Monday 23 November 2015

Ugh. Proselytizers.

Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs, but I hate it when they come to the door in an attempt to convert us. They're getting cleverer every day too --

Now in an attempt to gain better access to us, some denominations are using critters to do the proselytizing!

But the problem is that wildlife often have their OWN religious agendas that are completely different . . . .

Gawd, even fictional beings are getting in on the act!

But cats know that the last laugh is on all of them bastids.


  1. YES for the last panel!

    now if someone came to my door wanting to discuss the flying spaghetti monster, THEM I would let in. as for the rest of the freaks, they can go fuck themselves!

  2. To be honest it doesn't bother me when religious people visit door to door like that. They're just trying to save people. They might be wrong or misguided but their heart is in the right place. I'd rather have people being polite and knocking on your door than forcing you to convert or killing you. That's not much of a choice.

  3. I had a visit a few weeks ago from some Witnesses. I asked to be removed from their Visitor's list and she acted like she was memorizing my address. I just rolled my eyes. Yeah, sure, they're not going to visit next month. Whatever.

  4. oh, my, imagine if Sauron came-a-knocking at your door.... time to put the kettle with arsenic tea on the table, methinks

  5. Some JWs tried to convert me by telling me the end times were close because all the bad things that are happening in the world. I told them you just think there's more because you can hear something across the world literally minutes after it happens.

    World War 1 and 2?

    Napoleonic Wars?


    Countless natural disasters and diseases that killed far more than the biggest one do today?

    apparently they never brought a sign of the end times.

    But I love the people who claim the bible is true because the bible say it's true. That's like saying Star Wars proves the existence of Darth Vader. For all the meddling God does in the Bible, funny how he's been utterly silent in the age of video cameras and audio recorders

  6. The word of Sauron ... that's a good one! I might even stop and have a listen to that one. ;)

  7. That last cartoon...BAHAHAHAHAHA! That would be my cats!

  8. From now on, I shall quote the cat!

  9. Buffy, chocolate and red wine is the holy trinity in this house.

  10. I was close to converting to Poseidon because that lil' dude is cute, but I love octopuses and I'd be terrified to be caught in that things clutches so, Cthulhu, you win, how many virgins do I have to sacrifice?

  11. Funny you should mention this..Saturday morning, fresh from grandsons hockey practice, knock knock at MY door...Two old guys ( my husband was home so I was extra brave) books under the arm trench coat " WatchTower papers.." Hello, I'm Jerry, this is my friend Jerry ( okay...Daryl , Daryl and my brother Daryl runs through my head). MY Rage meter rising, he says " with the attacks in Paris, do you think things will get better or worse?" ( give me strength) , I took a deep breath , had the fast forward effect of Sherlock Holms playing my head, quick Uma Thurman kill bill all over them.....but I swallowed and said " I am not going to discuss my opinions with you, two, good day!
    Shut my door and blood spilt
    I love the photo of Robert, I had the same ..........xo

  12. That last one is the best! The door to door still surprises me. That takes guts to do in this dangerous world! It's been a while since we've had that knock on the door. We are probably due!

  13. Then there's those mornings when the atheists come knocking. When you open the door, they say, "Oh nothing!"

    I don't remember any of the great prophets actually preaching, "Thou shalt shove thy beliefs down the throats of thy neighbor!"

  14. Lol! This is awesome! I'll be laughing at these off and on all day as I go around doing all my stuff! I haven't had anyone come to my door to preach yet, but I expect it any day now. 'Tis the season! Lol again

  15. Why do they have to push their religion on us?

  16. Giggles on top of more giggles.oh, and I'd like to apply for membership to Ms Misantropias church. :-)

  17. I would mind less if they showed up disguised as a cat or a squirrel. It fries my arse when those Mormon's show up and I'm not polite. I don't like solicitors of any kind on my property.

  18. The first one was perfect. I love the Sauron meme, though. I don't have that problem since I had a lengthy conversation about being a Witch. They don't even like to walk near my home. Dang! It's not like I'll turn them into lizards and such.

  19. the pentagram over my front door works it's magic on the jehovah witnesses. they run by the front of my house.

  20. I love every single one of these but my fave of course, is the last. We have a trinity in our house now and it seems to work out fine. Maiden (Uma), Mother (Princess Toadstool) and craptastic (Chandeler)

  21. Ugh...just so happened a couple of weeks ago I was home alone on a Saturday morning watching TV and having my coffee in bed. All of a sudden there's a banging on our wooden door. Really hard banging. It was 10 a.m. I peeked out the kitchen window it was a young couple of Jehova's. I was so ticked off because it was way too early and they seriously banged on the door hard. I won't repeat what I was

  22. As long as they are polite and cute.... or maybe just cute ... I am polite back - sadly I'm too old to be cute back - and tell them thanks but no thanks.

  23. I just don't open the door to them - why do people feel they must impose on you? Non believers don't go around doing the same thing.

  24. Well wouldn't you know it, just when I was going to go around finding converts for the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Humph! Way to build up the neighbourhood enthusiasm, Debra.

  25. They still show up in our neighborhood now and then! These images are too funny!

  26. Cats do know where it's at, don't they.

  27. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin', eh?

    Thank god I'm an atheist!


  28. I got so tired of the JW's and Mormons that I told them kindly that I admired their fervor but to never, ever come to my home again. They haven't. That was 4 years ago. I see them walking by but they no longer come in our yard.

  29. It's true. Pussies rule. Sorry, I had to go there.

    Whenever they come to my door, I tell them the truth: "No thanks, I'm Jewish." Perplexed, they flip through their little handbooks and don't find a response. So they shake my hand "goodbye." Works every time.

  30. Ohhh I dunno I may well have opened the door for the two cops, I've got a thing for people in uniform. Ha.

  31. When I'm in my home office at the back of the house, I can't hear the doorbell. So no one bothers me. They ring. I keep on doing what I'm doing. I don't care for people who try to force me into their religion. I already have my own, thank you very much.


  32. It's always fun to have words with the door to door religious sales folk. I like to pull out my bible and mess with them. I share some of my fave stories like Kings 2:23. I feel that fable really shows the Lords love for his children.

  33. I dislike when people feel the need to go door to door and talk about their religion. Fortunately for us, we do not get bothered. We live out in the country. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes.

  34. The cat says it all..!! Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes...Didn't the pilgrims have anything to do with Canada??? ;)

  35. HA,HA,HA!!!!Cats are not to be trifled with.

  36. I love the Cthulhu and cat memes. But Cthulhu would not save anyone, not even his own worshipers. He'd torture them all for all eternity. He's fair like that.

  37. LMAO!!! I am sharing this with all of my friends!!

  38. We actually don't have those types knockin' on our doors, only bugging us at work.

    Father Nature's Corner

  39. Ha ha ha! Sauron rules!

    I think Ringwraiths are awesome.

  40. Of course the cat wins!

    They can be so annoying especially whenthey're trying to make you feel guilty that you have no time. Agh! I just stay away from them.


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