Thursday 21 April 2016

Earth Day, Part 2

And now, a couple of LOLs for climate change deniers . . . .

We should listen to people like this instead . . . .

There's only ONE country that will benefit from global warming.

Is this the REAL reason behind Canada's push to keep marketing oil from the Alberta tar sands? We'll never admit it!


  1. Except of course, before you get there you'll have decades of even more insane weather than before...

  2. I love the argument about how some areas have been colder than ever, so there is no global warming. Incredible lack of understanding!

  3. The last cartoon with the little Canadian basking in the sun...One more reason for us all to move to Canada. It will in time be the next tropical vacation destination. (and the people are so nice to boot)

  4. seems to be the way its going doesn't it!

  5. Sigh. I've gone from being terrified of Global Warming to looking up how to build a bio-dome, complete with Pauly Shore. The fun part (re: absolutely horrifying) is that the heat and repercussions are quickly outpacing even the most dire of predictions. Peace out, Humanity, you done goofed with your insatiable greed.

  6. I will go to any planet that has chocolate. I am not fussy. :)

  7. We are TOoo nice for such deviousness!? xoDebi

  8. Canadians don't know how to handle heat though. This is a foolish plot. Will they realise it in time though? I suppose time, and rising temperatures, will tell.

  9. Oh, I love the quote from Neil Degrasse Tyson! That's powerful stuff.

  10. Such a serious subject and I'm laughing my ass off! Actually, I wish I could do much more fun than jazzercize.

  11. LOL!!!! I love the first one. Global warming isn't real because I was cold today. Truth is, there's lots of people who feel that way.

  12. We must do it. For the chocolate.

  13. I've always said there ain't no chocolate nor coffee in galaxy and yet they keep putting them in all sf sagas and novels!

  14. here in Central Texas our winters are warmer and our summers are cooler..we get no rain or we get 4 months of rain in 4 hours..

  15. The politicians who say it isn't real are the same ones getting checks from oil companies. What a coincidence!

  16. Good thing I have so many Canadian friends to 'visit'.

  17. That's a rubbish reason if that's Canada's one for marketing Alberta's oil. I love my winters wintery.

  18. Years from now, when kids ask why we let this happen, we're going to have to say "well, there were a small group of crazy people and we thought it was more important to humor them than to keep the planet livable."

  19. With the possibility of Donald Trump being our next president, I don't think it'll be too long before we find ourselves moving to the beaches of Canada. Even if at present they are frozen solid.

  20. hahhaa...oh, it's real, alright...just don't know what can really be done about it...kind of like a lot of things going on...
    thanks for coming by and leaving sweet words about our grands. We have at least 2 more to put in a blog post.....:)

  21. So, global warming is an evil Canadian conspiracy! Now it's clear!!!
    Lots of love to you!!

  22. Dire and funny in a strange way.

  23. Save the chocolate and listen to NDT!

  24. I love those funny nation comics and Neil deGrasse-Tyson is so damned funny too.

  25. But Canada will have to build a wall and make the US pay for it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  26. There's a lot of ignorance out there...Good post..Enjoy your weekend..

  27. That's why we moved to Minnesota, we figured when the seas start to rise we'll still be mostly high and dry!

  28. I'm still laughing as I write this comment, Debra! It's good to have a little comic relief on the topic of climate change which is so scary. Niel deGrasse-Tyson is one of my heroes! Have a good weekend!

  29. Also good to lighten up. So many problems to pick from. I consider clean drinkable water as a big risk. Now climate change is melting glaciers and giving us droughts. Too bad that melting ice can't be stored in a few needy reservoirs.

  30. We are the only planet with chocolate - a reason to love it more. :)

  31. I am going to start moving further north, to where Laurie lives! LOL! I don't want to be that hot! LOL! Excellent post!

  32. ...i'm ALL for global warming these days - after YEARS of working with bare hands, in northern alberta, to make small electrical connections where mittened fingers just won't work effectively, in -50C weather - my fingers NEED, yes, even DEMAND some HEAT, to ward off physical PAIN!



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