Thursday 7 April 2016

Music and Words Award

My favourite Australian, Michael d'Agostino of A Life Examined, recently gave me this award, the sweetie! Thanks, Michael, here's my "music and words" answers to the accompanying questions!

1. What does music mean to you?
I have always loved music -- all types of music. I don't think any other art form can express emotion so well, so accurately and so movingly. Plus music transcends time, language, culture and is truly universal. Now, here's some uniquely Canadian music for you! These young Inuit throat-singers performed at Prime Minister Trudeau's recent swearing-in ceremony. Traditionally, a throat-singing song ends when one participant can't help but laugh. Isn't that a great way to finish?

2. What's your first music-related memory?
As a pre-schooler in early 1960s Canada, my favourite kiddie TV show was "The Friendly Giant" on CBC. Every Canadian of my generation knows its opening theme song "Early One Morning" played on recorder and harp. And hey, those cheesy special effects were state of the art in those days!

3. What was the first album you purchased yourself?
I don't remember the first full album I bought, but I do remember the first 45 I purchased -- "Hitchin' a Ride" by Vanity Fare. It would have been around 1970 when I was 13. And I still have it! No, I am not a hoarder. Oddly enough, this song features a recorder too.

4. What's the latest music you purchased?
The last CD I recently purchased for myself was "100 Days 100 Nights" by Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings. I love their sound and their retro-cool video for the title song!

5. What's the last song you listened to? (be honest)
While I'm writing this post, I'm listening to a CD of Dwight Yoakam's greatest hits. How I love old-timey-twangy-drawly country hurtin' songs!

I'm passing this award on to several fave bloggers who regularly post music videos on their blogs. Often they introduce me to great new music (well, new to me anyway). I'd love to hear their answers to these same questions!

LL Cool Joe of CAPture the BEAT
anne marie in philly of From My Brain To My Mouth
fearsomebeard of Fearsome Beard
Jim of Ocean Breezes
The Cranky of Cranky Bar
Kay G of Georgia Girl With An English Heart
Professor Chaos of The Daily Irritant
Janie Junebug of Janie Junebug Righting & Editing


  1. thank you most kindly, dear! I will post my responses this weekend!

  2. Love the variety of music in this post.

    Ahhh, Friendly...

  3. I don't think I bought many discs or albums in my life, we are used to downloading free music here from the web :) In recent years I've mostly been listening to European pop music, especially French, since the English lg one has went to hell

  4. Oh my, how many albums I've had throughout the years. Had a Beatles White album when it was first published. Pink Floyd. Love it.

  5. Music is pretty much my life. There's no telling where I'd be without it. It's a beautiful thing that I couldn't imagine life without. It really is one of teh most expressive art forms as well.

  6. Congrats on the award. That's always fun. You really do have eclectic tastes in music. That throat singing is an odd thing. I hadn't heard of that before. (Thanks, too for leading me to some new blogs.)

  7. Congratulations on the award! This post was interesting. Music says so much about a person.....

  8. Number 4 is a hard one for people my age, lol

  9. Dwight sure has a seductive drawl. I'm crushing now too.
    Thanks for introducing us, Debra. Smiles.

  10. Well, I am honoured to be amongst such grand bloggers!
    I will post my answers to these questions soon.
    Thanks Debra!

  11. Hey! I am so tickled to be amongst those you have chosen for this award! We are all crowding the stage together saying how much we all love you!
    I will have to think about my answers and do a post soon.
    Thanks again, Debra!

  12. It's so cool to get to know all this!

  13. Hey thanks Debra, I'm back in the uk now but have no internet in the house, so as soon as I do I'll answer this. Thanks!!!

  14. I remember the first record I bought with my hard earned money it was Quiet Riot Come on Feel the Noise lol! Music is so powerful in many ways it can change your mood in an instant bring back memories and help create new ones! Congrats on the award.

  15. Congrats on the award. Music is so fun. I watch The Voice all the time, so I hear many songs. Dwight is great to listen to.

