Tuesday 2 February 2016

Groundhog Appreciation Day

Many of us thoughtlessly and mercilessly mock the poor Groundhog's weather-forecasting abilities.

But please remember that the poor little bugger has a hard job to do and it's not getting any easier because of shifting weather patterns.

We should be grateful that the selfless Groundhog persists in performing this thankless task. Who would do his job if he didn't? Not the apathetic Honey Badger, that's for goddamn sure --

Or the equally lazy Slothy McSloth.

Beavers already have a full-time job being the national symbol of Canada, so they don't have the time to take on additional duties --

And the job certainly couldn't be done by anyone in the Otter family because they all have short attention spans and anger management issues.

So hug a Groundhog today and thank him for his service!


  1. I know I'm gonna sound thick, that's because I am, but what is Groundhog Day?

  2. HEE HEE HEE! actually, phil the groundhog lives closer to pittsburgh than philly. lil bastard rodent!

    "groundhog day" is one of my all-time fave movies!

  3. Great post, I love the movie "Groundhog Day"!

  4. For an otter to say "otterfucker" doesn't that imply that the otter sees having sex with other otters is derisive? That poor, self-loathing otter.
    I don't rely on groundhogs, my Winter predictions come form Michael Buble. If Michael Buble sings a song on television after Christmas, we have 6 more weeks of Winter, but if he goes back into hibernation immediately after Christmas, Winter is over.

  5. Waiting now to see if Staten Island Chuck sees his shadow. Meanwhile, I'll check to see what time Groundhog Day comes on. Love it.

  6. Didn't one of the Canadian groundhogs die a few days ago? Mink might be a good substitute since everyone is gone off fur now.

  7. otters are such crazy beings! They should hire them as comedians in sitcoms

  8. I love that coat of arms! I have meet Wiarton Willy! We have had quite a few wobbly pops together during my rebellious years! He is the last to report, as he celebrates EVERYday! with zest and vigor! If Clowns can be politicians, then rodents can for cast our weather! CHEERS! xo

  9. Happy Groundhog Day to you! :o) Our local Prairie Dog didn't see his shadow this morning. He was real lucky if he could get out of his burrow because of all the snow! lol
    p.s. LOVE the shield for Canada!

  10. yes ,, leave the beavers alone,, they have enough work to do, lol,,
    apparently one saw his shadow and one did not,, we are in for more winter ,, I don't need a rodent to tell me that,

  11. I've given this post a lot of consideration, and I have to say that the groundhog really gets the raw end of the deal when it comes to the whole human/rodent interaction spectrum.

  12. "Debs," this is one of your finest!!! Hahahaha :))

  13. that shield for Canada had me laughing out loud...:)

  14. Tee -hee...I'm in Pennsylvania, the most famous groundhog's home state.

  15. i would feel bad that winter is going to be over early but it never actually happened at all this year. damn.

  16. I love the Canadian beaver rampant on the field of red.

  17. Great memes darlin. You out did me again.

  18. Bwahaha at the apathetic honey badger. One wonders if he's bred by a jackass and sloth.

  19. Winnipeg Willow just passed away. But being Winnipeg, we will have winter until August.

  20. Honestly, I didn't even think about it, till I saw your post...hahaha...made my day!!!

  21. I have known "Pux" to see his shadow in the pouring rain..I have always said that he sees his shadow because of all the spotlights on him..He proved me wrong this year...

  22. good collection of odd groundhog stuff. Yes the honey badger would be like the Donald Trump version of Groundhog Day. You ask the wrong question and get a fight instead of an answer.

  23. LOL!!!!!! Well, our Groundhog said six more weeks of winter. We really haven't had a winter, so I am hoping he is right! Thanks for making my day!!!

  24. Love the new Canadian coat of arms! A family of otters planted themselves in one of my ponds and ate all the goldfish. There were little piles of gold flecked otter poop all around the next day.

  25. I sadly can't hug a groundhog we don't have them here!!!

  26. stealing a few of these..I personally would like to steal ole Phil the day before they take him out..see what happens.

  27. It is 6 more weeks of winter here but that is because the sun rarely shines on this part of the world. There is a reason why the entire population is Vitamin D deficient.

  28. McSloth...BAHAHAHA!! This was so funny. We have a family of groundhogs living under our shed. I've tried hugging them but they're having none of it. And boy can the little stinkers run fast! :)

  29. Phil ,the famous Groundhog was not to far from where I was originally from. I actually find groundhogs rather cute. And the honey badger? Would not want to run into one of them.........

  30. I loved this post! Hilarious....
    So....is winter over?
    Linda :o)

  31. Groundhog Day should just be a day to celebrate how cute groundhogs are. There should also be otter day, beaver day, kitten day, bunny day, etc.

  32. I think I need me an otter for a pet. :)

  33. I wouldn't ask anything else of that beaver... She looks pissed.

  34. That cracked me up! I am always in awe of how much notoriety that little rodent gets! LOL.

  35. back by to say thanks so much for coming to our son's birthday. :)

  36. Hi human, Debra,

    Ah yes, Groundhog Appreciation Day. Right up there with Beaver Appreciation Day, eh!

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

    Hi human, Debra,

    Ah yes, Groundhog Appreciation Day. Right up there with Beaver Appreciation Day, eh!

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

    Hi human, Debra,

    Ah yes, Groundhog Appreciation Day. Right up there with Beaver Appreciation Day, eh!

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  37. Winter? What winter? There's been no stinking winter here in CT.

    Thanks for the morning chuckle, especially with the last GIF there.

    Father Nature's Corner

  38. Hahaha, the otter is the best :-). Have fun in your buzzzy February month!

  39. Are you an otter whisperer? Loved the honey badger too, and I'll think twice before taking groundhogs for granted! This was oh so funnny and very clever, Debra!


  40. For me the second of February is Candlemas. And groundhogs are the rodents we call "siffleux".


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