Sunday 28 February 2016

Let's Go to the Movies!

My Rare One and I love going to the movies -- except for one thing.

The price they charge for popcorn, in particular, is downright criminal.

Soooooo we are not above doing this --

And after all that expense of buying popcorn, I bet this happens to you too, doesn't it?

I'm surprised some genius hasn't marketed this next invention yet. Or maybe someone has, but I just don't watch enough late-night infomercials on TV to have seen it --

Speaking of TV, are you going to watch the Academy Awards tonight? I intend to tune in just to see if that poor deprived Leonardo DiCaprio finally wins an Oscar!

Having seen The Revenant, however, I personally think the Oscar should go to the grizzly bear but we all know why the bear wasn't even nominated, don't we?



  1. I couldn't tell you last time I was at the movies.....its been at least four years until recently when I went to my little vintage theatre here . Just had to see the Danish Girl. After viewing this post, a guy there caught my eye....with a plentiful,ah, shall we say outline in his jeans. I though its Christmas again. But I just bet now, it was just a coke bottle.

  2. Lol. We went to the movies yesterday and had to mortgage the house for a large popcorn.

  3. the last movie I saw in an actual cinema was "the second best exotic marigold hotel".

    spouse and I sneak in food/drink. and PS - the popcorn is NOT fresh; it's prepopped in plastic bags in the back room and the bags are infested with bugs and rodents.

  4. I'm one of those hoping Leo won't win :) It would be a disgusting scandal for him to get an Oscar in the race with Eddie's performance in DANISH GIRL. If he really gets it it will be a set up from his studio since they've been leading an outrageous campaign for him in recent months.

  5. I almost spit my coffee out while reading this this morning!
    Hilarious and true!
    They force us to hide things and their discounted combo prices are like cell phone rates.

    Enjoyed this so much my friend,


  6. Dont eat popcorn, but it not necessary to hide little treats here when entering the cinema. When we go on 'Seniors Day' which costs half price, they even include a large coffee and a small packet of biscuits each.

  7. We went to see Deadpool yesterday (It ROCKED!) and I spent close to $50 in tickets. No way I was buying candy and drinks too. It probably would've cost almost the same amount if not more!

  8. The last time I went to watch a movie in a theater was when Lincoln was showing. I think that was 2013. We sneak in all sorts of stuff to eat and drink - thank the gawds for the Dollar store and their snack aisle! :) I will be watching the Oscars tonight, and I will make popcorn too! :)

  9. Our little town here in rural MB has a movie theatre that shows the stuff that's just left the big theatres in the city. I can take my ravenous 12 year-old and a couple of his hungry friends to a movie and it never costs me more than maybe $25 for the whole shebang. I am SO going to miss that when we move to Ottawa this summer. I'm going to have to perfect that candy-up-the-sleeve technique...

  10. HAHAHAHA! The last image...bahahaha... Yes, the polar bear :)

    We don't go to see a movie often, but when we do, the most amazing man in the world and I sometimes sneak in popcorn in paper bags. Shamelessly.

  11. In my house, we have a tradition of stuffing our faces before going to the movies. Those prices are ridiculous, and the food-like-products don't even taste like they should be eaten...

  12. There is a Dollerama right beside the theatre. They make a killing!! Even if we smuggle in contraband chocolate, we still end up buying some popcorn too. -Jenn

  13. These are all so great! Thanks for all the laughs this morning, darlin. I do hope Leo finally gets the Oscar. There aren't many stars that deserve it this time around. Guess that's saying something if Leo doesn't win it tonight. BWAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAAA!

  14. My man wanted to share my left over fries yesterday, and immediately carelessly spilled some on the (less than clean) table...

  15. Wonderful post! :o) I have an extra wide purse I take to the movies... **wink-wink** Will be interesting to see what occurs at the Oscars tonite....

  16. Cineplex has lowered the prices for movies down here just recently (tough times in Alberta?) ... it's only $8 on cheap Tuesdays now! So I'm gonna take advantage and go see The Witch this week and try not to ruin the good deal by blowing any money on snacks. Haha, as if.

    What is it with bears and our furniture? Last fall they were using our wicker set as a jungle gym! LOL

  17. HA! That was quite enjoyable!!!

  18. The poor bear at the end. He's probably right too. And yikes on the cost of treats. I still cannot wrap my head around the cost of the movie house tickets.

  19. I once enjoyed the cinema not any more! Avoid people at ALL cost! I hope Leo wins! He has put exc optional effort in his craft and deserves recognition. Not many do, of any race.

