Friday 1 April 2016

What the Frick Frack . . .

. . . is going on here?

Ohhhh, I see, the box says it all . . . .

Yes, it's that time of year again. Enjoy it!


  1. I would love to try that Krispy Kreme trick on my co workers! Funny thing, I would rather have the veggies, I hate doughnuts! I am such a nerd! Happy April Fool's Day! (I am an April baby, typical!)

  2. That would be fun to see the look on someone's face, esp. with the Krispy Kreme swap. Most people are psychotic when it comes to KK...but as you pointed out, that might turn ugly.

  3. would the veggie trick also work in a tim horton's box?

  4. I love the donut trick! But in real life, I probably would shed a tear. Lovelovelove,

  5. I have never had a Krispy Kreme donut,,thats a nasty swap out lol,,,,

  6. I work from home and have no friends. No April Fools for me!

  7. Hahahah! Place them out and RUN! Love it!
    I love practicable jokes, if their clever not mean. On Twitter this morning there was a tweet TED CRUZ running for the Conservative Leadership of Canads.......I'm horrified, scared then had a drink!

  8. hahhaaa....i love these...have a FUN day......

  9. With this kind of yumminess, you can fool me any day! ♥

  10. Krispy Kreme is sacred! Never should be used in an April Fool's joke except if someone says they only brought two and then "April Fools! I brought a dozen!"

  11. Why do we need a special day to celebrate foolishness? I find that I am pretty much foolish every day. Pass the healthy donuts, thanks.

  12. Happy April, Debra! I'm okay with this prank. Now that the middle years are here, donuts and nuggets are pretty mean to me :)

  13. We play tricks on the kids all year long so what's great about this day is we get to see all sorts of new ideas :) Woot Woot!!

  14. If there is LOTS of veggie dip I will consider it.

  15. That would happen once in our office - and then blood would flow!

  16. This may be the first year no one plated a April Fools on me. So your post cracked me up.

  17. Blood for Baal! Blood for Baal!

  18. LOL! I love April Fool's Day. And don't ever mess with my Krispy Kremes! Have a good one, Debra!

  19. I am eating vegetarian for a few weeks to try and drop a few pounds but I am going to include fish in my diet - bacon is vegetarian isn't it?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. I am with you, Debra! I will cut a bitch who replaces my nuggets with veggies!

  21. Honestly. I would take tomatoes and cucumbers over whatever McDonalds is pretending is chicken any day.

  22. Your comment on the first box made me burst out laughing. I don't know why it surprised me - it was, after all, from you and I've come to look forward to your wonderful humor. I'll be sure and not give you any veggies like that.

  23. Always good for a laugh, you are....

  24. I need those more than donuts anyhow..but some people would be really pissed.

  25. These are the WORST kinds of pranks! Pure evil!
    Years ago when my sister worked in for a telemarketing company, she thought it would be funny to bring in a round sponge covered in frosting. It LOOKED like a cake, but if you tried to cut a piece, you would make a big mess because it's harder to cut through a sponge than you would imagine, and MUCH harder than the force you would use to cut through a cake, causing the poor victim to get frosting ALL OVER themselves! Needless to say, many people were not happy about this trick, and she never tried it gain.

  26. yes, ma'am...i remember you telling me about the lemon and powdered sugar icing...i would have used that if i'd had lemons but didn't...will try it next, tho...i love anything lemon.'s the scoop on the skillet..
    mine is a heavy cast iron one that i also use to cook cornbread and biscuits in.
    the size i used for the recipe i have is a 10/12"...either size is good because you want your pancake to spread out and be thin...then it rises ...and then falls and that's when all the good taste happens. you are so gonna love it...oh, and you don't HAVE to have a cast iron if you don't want...any heavy oven proof skillet will sure work.
    and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for our son...he's 52 yrs old but he is still my little boy.

  27. LOL! Very funny! I hope you had a great April Fools day!

  28. Must admit, much rather have the fool's box haha... ok, maybe a pink iced donut on the side ;)

  29. Whoa what a cruel trick!!! Love me some Krispy Kremes!!!

    Oh and BTW - PLEASE send some of your weather our way. My Gawd its been wretched.

  30. I would MUCH rather have the joke ones!

  31. That sucks. McDonald's rocks. Love that brand sooo much! :D


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