Wednesday 2 December 2015

It's THAT Time of Year Again

Do you decorate for the holiday season? Are you one of those people who go ALL OUT?

Are you creative and innovative, with a UNIQUE decorating style?

Or . . . are you like ME?

"Meh, this'll do."

I've become quite a SLACKER in the holiday decorating department. These days, my halls are decked with only TWO seasonal decorations. My tree consists of this little pre-decorated bottle-brush that takes me like 2 seconds to haul out of a dresser drawer and stick on my table --

And this large pressed-tin representation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven and Earth actually sits out ALL YEAR LONG on the floor by my TV, so technically this is not even a holiday decoration per se. She is part of my extensive Divine Feminine statuary collection.

Now I'm EXHAUSTED from decorating! I need an eggnog 'n rum.


  1. The bottle brush tree is cool looking. It makes me want to hug a tree. The Godzilla tree is the truth, the Alpha and Omega of all Christmas decorations. That''s the most awesome of all awesomeness. We have all collectively failed at Christmas by not eschewing traditional Christmas trees and adapting the Godzilla.

  2. I have electric candles in my 9 windows (green bulbs).

    and a 4' fake tree; spouse insists on this, I don't give six shits.

    if I had my way, there would be nothing at all in my house; xmess means nothing to me.

  3. nothing says Christmas better than Godzilla!

  4. I need to look for my Bah Humbug sign.

  5. Oh, I love the Godzilla tree SO much! As a winter solstice baby, I have to decorate-it's the law! Thanks for the pics--so much fun.

  6. I laughed more than I should at the one with the cat

  7. Hi Debra...
    You are too funny...
    I like your wee tree,though!!
    I am definitely going to do less this year...'cause I'm old and tired!!
    Miss V will help me decorate the tree this afternoon..
    Gotta do it with the wee one♥️
    Enjoy your day!!
    Linda :o)

  8. Godzilla is fantastic! I'm embarrassed to say I don't even take out 1 Christmas decoration these days. I applaud your single little tree that fits so conveniently in a dresser!

  9. The Godzilla is terrifical.
    Of course I decorate. I am the queen of nonsense and extra work for all. The tree has been sitting naked in the front window since the day after Thanksgiving, I did manage to get the elf bunch out to the front porch....the rest is up to the grands. They are a "when we get around to it bunch" so, we'll see. I spent my whole years allotment of fun and frivolity on the only occasion that warrants the work, Halloween.

  10. Well it seems I'm more like you. I often have a lot of Christmas mood but not so much energy to do all the preparations. Tough my co-worker from is just like all in Christmas!

  11. The cat...BAHAHAHA...that is funny :) I used to decorate like a maniac when my kids were young. And I loved it. As I get older, I'm slacking off more and more each year. This year even more so since my younger daughter is in Ottawa studying. We're empty-nesters now and slacker decorations suit us just fine!

  12. Now you just sit right down Debs. Why you must be exhausted. Don't mind me and all the hours of decorating I have ahead!!!!! You just relax.

  13. Tee hee - love the Canadian tree. It just needs a tuque on top!

  14. Some years I bring in a solstice branch. Smells good and the cats like it. Maybe I'll string some lights through it. Maybe.

  15. I'm doing a Christmas tree edition too. Loved the Godzilla. So festive!
    I was beginning to wonder if you really used the Virgin Mary statue as an antenna for better TV reception. Just an idea considering all that metal on her.

  16. Haha, you went all out!! I still have not done anything Christmas -y!

  17. I have statue envy...she's beautiful..and I love her.

  18. Try and eggnog and Kahlua. Trust won't be disappointed!! :) ;)

  19. Love your bottle brush tree! And I've become a slacker in the last couple of years too. I love the look of a big decorated tree and used to go all out. But it sure is a huge pain to put all those decorations away after Christmas is over. So no more. Last year we had a small live tree that we just decorated with white lights, then planted the tree outside after the holiday. This year, we only have a wreath on our front door because, and YAY! We are going to Vegas for Chistmas week! Hooray for gaudy commercialism! I'll see PLENTY of decoration down there to satisfy me. Lol

  20. Canadian Christmas tree is for me, except I can barely drink a 6 pack and crawl to bed now.....sad but true! While the grandsons are still
    young.....lNana's Christmas tree must still appear with each decoration containing a journey and a tale! I thank you for your inspiration...
    I guess I had better get busy! xo

  21. I got the tree up, but then I ran out of steam. I still have a few weeks.

  22. Lol. Love this post. I decorate a tree so my grandbabies can help with it. I aspire to have a tree like yours one day!

