Thursday 10 December 2015

Fugly Holiday Sweaters, Part 1

EVERYONE wants to throw a Fugly Holiday Sweater Party and I'm no different! But mine is going to be a virtual party -- much less work and expense that way, LOL! So let's see what partygoers are wearing, shall we?

Here's someone in an EVER-POPULAR copulating reindeers sweater! Oooo, it's the rare "threesome" edition too. Nice.

There's only ONE sweater CLASSIER than that --

I see there's some GAME OF THRONES fans here today --

The local neighbourhood CAT LADY is here as well -- although she wears this sweater EVERY day. And I want one too.

Let's get serious for a minute now, boys and girls. Don't forget the REASON FOR THE SEASON!

NO, OF COURSE I really meant the Birthday Boy! Although he looks kinda GRUMPY, doesn't he?

JEEZ Jeez, cheer up, willya? It's all DOWNHILL from here, buddy, so better enjoy things while you can. And hey, Holy Spirit, nice scarf!

YAY, my Jewish pals are here at the party too! They're busy celebrating HANUKKAH right now --

OY, I could use a G & T too!

Finally, let's give the last word to the guy from the MIXED marriage --

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for PART 2 of the party, when TEH GAYS finally deign to show up fashionably LATE, as always.


  1. Now that was funny. I love how this has become quite the tradition over the past years. The kitty one is the most hideous.

  2. That 'Birthday Boy' sweater though, ha!

  3. I keep telling myself that the holiday will be over soon.

  4. This post reminds me why I can't wait for Christmas to be over. :D

  5. bwhahahahahahahaha! I need eye bleach! although the daisy chain reindeer...

  6. Too funny. I had to do a double take on that first sweater. LOL!!!

  7. I love the Christmas Vacation RV reference. Our favourite Christmas movie is on a sweater. A conversation piece for sure. Enjoyed this post.

  8. I was in Macy's (not an endorsement) and saw what I can only assume are unintentionally funny Christmas sweaters. They are so ugly it's astounding that someone designed them, made them, someone at Macy's HQ said "let's stock those" and that someone maybe somehow possibly picked it up and thought it looked good and paid money for it. These that you display, I get. Those stocked at department stores are a mystery.

  9. Cats!!! I'm also a big fan of those smiling dreidels. Need to see if that comes in Boyfriend's size.

  10. there's two somethings sticking out of Rudolph's bum in that first one... lucky bastard.... I'd gladly wear the fugly one with crazy cats :)

  11. yup, thats a bunch of fugly sweaters for sure!!!

  12. THAT was fun, Debra! LOVE your parties! Thanks for the invite!

  13. Holiday sweaters are one of the most entertaining things of the season. Never saw one for Hanukkah until now.

  14. Oh what fun it is to visit, fashionable and informative 👍👍👍 Queen of Equallity, thank you! Canadians are humorously clever!

  15. I think I'll pass on the sweater party but I'll take a gin and tonica

  16. The lovely thing is that you could wear any of these to the office party and be sure that you'll be the only one with a sweater like that.

  17. oh what fun! the blog tech has quite the collection!

  18. The birthday boy sweater...bahahaha! I would attend a party like this :)

  19. I birthday boy is a riot. I supposed he looks so pissed because he has to wear a party hat.

  20. Except in the GOT world now, Winter is Here.

  21. Fantastic! Holiday sweaters get uglier as the years go on. It's a beautiful thing!

  22. I noticed that Walmart has a fugly sweater department for Christmas. Most of them are gone. Someone must be having a FS party soon.

  23. Those are great fun and I'll be back tomorrow for more.

  24. First one is my fav. Who doesn't like 3somes for a couple of bucks?!!!

  25. I would pay money for a few of those.

  26. That cat sweater gets my vote though I kind of missed what cats have to do with Christmas....

  27. The Birthday Boy one is fantastic. And I must say the Hanukkah sweaters are just as fun!

  28. I want the "Shitter's Full" one!

  29. I really love a good fugly holiday sweater. The uglier the better. I don't know how to feel that I'd wear some of these.

  30. I need the birthday boy one. I really really do!!!

  31. Love the gin and tonica...great sweaters..thanks for sharing...

  32. I could go with the reindeer humping -
    the Ol'Buzzard

  33. those sweaters really made me laugh..

  34. LOL! Thank you for making me laugh! LOL! I have to say, I would wear the game of thrones one :o)

  35. I am living in a vey hot and humid country, so sweaters are quite rare indeed, hahaha.


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