Sunday 6 December 2015

Still Getting Ready for Christmas!

Singing a few carols --

Wrapping a few gifts --

Trying to piss off a few right-wing fundies --

Doing more decorating --

Remembering what's truly important about this holiday --


  1. good ones all! especially that elf; what crap!

    now in the first cartoon, if the 4th calling bird is from philly, he would simply say YO!

  2. The cat one made me laugh, especially the belly rubs as its so true!

  3. I love these, especially the one about being persecuted! LOL...

  4. A delightful post, thanks for sharing!

  5. Love them all. The "Happy Whatever Doesn't Offend You" is a winner for giggles.

  6. Happy whatever doesn't offend you is a great one

  7. Hahah, nice ones. The Xmas paper one! :D

  8. And a Happy Whatever to you, too! :-)

  9. Brilliant 'upcycle' idea for Xmas paper! :)

  10. Oh dear, that elf on a shelf made me laugh!
    And the woman who wrote that book is from Georgia! She tried to do one tying it in with birthdays, but even the most innocent saw through her ploy of making money off that! Can't see the Elf thing myself, but then, I am an old lady! :-)

  11. inside scoop..the elf works for NSA

  12. Very funny selection Debs!!!! My favorite is the Elf on a shelf. Good for them. That bastard has always given me the creeps.

  13. I already set up my Wet Cat Wednesday post with the 12 Days of Catmess. So good, so good.

  14. Fun!! I especially love the cat 12 days of catmas - ours would love that... ;)

  15. My friend does the self on the Shelf thing with her kids. One time she sprinkled flour on the counter and put his footprints in it. The elf has woken up in Barbies Dream house. I thought she was creative until I saw the Star Wars tableau.

  16. My elf is hanging by his neck with a sprig of mistletoe!!! Looks lovely!!

  17. Still giggling!

    Received a Christmas card from some really good friends many years ago. It was made from the side of a cereal box, folded in half, Tony the Tiger on the outside.

    The verse inside in crayon read:
    Christmas is here
    Times are hard
    So here's your
    F((*^%^g Christmas card.

    I think you would have liked it.

  18. Such a FUN world you live in! I loved your posts! Thanks for the many ideas! You have the SPIRIt *******

  19. YOu know - that wrapping paper idea doesn't seem so far-fetched anymore. You're a regular diy!!

  20. The Star Wars figures remind me of my childhood. We used to put Yoda in the manger every year! He got packed away with it so he became a permanent fixture. I will have to remember the happy birthday Jesus wrapping paper idea. Brilliant and great for a laugh!

  21. These are all very funny but I applaud the last one. It's completely spot on, especially belly rubs (and the third one earning you some biting and those frantic rabbit kicks).

  22. I have no idea where you find these from - never come across myself on the internet.

  23. As Christmas is a holiday celebrated by Christians and Non-Christians (as non-Christians like the holiday that was the pagan traditions stolen by Christians), I don't find Merry Christmas offensive. Though I do find it insulting when someone tries to make sure that I personally celebrate Christmas. As if they would freak out if I said no.

    I actually had a guy in Walmart today come up to me and Daisy and he introduced himself as a preacher. Except he sounded semi-drunk when he talked, and his teeth were yellow as a crayon. He rambled about wanting to know if we were "saved" and me and Daisy just walked away like he didn't exist. It might have been a bit rude on my part on paper but getting into my personal business is something I rarely tolerate. Though I really wanted to tell them him that perhaps he should pray to Jesus to save his teeth.

  24. Love the 4 calling birds and 3 french hens..too funny. So was the 12 days of catmas.

  25. The elf picture is hilarious :-D. And the cat is adorable!!!

  26. Great post - love the flow chart and the improvised wrapping paper - very funny!!!

  27. I can't do the twelve days of X-mas song even when I am sober.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. That poor Elf on the Shelf! These were all fun, Debra! A great mix of holiday cheer!


  29. LOL! I especially like that last one where the cat wants 2 belly rubs cause on the 3rd he'll bite. Sounds exactly like my daughter's cat.

  30. If I gave my cat all that stuff she'd be a stuffed cat. I did give her a cat Christmas stocking last year. She enjoyed most of it, except for the toys. Garfield never liked toys much either.

  31. As always, I scared my dogs by laughing out loud at your wonderfully ridiculous sharing. The Elf on the Shelf.....gotta show the grands and then we'll play. tee hee

  32. That's a great idea about running out of Christmas wrapping paper.

  33. Oh and you forgot to mention that yesterday was St Nicholas' Day!

  34. Loved the kitty and the wrapping paper..Cute post..

  35. Some good funnies ... and you've got me singing 'On The 1st Day of Christmas etc etc ... can't get it off the brain now H E L P !!!

    All the best Jan

  36. Elf on a shelf seems about right. hahahha

  37. Those elves on shelves creep me out, so I was quite happy to see this one getting toasted. Congrats on Edmonton's Grey Cup win. I shall remember that useful Happy Birthday, Jesus, in case I get in a spot. LOL! Have a good one, Debra!

  38. I want to create that Elf scene. It's perfect and fitting with the spirit of the season. Thanks for the laughs, Debra.

  39. I LOVE that elf one but the cat one is my fav!!

  40. Lucky if the one who receives the present has birthday on Christmas too :)

    The elf and the 12 days od catmess are of course the absolute favorites :)))


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