Monday 1 February 2016

Imbolc Cyberspace Poetry Slam

Imbolc is once more upon us, the sacred day of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, She Who is the Radiant Flame of Gold, the Summoner of Spring!

And that means it's time again for another Imbolc Cyberspace Poetry Slam! This event has been celebrated for several years now by many pagans around the blogosphere. Everyone posts a favourite poem written by themselves or by another so that, collectively, a vast internet web of poetry is woven to honour Brigid, the Goddess of Poetry.

This year as a special devotional offering, I am posting a traditional Celtic poem of praise to Brigid the Bright, the Goddess Herself, as transcribed by the late, great scholar of the Divine Feminine, Patricia Monaghan.

Brigid, gold-red woman,
Brigid, flame and honeycomb,
Brigid, sun of womanhood,
Brigid, lead me home.

You are a branch in blossom.
You are a sheltering dome.
You are my bright precious freedom.
Brigid, lead me home.


  1. She looks as fiery as her spirit sounds. Beautiful prose.

  2. What an awesome picture. Today feels much like spring here. Wonder if this is what our ancestors felt. Happy Imbolc to you and yours.

  3. What are we boiling in the cauldron today to mark the occasion? :)

  4. That's a really awesome poem. I'm glad an event like this exists.

  5. I learn so much from you. Happy Goddess Brigid day! Anything that reminds me of spring is something to celebrate.

  6. Lovely prayer, Debra, full of longing and wonder! May She bless us all!

  7. Love the imagery! And the poem is a great compliment. A blessed Imbolc to you. :o)

  8. You are my GO TO gal for further learning! xo

  9. Lovely! (I'm still giggling about "coming on the bus" ... and probably will be every time I visit!)

  10. beautiful powerful words and an amazing painting!!

  11. Do your 'thing' lovely Brigid......I can feel your warmth!!

  12. She is definitely in the air today.

  13. I could use a little fiery warmth today. Cheers to Brigid and that lovely poem.

  14. Gorgeous artwork! I hope Imbolc is working hard to bring us Spring right now.

  15. Fantastic poem!! Happy Imbolc to you!!!

  16. I love all the Goddess's but you know my favorite is Freya..who's motto was if you can't lay em slay em.

  17. Hi human, Debra,

    Pawetic pawetry
    It's pawesome to see
    Thanks, eh,
    All the way.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  18. Aww dammit, I wrote a pretty poem and everything but it didn't post. Let's try it again:
    Spring is either lazy
    Or Brigid is a bad summoner.
    On which I am quite hazy.
    In February she calls a runner,
    But apparently timing is a bit hazy.
    The runner is a struggler.
    So we get spring in time for summer
    While we all pine for Spring like crazy.

  19. I hate to say, I'm mostly lost on this, but I love the pictures!

  20. Tell her I said thank you for bringing Spring early to Atlanta this year. It's been gorgeous the last few day.


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