  20. I can go to the movies and get the low ticket price because I'm now officially a crone (at least by movie standards). I'll sneak in a snack.

  21. The last funny has me laughing! Movie theaters are horrible. I don't know how families afford to go. We were a family of 5 my parents could afford to take up. Yup, now I'm all about carrying a big purse with my snacks and beverage in! Those posing Oscars are fantastic! I think its time to change the statue.

  22. My husband and I used to go to the movies every week for a "date night". Now we go maybe 6 times a year. I do find the cost of both the ticket and the snacks to be too high but more than that I have lost my enthusiasm for sitting next to people with cell phones, crying/whining children (even in restricted movies) and being disappointed too often with the movie itself. Now I prefer to just wait for Redbox or Netflix to get the movie and watch it at home. Gosh, even as I type this, I am feeling like I am a total bitch.

  23. I do think Eddie will win it for the Danish girl, never seen the movie but Oscar people go crazy for roles never typically seen.

    I never get snacks at the movies on my own free will. Just to get my wife to stop whining. She once got a pack of gummies or something and didn't eat them until we got home. I was really mad.

  24. i used to go to the movies so often that sometimes i would see two in a row. i haven't gone to a movie in years. i was there once when they turned the lights on and i was horrified to see how filthy the place was. i never got over that.

  25. When we go to the movies, we always go to the Dollar theater. Two dollars for a date out unless we get popcorn and a soda, then we have to take out a second mortgage!

  26. My sister and I hid two beer bottles in our jeans and went to the theater. During the movie, Sis accidently kicked her empty bottle and it noisily rolled down the floor to the front of the theater. Everyone turned to look at us, so she stood up and loudly proclaimed, "Oh no, the diamond fell out of my ring!"

  27. Thank you for this enjoyable post

  28. You are so right! Too damn expensive! Holy!!! We try to only go on cheap tuesdays, and hopefully, my brother has some free points on his card, that we can get some treats! LOL!

  29. There was a very funny interview with the stunt man who played the bear on CBC the other day - I forget what programme as it was during a very dull drive through the wastelands of New Brunswick and I was half awake (though fortunately not driving. He says that he and Leonardo are just friends - nothing else.

  30. do have the cutest sense of humor....

  31. Hi Debra!
    Wow, same problems with cinema in all parts of the world. Here we also find pop corn is overpriced way too much... But they you know really check your bags here so you don;t carry any eatables. And if you do, they take them away... :(

    I would love to watch Oscars, I hope they will repeat it for me tonight.:)

  32. I don't know how things work in Canadia but in England you CAN bring your own snacks in to the theatre and you can't let them tell you otherwise. I saw a TV show about it where a guy opened up a burger van right outside a cinema and was legally allowed to sell people food they then took in to the theatre because it was less than half the price.

    Oh and DiCaprio did finally win that Oscar!

  33. Can't remember the last time we went to an actual movie theatre. And even back then things were very expensive!
    Great comment, Debra, about WhiteOscars!! I liked how Chris Rock 'handled' this situation.

  34. It's all so funny and so true!
    Drats - I didn't get the scoop. Did Leonardo win? I hope so. He deserved it.
    Have a cheery week, Deb.

  35. I"m still pissed Sylvester Stallone lost...crap

  36. Whenever the wife and I go to the theater she takes her gigantic-ass™ purse and bring in enough food and drink to feed an army. Eating popcorn is fine for some, but you haven't lived until you've had movie spaghetti.

  37. Last time I went to a movie theater was about 25 years ago. The closest one is about 80 miles from here and I need my passport. The closest in this country is about 120 miles. It is cheaper and less trouble to grow my own popcorn from seed.

  38. I remember when we went to see Skyfall my wife and I smuggled Marks&Spencers sandwiches in her purse. I haven't watched the Oscars last night. Too late here. I don't regret it: Cate Blanchett did not win, which is a darn scandal.

  39. It is criminal isn't it! But as long a s people keep paying!

  40. I always take my own candy and bottled water in. Occasionally I will splurge on a ten dollar small popcorn.

  41. I truly enjoyed the Oscars last night. The big winner was Chris Rock. Whoppi Goldberg did great too.

  42. Here in our town in western Maine movie tickets are four dollars - three dollars for seniors and students - and a medium popcorn is two-fifty and small cokes are one dollar. My wife and I can go the the movies, share a medium buttered popcorn and a small coke each for ten dollars and fifty cents.

    Farmington, Maine: a great small college town.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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