Tuesday 19 April 2016

Earth Day, Part 1

This Friday is Earth Day again! And I've got so many environmental LOLs this year to mark the occasion that I have to spread them out over two posts. Part 2 will be on Thursday.


  1. My goodness Earth Day is nearly upon us again, thanks for the reminder Debra.
    Take care
    Peggy xxx

  2. We are really messing up our home.

  3. Very nice selection..looking forward to part 2.

    Yes, it really is a shame, isn't it, what we are doing to our planet?

  4. I love all of these! Awesome. I live in a condominium and they are constantly calling a tree service to see if any of the tall trees that are close to the buildings need to be cut down. Of course they say they do - they're in it for the money! I personally saved one tree that is right behind me by confronting them early one morning (like a mad woman. :) It was a compromise - they still cut one down. My upstairs neighbor thinks it's going to fall any minute and crash through her bedroom window. Hope not. :)

  5. These are great! The serious ones get to me. I can never understand people who don't appreciate the beauty in our environment! Enjoying those simple pleasures helps me maintain my sanity.

  6. Thank you for sharing these, and making us chuckle :)

    It is heartbreaking when you stop and think about the damage we cause.

    Happy Earth Day (for Friday) ♥

  7. The main problem is, to many stupid people that think it's okay to trash the earth. They think everything will biodegrade instantly. It doesn't work like that. This is the only planet we have. If we trash it and everything dies, there is no place to go from here.
    People clean up after yourselves. Mother Nature can only do so much.

    Okay, I'll step down from my soapbox.

  8. We as humans need to celebrate Earth year - not just one day!! We have created a monster. And that makes me sad.

  9. I was speaking to a woman a few months ago about recycling. She doesn't do it. Why? She doesn't believe that we are in the state we are in and if we are, "God will take care of it".

  10. I see what you did there with Uranus!

  11. We went to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 - that is 24 years ago. There were 116 heads of state or government there and they all made important pledges. My husband came home delighted and enthused, but so much of what they promised has still not materialised. Still, some good progress has been made, such as on biodiversity and recycling of waste.

  12. Hey. How are you doing? It's been a while. So much going on. Hugs

  13. Earth day is a really good thing! Everyone should think about it, every day!

  14. All of these are great... The food for thought ...gotta love it.
    Glad the pancake turned out good...yep,pretty big,I guess...I thought they were supposed to be big...well, if you cut your recipe down, you will need a smaller pan to bake it in...else, it will be paper thin cooked in the larger skillet. play with it and see what works for you.
    now,i'm hungry for one...:)

  15. wow,, good ones!!!

  16. Thanks Debra! Great reminders, Happy Earth Day!

  17. Great choices, Debra! Some funny...some sad. We need to do better!

  18. That half hung Earth Day sign does something tricky to the heart... If only everyone had a working heart... or working sense...

  19. Good post! Why is no one worried about the future of this planet. Do we still have time to save it? We don't seem to be concerned about future generations one little bit enjoy your day.

  20. Wow, this last one is a mighty powerful quote. I always think of the children's book, The Giving Tree, too. It makes the same point in kid-friendly way.

  21. Too bad we don't have another planet populated with the invasive human species to compare results.

  22. For one minute, we fucked up

  23. These are great. Chill out sun! Lol

  24. Why is it that the colder the country, the better the policies seem to be? Looking at you too, Canada!

  25. Oh how I hope the meme about Sweden is true!

  26. Earth day should be every day; but there is no money in it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. These may be funny, but they are thought provoking! would that our countries could all be like Sweden. I'd have put the tree poster on my classroom wall. Take care!

  28. I've always been a big fan of Sweden. ;)

  29. It's scary and sad! Great post Debra!

  30. ...a wise one said: humankind is the ONLY creature that craps in its own nest :(

    even the northern loon [a bird]goes on land to poop, instead of doing it in the water it spends most of it life in!


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