Tuesday 8 December 2015

Hymns Old and New -- Imagine

I used to think that the greatest hymns were all written in the 1800s or earlier when the Christian church was at its peak. Then one day I realized that no, this is not the case at all. Hymns are still being written in our own day and age. It's just that they are largely secular hymns, not overtly Christian or even religious, but still steeped in humankind's timeless yearning for our highest aspirations to come true. The modern hymn that caused me to have this epiphany was John Lennon's Imagine.

John Lennon was shot and killed 35 years ago today on December 8, 1980. I grieved his loss then and continue to do so today.


  1. A beautiful hymn... and oddly enough, today I featured the acapella gospel group: Sweet Honey In The Rock.

  2. I was 26, working in the washington dc area. my co-worker and I could not stop crying and the radio played lennon/beatle songs all day. co-worker and I wanted to kill the assassin with our bare hands. I wish the world was like he imagined...

  3. I never thought of that and you are absolutely correct. And here's to you John...you left us too soon.

  4. it is hard to imagine ,, 35 years,, wow,,

  5. Just heard this song on the news. He left us far too soon. So sad.

  6. The world is in such turmoil today, this song is more poignant than ever. This timeless hymn makes me wonder what he could have written if only...Imagine.

  7. John Lennon is one of those people where I struggle separating the art from the artist. Sure, modern hymnist and all that, but as a person he was a misogynist absentee father and wife-beating philanderer. Not that he deserved to die, but he was not a good person, i have a hard time reconciling the looming legend of Lennon. Not that anyone else should, it's my own struggle.

  8. I love to listen to hymns especially the old ones. And if they are sung by Elvis. While I am not a huge Elvis fan, his voice adds to the hymns, creating something that resonates.

  9. Hard to believe he would be 75 now I think I heard someone say. Beautiful music!!

  10. Fabulous song. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes

  11. This song summarizes exactly how I feel. John Lennon was way ahead of his time and he left the world much too soon. Humanity needs more people like him.

  12. So true Debra! Thanks for reminding us.... I had forgotten the exact date he was killed. Such a crying shame...

  13. I love John Lennon too! My favorite Beatle. Thanks for the memorial post.

  14. my kids love Beatles, its been long! May he RIP!

  15. too bad nobody created what he imagined in that song

  16. 35 years—oh my gosh. I see that my old buddy Joseph is here. That rascal gets around.

    Based upon your profile, it would appear that we have nothing in common unless, perhaps, you like cats, one of which is sitting in my lap purring. Gotta love that, don’t you? How about old films? Trees? Flowers? The end of winter?

  17. I wish John Lennon was still with us. What a poet! This song always makes me emotional. Why can't we just all live in peace? Seriously? The world is so crazy.

  18. The first "album" (not 45's) that I got was Imagine. I played that thing day and night. Loved it so much.

    I was living alone at the time of his death and came home to hear the news on the radio. I remember I just sat and cried my eyes out. I couldn't believe someone would assassinate a musical icon. It was beyond my comprehension then as it still is now.

  19. His gifts and talent were a great loss to the world, and I too love Imagine - both the words and the music

  20. Love this song. No matter how many times I've listened to it. It always leave me thinking and yes, wishing. Music itself is soothing too.

  21. We lost a great artist the day he died. I wonder, what would the world be like with him alive today?

  22. Sad that he got shot. Sad, that anyone gets shot.

  23. I gained much more respect to him as soon as I learned he was a republican.

  24. I have to confess, I was never a big fan of that song. My epiphanies about modern music were caused by Pink Floyd.

  25. Neil Young sang a version of "Imagine" at some 9/11 tribute thing years ago that blew me away. If anything, his voice is even better suited to it than Lennon's.

    There are so few songs that capture a profound sentiment so well.

  26. beautiful song..and he's still missed today as he was that first day.

  27. I still Imagine! Such a profound song.
    Take care Debra.
    Peggy xxxx

  28. I might start attending services again if they're going to play John Lennon songs.
    How about Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen? Too on the nose?

  29. Quite a talent..gone too soon..Lovely song..Thanks for sharing..

  30. I've never heard Imagine described this way, hence my own little epiphany. Thanks.

  31. John Lennon's death was a real 'kick in the head'!
    'Imagine' is an anthem of sorts for us all to stop and think for a second what we are doing.

  32. Yes, there is something very special about that song. I often find myself singing it.

  33. I love John Lennon! This song always touches my heart!


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