  23. The horse! lol!!
    I decorate a tree.. and the dinner table to make it feel 'special'.. and that's it!

  24. Hocky Puck, yourself a merry little ChristmaS

  25. I like a tree, but that's it. I'd much rather get outdoors with my family than spend any time shopping, making cookies, writing out cards, or sorting through seasonal decorations.

  26. I love that Hockey stick tree! Cheers on the eggnog!

  27. hahahahaaha. Well it is good to know that you are in the spirit of the season. (There's a joke in there somewhere about being into the spirits - but damned if i can figure it out)

  28. I just took a whole whack of Xmas decorations to Goodwill. I've decided to expend my energy on trying out new baking recipes instead. You know - the important stuff!

  29. I usually decorate, but I wouldn't say I go all out. I don't think I'll decorate this year. I can't get the decorations out of the attic. My son isn't around to do it for me. I'm the only one here most of the time, except for the dogs. They don't care about the decorations. They care about kibble and hugs and kisses and staying warm and dry and happy in Mom's office. Willy Dunne Wooters likes the decorations, but he's hardly ever here. He has other priorities.


  30. We got a "Laugh" from the Canada one....
    ...hope that you and yours are well dear Lady Debra....

  31. There was a time when I would try to outdo Eaton's - which you no doubt are too young to remember - for decorating. Theme trees, garlands and enough holly and ivy to stock an Andy Williams special - though you're too young to remember him.

    Now it's all I can do to polish my silver balls - all 30 of them - and throw some tin tinsel at the pre-lit, not big enough for all the ornaments artificial tree.

    Not exactly bah humbug but not Joy to the World either.

  32. For somebody who lives in the tropics, I always wonder what's the significance of a conifer Christmas tree.... Can we do it with coconut palms instead?
    And when I see that Godzilla tree, I think anyway will do eh?

  33. Heh. Now these decorations would make for an interesting Christmas. Have a jolly time everyone.

  34. Godzilla is amazing. And that horse head/toys tree (or is it a donkey)!!! ;-D. Congratulations with your little tree on the table, I don't do any decoration myself. Not even a teeny tiny tree! I pretend my cat doesn't like it, ha!

  35. As I have got older my enthusiasm has wained - going away for Christmas so wont be doing any decorating at all.

  36. Before I moved in with. Ray my place had one little tree. About 2 ft high. That's it.

  37. I see you there, Rainbow Dash. I don't decorate much nah. Last year the nieces came and put things up but I don't think they'll be doing it again this year. I just don't get much into the Christmas spirit. But I do wish I did. I think I will a lot in the future. When I have someone to really celebrate with.

  38. I do less and less..No one sees it and my back has been bothering me..DO I want to deal with the boxes??? I did do the outside of my house a little..That will probably be it..

  39. I'm shocked my daughter hasn't bugged me to put up the tree yet. I'm holding out as long as I can! Also, that cat pic. just kills me.

  40. Egads! I should probably get a move on with holiday decor!

  41. Wow you've really gone for it! I start decorating the house now and should have it finished by the 24th. You know me by now, just as I make an effort with my clothes, I tend to do the same with decorating the house. All this shit covers up how sad and ugly my life is really.

  42. You're too cute!! And I miss seeing you more on my blog. Love the dinosaur tree!!

  43. Nothing beats our family's Christmas tree.

  44. You are so cute! LOL! Your bottle brush tree is adorable and I love your Virgin Mary piece! Mom doesn't do a lot of decorating anymore. If I had my way, we would do lots more. In "my rooms", I do more! LOL!

  45. I have to say, I love the hockey tree and the kitty pic made me smile!

  46. I hope it's a warm-loving, festive season for you.
    I've been doing even less decorating than you. And yet, I'm exhausted.

  47. YES! Right after the Halloween stuff goes down, xmas goes up and I flippin' love it. And that cat one. Too flippin' cute.


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