  16. oh I just loved the two little girls..made my heart sing..and I love ole Dwight..and Sharon Jones and the Dap kings..rock...

  17. I agree about music expressing emotion and being it's own language. Music being available on youtube is a benefit of the internet.

  18. Good job on this thank you for sharing

  19. I think Bruno Blanchet made a parody of The Friendly Giant.

  20. "100 Days 100 Nights" by Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings. Impressive - love it, Debra!

    Never figured you for a Dwight Yoakam fan - who-eee!

  21. Hey Debra,

    That Australian dude sure gets around. Strewth and it's all I Canberra. Well done on getting a musical award. Nicely responded to. Ah yes, "look up...waaaaayyy up.." Where's Rusty the rooster? :)

    Take care, eh!


  22. Great post Debra! Congrats on the award! I love the throat-singers! I find it fascinating! When you showed The Friendly Giant, I started to smile! I remember watching the reruns and loving it!!! Take Care!

  23. Well after so clear and lovely memories I'm going to have trouble going back that far - given that I'm considerably older than you. Dear Friendly .... such a sweet gentle programme.

  24. Thank you. It's very flattering to be recognized by a blogger of your caliber. I'll get on my response as soon as I can.

  25. Thank you! My post is up. I am honored.

  26. C...D? What is that? How do you download it?

    I love all kinds of music, and I have to say, that throat-singing is really cool. I knew of it, but didn't know it ended in laughter. That's my kind of tradition!

  27. OHMYGOSH...I got goosebumps listening to the theme song of The Friendly Giant. I was a HUGE fan of that show as a kid. I get all sentimental even today listening that that music. Ya turned me into a puddle of emotion here, Debra! LOL...

    Ah, music...the universal language... Love it. Love all kinds.

  28. Great post..I am a music lover and it can bring out many emotions..especially patriotic and religious music...It also evokes a lot of memories..The little girls are amazing..Enjoy your weekend..

  29. The Inuit throat singing performance - what a treat! Love that they giggled at the end.

    I am taking note of Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings - I may download that song.

    My niece's fiance asked me if I like country music, and I replied, "Only if it's especially twangy." He said (with mock disgust), "You probably like Dwight Yoakam!" I sure do!

    Good job!

  30. You always managed to introduce me to music I've never heard before but quite enjoy. The laughter from the throat singing was adorable :)

  31. The throat singers are amazing. I love that they laugh at the end! Don't you love the internet for finding things from your childhood? The show you watched reminds me of our Mr. Rogers. Although quite different, has the same vibe.

  32. Loved this post, Debra! Hearing the young Inuit throat singers was a learning experience for me ~ never heard of it before. And I loved the poppies Justin and the others were wearing! And I loved, loved, loved The Friendly Giant as a kid. I was a few years older than you at the time. Such great music in this post! I do remember my first album that I bought: "Blue Hawaii" by Elvis Presley. While in Hawaii I had the pleasure of listening to a number of live performances of songs from that album. I'll be back to catch up on your posts that I have missed very soon. Have a great weekend!

  33. I played the giant one and Tim is in the other room and he said, "I used to wait for the cow to jump over the damn moon."

    Too funny.

  34. congratulations!!

    what would life be without music,,its amazing what we humans are capable of creating and all the ways we express ourselves,,

  35. Nice post: a great way to start my morning.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  36. I've been lovin' D.Y. for years and years but I'm not too sure about those throat singers....:)

  37. Enjoyed reading and seeing the answers and videos. It was nice to know many things about music...

  38. The Friendly Giant! Oh, my childhood is rushing back to me now... That Rusty!

  39. Nothing cooler than the Friendly Giant. I always wanted to sit in the rocking chair. Jerome the Giraffe, Rusty the Rooster and those Jazz Kitties. He made the recorder cool for once.

  40. Watched a couple of video clips. Nice! :)

  41. Thank you so much Debra! Things are a bit at sixes and sevens just now, since I've made rather an abrupt move to Florida, so give me a bit of time to get my head in order again and I'll be right on it. =)


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