Friday 15 April 2016

Horitomo's Cattoos

Kazuaki Kitamura (nicknamed "Horitomo") is a Japanese tattoo artist who is skilled not only in the use of an electric tattoo gun, but also in the much more painful traditional art of tattooing by hand.

A cat lover, Horitomo has produced a delightful series of prints called "Monmon Cats" (which I believe simply means tattooed cats or perhaps "cattoos"). Some are whimsical and some are fierce. Indeed, some are so fierce that people call them "Yakuza Cats" (after the notorious Japanese mafia-style gangsters).

This next one is entitled "Severed Head and Sakura" (cherry blossoms). It sends a real mixed message, doesn't it? Nice samurai blade though, kitty!

Of course, Horitomo also tattoos his cats directly on clients --

And here is the artist himself, with a non-tattooed friend --


  1. I've done it. I've found who I wished I grew up to be. I think the only thing more dangerous than a cat or a yakuza member is a yakuza cat.

  2. wow, beautiful work!

  3. the one with the blade freaks me out... not that I think my own cat wouldn't kill me one day.... by tripping me....

  4. I expect he uses his own cat as inspiration - the more you look the more you see.

  5. I love the calico! Reminds me of my late Cleo, who was a bad-ass cat - she would have loved a tattoo.

  6. WOW!!! That first one is amazing!

  7. Very well done and powerful images, to boot.

    Happy Weekend to you and a yummy day, ahead :-)

  8. never heard of this..but I do love it.

  9. I find those tattoos amazing!! Just beautiful...While I favor the ones with the sweeter (less fierce) faces, they are all really lovely.

  10. That severed head/samari cat looks like he creeped out of a feline horror flick. Yikes.

  11. These are fantastic! What a great artist! I have always loved Japanese style art and this is a fun twist.

  12. Thanks for this intro, Debra. He does nice work!

  13. I seriously love these, especially Severed Head and Sakura.

  14. cattoos - I'll be looking for that word in my digital travels.

  15. I'm not a cat lover..I love some tattoos and I think a person that does these tattoos is an artist, indeed.

  16. The expression on the face of the first cat is priceless.

    Tattoo by hand, huh? Some brave people (and cats) out there.

  17. Amazing artwork. A lot of great talent there!

  18. Cattoos!!! Suddenly realizing that if i ever got a tattoo, it'd be a cat.

  19. The tats belong on his clients...not the kitties...very talented though!!

  20. Well, I am not into tattoos but I am into cats. So if I ever get a tattoo, it will be from this artist.

  21. These are AWESOME! I think if I were to have ever gotten a tattoo, it would be a Cattoo. Thanks for sharing!

  22. How very meta! A samurai cat tattooing another cat... and, is that a bottle of sake I see? Oh yeah, bad ass cat for sure!

  23. What an amazing artist! I love his cat! Great post!

  24. Hidy doo, Debra..and thanks for coming by...
    Bunco is a dice game.....
    we are getting rain tonight and it is sooo good...gonna sleep really good tonight.

  25. Niiiiice! It's so original and well done!

  26. awww what a lovely post Debra :) I loving visiting your blog from time to time always bring a smile to my face..Have a lovely week and keeping updating us with your lovely and informative posts :) x x

  27. I love all of these cats! I would love to have a few prints. Off to google the artist.

  28. ...neat

    the long sword is a katana; shorter one is a wakizashi; knife length, is a tanto....

  29. Wow, I've not seen anything like this before! fascinating. You're not thinking of getting a tattoo of HRH, are you? Maybe by Horitomo? LOL!


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