies under the light of the full moon!

I would term these cuties "Etsy style" . . . .

Perhaps a steampunk rabbit is more to your taste?

Let's not forget artists who work in fruits and vegetables.

Italian Renaissance, anyone?

How about 20th century Soviet realism instead?

Rabbits make beautiful subjects for any work of art!


  1. We have rabbits galore in our garden and I'm tempted to buy a gun and shoot the damn lot of them. The damage they do is unbelievable. :D

    But yeah, they are cute, maybe I'd keep a couple and have them stuffed and dress them up in clothes. ;)

  2. Ohhhh how cute are the first two with their little kiss. Many hugs to you dear Debra!!!

  3. Rabbits are adorable, although I have to admit my sister in law had a huge one that I was afraid of. And he knew it, too. He used to purposely come and sit right at my feet.

  4. Hare's the thing...after reading this fine post, my life is now dripping with sweetness...well, except maybe for Bunny in Space...and Gearhead wabbit. Nevermind.

  5. They are very cute! Love that steampunk one.

  6. that corn rabbit looks so real

  7. Aww, they're very cute. Boyfriend brought over one of his rabbits to hang out with me and kitty once - it went better than expected. And it sat on my lap! Cuddly little thing.

  8. I love me some Bunnies! The Birth of Venus is great!

  9. My hubby loves bunnies!! I just showed him all of these and he oo'ed and aahh'ed. The one with the corn is just so creative and adorable!

  10. I do love the cuteness of bunnies. They do lose a bit of cuteness when I learned that their digestive system sucks and they have to eat their food twice. Yeah, that's right, they have to eat their own poop to get all the nutrients from food.

  11. I do love rabbits. They're pretty cute. When I was growing up we had a whole load of them. One time they bred, which contributed to that load. We thought they were two girls but nature proved us wrong.

  12. Fun fun fun. One of my favorite blogs features an artist, her hubby and their 5 (or is it 6) rabbits ... all rescues.

  13. Yep, it's true, I love rabbits. They destroy the underside of my car and destroy my yard and my garden and I don't care because they're so adorable. Which is weird, because I don't think anyone else could get away with that. "Awww, she drove my car into a wall, but she's just SO cute."

  14. Cute animals but HORRIBLE indoor pets.

    It turns out that their hair is lighter than air, so you'll be sitting there and a tuft of bunny hair will float by.

    Makes cat hair seem manageable and fun in comparison.

  15. Bunnies-dey is cute!

    Hope all is well with you and your Rare One!

  16. Rabbits are so much fun. We had rabbits when I was young and I found out when I was a little older that they were given away to be eaten. Really? I was devastated! The corn husk cutting is amazing!

  17. Love this posting. We had rabbits when my girl was small. I didn't know they made any noise at all until they sang a warning. What a surprise. These rabbits we had were also very fond of our St. Bernards. So much so that the older Saint took them as her pups and they slept with her all curled up in a big fluffy ball. Lovely memories. xoxo Oma Linda

  18. We had a rabbit when I was little that we called the Turd King because it never stopped crapping.

  19. when Maryjo was a little girl she wanted a I got her a rabbit..she called it Hatter (from the Mad Hatter)...he was a beast..he bit and would pee on you if you picked him up..he kept getting out of the fenced back yard and I wouldn't go look for him and some damn neighbor would bring him back...we ended up taking him back to the store and trading him in for 2 hamsters...

  20. Love rabbits..they're so cute!

  21. Yes, bunnies! So darn cute. There are such cool items, especially that "Etsy style" one.

  22. LOVE, love love the steampunk bunny! I always wanted to be somebunny!

  23. When I was 8 my teenaged neighbor got a bunny for her birthday. She brought it over my house and let me hold it. I didn't want to let it go. So soft and snuggly. Love these photos and the bunny corn on the cob is fabulous.

  24. I think I've seen that Japanese art before. The Japanese word for rabbit/bunny is Usagi

  25. Did you ever watch Buffy? Anya's fear and loathing of rabbits always made me laugh. They are so awesome, how can they be scary?

  26. I didn't think of this earlier today, but then there is the rabbit in Monty Python's, Search for the Holy Grail. RUN AWAY...RUN AWAY!

  27. Yes jadedj, it's the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog that lives in The Cave of Caerbannog, which is the dwelling of the Legendary Black Beast of Aaaaaarrrrrrrrgggghhh. The Killer bunny guards the cave. The only way King Authur can kill the bunny is by the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. *holy choir sings in background*
    Sorry, I'm a MP fan and I know this movie by heart.

  28. Oh, so sweet!!! I love bunnies, the steam punk one is great!

  29. Thanks for the bunny-induced smiles, Debra! Have a great week!

  30. Very funny. I like rabbit, but I must confess, I think they taste good too! The big sister of my godson, who is my de facto niece, she loves rabbit since she was a little baby, it is her favourite animal. She is 14 now and when she heard there was rabbit in the tourtière she looked at it both sad and grumpy and she said: "I don't want to eat rabbit!" So she mainly had the crust and the potatoes and only the meat she knew was not rabbit. Sweet child.

  31. I'd like one of those steampunk rabbits, please. :)

  32. Bunnies are so cute. Do hamsters next!

  33. They're so darn adorable, it's no wonder bunnies keep procreating. They can't resist each other.

  34. I like the steampunk one the best. Probably can move the parts too.

  35. Very cute. The corn husk bunny is really great!

  36. Mostly I have snowshoe hares around the farm. They've got big fuzzy feet and change color twice a year. What's not to love?

  37. Love the corn wabbit...The first picture is adorable...I have a bunny post in the wings :)

  38. I need some sleep, I think... For a second or two there, I was sure the bunnies in the second picture were peeing!

  39. So many cute images - even the steam punk bunny is cute.

  40. Used to have a dwarf rabbit several years ago. She was cute overloading.
    Never had another after her.


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