Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mothers Day!

Motherhood is a messy and demanding job.

There's often the whole pain-of-giving-birth thing --

Moms all learn to perfect the art of teaching little ones how to behave, often just simply using "The Look" --

Will the long, hectic, chaotic days never end?

And then, after all that, Moms have to endure the whiny teenage years --

Just to keep the human race going!

So today, let's raise a cheer for Moms everywhere!


  1. these were perfect!

  2. That was awesome. I've mastered the "mom look" - not that it did me any good when my boys were little. Hell on wheels, those two...but the low, growl talk..that worked wonders :)

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Debs... not that I've ever had one....

  4. my cat kids woke me up this morning; give me cats ANY day, they are better than the human variety!

  5. awww, thanks for the happy wishes...this is a cute post..the 4 generation photo is really neat.

  6. I don't know how moms do it! I love the photo of 4 generations. That is brilliant!

  7. my least favorite holiday..bah humbug

  8. A Happy Mothers Day to all far and wide. And to everybody stopping by here.������

  9. What a great idea for a multi-generation picture!

  10. I love your photos. Very nice. How clever is the 4 in one picture?
    The "thank you Lord, it's bedtime, is especially true for Grandmas. It's not that I don't love having grandkids spend the night but I don't have the stamina, I once had.

  11. Enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Perfect Deb! Happy Mother's Day! I love the four generations picture! Big Hugs!

  13. The first one is a giggler (and a truer). I think I have a cousin who needs to read it, lol!

  14. Oh my goodness...I love your sense of humor. seriously!!

  15. The first is my favorite

  16. Fun post, love the first one.

  17. Mothers do have it pretty rough. Here's to all the mothers out there.

  18. That first one is awesome. Pee is just the beginning. It's hell of a lot easier than 3 am vomit. :D

  19. If the test of parenthood is a willingness to be peed on, then yep, definitely not ready. Even if that 4 in 1 picture is really damn cool.

  20. Great..Love the first true

  21. Mothers are amazing, but I'm glad I can never be one.

  22. The BEST Mother's Day post I've read, Debra. Thanks.

  23. I've never cared for Mother's Day, especially since I became one, but I just learned something about the inspiration for the holiday and I think i've come around on it. Ann Reeves Jarvis was a feminist bad ass of the highest order. She nursed victims of the Civil War and fought for better treatment of them no matter what side they fought on. She went on fighting for the rights of the poor and the rights of women, even working tirelessly to promote the idea of a sort of trade union for mothers. That was her lifetime goal.

    Her daughter, Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her mother's political activism and continue her fight by creating Mothers' Day, not Mother's Day. It was supposed to be a day of speeches and rallies about suffrage and women's rights in general all across the country. Of course you know what eventually happened. Anna Jarvis absolutely hated the commercialization of the holiday and how it became a day to celebrate one's own mother's role as a homemaker. Anna Jarvis had no children of her own, but people from all over the world started sending her cards and flowers every Mother's Day for the rest of her life, which she absolutely fricken hated.

  24. I always get confused with Mother's Day: it's at a different date here in the UK. Next year will be a very special Mother's Day for my wife and I.

  25. @ Brewella -- Wow, that's quite the backstory! Talk about "neutering" the meaning of a holiday, eh?

    @ Guillaume -- Felicitations, c'est merveilleux!

  26. Wow, 4 Generations in one picture is a great idea! My mom gets flowers and chocolate every year and we eat cake, that's our mothersday celebration.

  27. Love that generations pic! I miss my mom.

    Sorry to be late to blog reading - I got behind with the guests at my house. :)

  28. Love the four generations one. Pretty neat.

  29. The four generations pic is beautiful.


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