Thursday 25 February 2016

Who Should Be the Next Governor-General of Canada?

Queen Elizabeth is Canada's constitutional Head of State. When she is absent from our country (which is virtually always, since she lives in the UK), her largely ceremonial duties are delegated to her vice-regal representative, the Governor-General of Canada. At one time, our GGs were all Brits but since the 1960s they have all been distinguished and accomplished Canadians from such fields as the arts, academia, politics and the military. GGs are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

It's almost time again for a new Governor-General to be appointed. There are many worthy potential candidates, but I am getting on the bandwagon right here and now to advocate that our next GG should be Justice Murray Sinclair of Manitoba!

[photo by Adrian Wyld, The Canadian Press Files]

A lawyer in Winnipeg, Murray Sinclair was appointed to the Provincial Court of Manitoba in 1988 and later elevated to the Court of Queen's Bench in 2001. He was the first aboriginal judge in the province. Much of his judicial service has been spent leading lengthy public inquiries. In Manitoba he led the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Inquiry and then co-chaired the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry in 2000. In 2009, he moved onto the national stage as chair of the federal Truth and Reconciliation Commission investigating Canada's shameful legacy of Indian residential schools.

There is no greater or more eloquent spokesperson for the dignity and respect owed our First Nations than Justice Sinclair. He is a man of deep understanding, compassion and integrity. His destiny has been to become the wise Elder that all of Canada needs. What better way to recognize this than by making him Governor-General?

Last year, Prime Minister Trudeau appointed Canada's first gender-balanced cabinet "because it's 2015." In the same way, the time is long overdue to appoint a First Nations Governor-General.

An online petition has just been posted to urge Justice Sinclair's nomination. Canadian readers, if you'd like to show your support, it's found here.


  1. he would be a great choice; too bad I cannot sign the petition!

    PS - that's a stylin' lion up there; red claws? I wonder: if my cats saw this, would they want the same? ;-)

  2. you usually have the best of governments.

  3. I don't know, that seems too level-headed for our current political climate. In a world where Trump is actually winning elections, you need a more brash, flashy candidate. May I suggest Governor General Justin Bieber? Oh, I may not? Fair enough.

  4. Great choice, Debra! I support this 100%

  5. He sounds like an extraordinary individual. I hope your wishes come true! ♥

  6. Will you'll take Ted Cruz so he can stop pretending he can be president?

  7. From Manitoba! From The Peg! I say, yes!

  8. I'm still waiting for Canada to be elected President of the United States. In the meantime I can root for this guy.

  9. Can we have him instead of David Cameron please?

  10. if he doesn't get appointed, maybe donald trump can get the job. i really really hope he will be looking for a new position soon!

  11. i trus on your choice dear ,hope all will go as you wish

  12. I'd vote for him just for your endorsement, plus he sounds wonderful.

  13. So this is a serious thing? Does the GG have any real power? Is it a paid position?
    The GG had me thinking of gigi which is often used for great grandma. That thinking leads me to suggest they should appoint a great grandma to the post.

  14. @ Lisleman -- The position of GG currently pays about $285,000 per year, plus you get a swanky official residence in Ottawa. The position is largely ceremonial. Real power rests in the hands of the Canadian parliament.

  15. I'm inclined to agree with you, Deb!

  16. My two cents: nobody. The General Governor is a local lackey of a foreign leader. Said foreign leader is in power by the ludicrous concept of blood right. Canada should be a republic. Britain too, actually.

  17. So in sum, down with GG and down with the Queen!

  18. Debra - thanks for the answer - that's a nice chunk of change. I would even shave and cut my hair for that job.

  19. I don't know if I should bring this up, but what does the Parti Québécois want? Or do they know?

  20. Definitely worthy! I hope he gets it.

  21. @ Jono -- The Parti Québécois would agree with Guillaume.

    @ Guillaume -- In a perfect world, I would agree with you. But since Canada isn't going to be a republic anytime soon, I'm still advocating Justice Sinclair for GG in the meantime, LOL!

  22. Have any other names been bandied about? He would seem a perfect choice - and perhaps given his legal background and wide experience he would be the person to take the position beyond its ceremonial aspects and return it to some of its constitutional purpose as was the original intention of the position.

  23. He seems like a great candidate for GG. Keep being different from your neighbor down south. That's a real good thing.

  24. Sounds like a good choice to me..How often does that appointment come up?

  25. @ Missy George -- They usually get appointed for a 5-year term. Sometimes they get re-appointed for a further period of 1 to 5 years. But they usually never serve longer than 10 years.

  26. Me too, Debra, 100% in support of this.

  27. I agree with you Debra!!! I'm going to the online petition now!

  28. He sounds like a good bet to me, although I'm not sure why he would want it. I signed!!

  29. Didn't realise Queen Elizabeth is Canada's constitutional Head of State like she is for Australia.
    Our Governor General back in 1975 sacked our Prime Minister Gough that certainly caused an uproar!


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