Friday 11 December 2015

Fugly Holiday Sweaters, Part 2

Yes, the LESBIGAY partygoers have FINALLY arrived! And my brothers and sisters are ready to parTAY, bitchez!

What happened to the IMPECCABLE taste that gay men are supposed to have?

You know, it's a GOOD THING our community RECLAIMED the words on these next few sweaters so we can now joke around with them --

RUM-SOAKED, no doubt?

HELL YEAH, a nice butch SWEATSHIRT for us gals!

Have YOU ever been told that you're as . . .

It's true that SOME uptight people see us THIS way . . .

. . . but REALLY we just want to wish EVERYBODY --

Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn't that be "OH MARY Christmas"?


  1. My gay boss does have an ugly sweater every year and he does let me get away with saying "Don we now our gay apparal." too, which is super cool. His sweaters are always normal ones though, nothing actually gay like the ones here.

  2. I want those last two in a big bad way. My tiny rural community may try to burn down my house, though. Eh, worth it.

  3. Looks like a yummy treat underneath that fruit cake jumper

  4. I love them all! I can see some of my boyfriends wearing these...

  5. Now you just need to find one for an old Tranny like me. I'm the only one who's allowed to call me a Tranny btw. Unless you know me very well, and I'm drunk, then it might be okay.

  6. Attention to detail, impeccable styling and fashion forward ! My fav is HoHo HoMo! I dash d to see my morning clever bit! Thank you!

  7. There's a great one from the Autostraddle site, that for some reason I am too challenged this morning to paste here. But you can click over to it!

  8. Some old racist is going to see that next to last one and think "Bill O'Riely was right!"

  9. These are awesome - wear with pride!

  10. BAHAHAHA! I didn't think you could top the last set of sweaters but you did.

  11. I don't usually like pink, but "Gay as Christmas morning" is wonderful :)

  12. LOL! Wonderful! Merry Merry and a Happy Happy! Yo Yo Yo! :)

  13. I can't wait to "Dyke the Halls"!

  14. Just catching up on your last two posts! These are so clever! Of course I love the Crazy Cat Sweater in the previous post too! Now I'm off to look for your Gingerbread posts! Thanks for visiting my blog! Ho Ho Ho!

  15. I remember hesring a couple years ago that some retailer had changed the phrase to "don we now our FUN apparel." It looks to me like gay apparel is also fun apparel.

  16. Rarely am I ashamed for my Jewish peeps. Those Hanukah sweaters are the worst.

  17. Ho ho homo, and fruit cake could make great gifts!. I do like those ..funny and cute

  18. More good ones for sure. Thanks for the laughs.

  19. Love them all but "Gay as Christmas Morning" is too funny!!

  20. I would so wear the Fruitcake one in a heart beat!

  21. I think that fruitcake one may have been made for me! Although in my case, it would be the 'eccentric or insane person' definition. I believe I may just have to knit myself one for next Christmas. :)

  22. Tra la la la la, la la la la!
    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. These were cool! Got to find me one!

  24. HoHoHo..each one better than the last!!!

  25. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin, gay, um, eh? :)

    Thought I should pullover and check out your post. Excellent stuff and so much so that I'm going to deck the balls with boughs of folly.

    Mary Christmas!


  26. I need to have a jumper for Friday. Don't know what to wear.


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