Monday 4 April 2016

A Birthday Dirge for Magaly

This is my entry for today's prompt at Magaly Guerrero's Dark Poetry for the Cruellest Month blog event. Magaly's birthday is tomorrow and she has asked for Birthday Dirges to be composed in her honour. She cited as a model/example the ever-popular Viking Birthday Dirge.

Now, I find the Viking Birthday Dirge to be as hilarious as the next person. Goddess knows I've forwarded it to everyone who I even suspect of having Norse ancestry. They love it too! But it's an entirely different thing for someone of my sunny disposition to deliberately write dark and dire things concerning something I've always been trained to regard as the happiest of occasions -- a birthday! Writing this dirge was totally counter-intuitive.

But I've done it for you, Magaly, only for you! Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow and a most joyous celebration. Okay now, everyone put on your best frowny face while reading my dirge --

It's your birthday.
Happy birthday.
Getting older is such fun,
You'll get wrinkles on your bum,
On your birthday.
Happy birthday.

It's your birthday.
Happy birthday.
Oh but that is not the worst,
Your whole country's gonna burst,
On your birthday.
Happy birthday.

It's your birthday.
Happy birthday.
You live in the U.S.A.,
Prez'dent Trump is on his way,
On your birthday.
Happy birthday.

It's your birthday.
Happy birthday.
If that's not okay with you,
How 'bout Clinton Number Two?
On your birthday.
Happy birthday.

It's your birthday.
Happy birthday.
If the States go all to hell,
Come to Canada to dwell!
On your birthday.
Happy birthday.

[© Debra She Who Seeks, 2016]

See? I just couldn't help myself -- it has a happy ending!


  1. And we'd be happy to have her! Happy birthday!

  2. yes, congratulating by mentioning Trump is a sure way to darken the celebrations :)

  3. That Viking birthday dirge was great. I'm totally posting that on my birthday next month. Yours was fun too. A very happy birthday wish to Magalay.

  4. well done!!!!!
    oh my gosh this is good,, Happy birthday to the talented Magaly

  5. Gosh! This is absolutely delightful :D

  6. I can't wait to read this to my Piano Man and to my Mother in Law. But I need to read it a few hundred times first, in order to practice enough to be able to read it over my laughter.

    That damn skunk! Um... I mean, Trump, will sure ruin any warrior's birthday. I will certainly pack my hammers, chalice and axe, and run to Canada like mad, if that insane creature... No, I refuse to even write it. I just won't.

    Thank you, Debra, this made me laugh sooo freaking hard. "Clinton number two?" Bwahahaha!

  7. A very happy Birthday to her, dear Lady Debra.

  8. Cool - it's a 'kick the USA candidates' day! Love it.

  9. this is what I always put in birthday cards....

    today is the first day of the rest of your life...
    don't fuck it up.

  10. That dirge would make anyone sad. To put the hated candidates in it was a wild idea. Oh, there might be a mass desertion to Canada for sure. Either that of a revolution in our country.

  11. It's your birthday.
    Happy birthday.
    All those birthday candles burning
    A major cause of global warming
    On your birthday.
    Happy birthday.

  12. Witty and wonderful! Totally charming.

  13. Oh I love the tune! I may want to relocate to Canada based on our impending election! We are quite close to reaching an all time low here.

  14. Pollyanna Sisterhood, Unite!

  15. Enjoyed this thank you for sharing

  16. Hahaha! Your dirge is fantastic! May I please move to Canada if 'drumpf' 'trump' gets elected. I can't be sure he won't... there are really a lot of clueless people in this country.

  17. April IS the cruellest month. That song is hilarious. I will listen to it on my birthday. Which is this month, incidentally.

  18. GREAT poetry! happy birthday to magaly!

  19. wow you unfortunately did a great job of reminding us Americans of the awful election we face. I'll be tracking the looney-dollar exchange as we reach Nov.

  20. What Birthday?
    Fuck it I'm old.
    Who's counting

    the Ol'Buzzard

  21. HAHAHA! Oh my gosh that was darn good fun :) Hey, there's always room in Canada!

  22. Oh my.. the most cheerful dirge

    We will all come to Canada some day Debra,...:) The child benefit inctreased now, so why not? eh?:)))

  23. Happy Birthday Magaly!!
    Great writing Debra!

  24. Now that would just be impossible not to smile while reading your poem. Yes it is depressing in pointing out the Trump/Clinton possibility but overall still quite cute. As for the soon to be migration of U.S. citizens wanting to move into Canada..Perhaps you could build a wall and have the U.S. pay for it. If Trump is President, I am sure he will be familiar with the idea.

  25. I'm still giggling. This is the most delightful dirge - only because Canada is just across the border and Prez-dent Trump ain't tryin to build a big ole wall along the border. Plus, maple syrup.

  26. Greetings and politics at the same time, hilarious.

  27. Happy Birthday...Loved the wall between us ;)

  28. Ooh! I can't think of anything scarier than politics at the moment! Well played!

  29. Well done - jolly, bouncy, and at the same time full of foreboding.

  30. I really can't stop laughing! LOL! Debra! LOL! Fantastic! Well done! Brilliant!! Happy Birthday Magaly!!!

  31. haha your poetry is Mind blowing dear ,you know very well how to entertain ,

    ahppy birthday to Magalay ,have a lovely blessede day dear

  32. I love the video and your poem.

  33. Oh my, someone has to take over for Joan Rivers...may I suggest you? You are so funny.

  34. I'm wiping my eyes now! Love this!

  35. I recently made a comment somewhere and got a lecture about how I wouldn't be able to move to Canada. I'll admit I was commenting in jest but it made me realize there are some worried Canadians.

  36. Bless you lol...Magaly does drive us to do the craziest of things to please her. I think we may all be coming to live in Canada :D XXX


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