Tuesday 10 May 2016

Cat Worship in Ancient Egypt

Cats were central to the culture of ancient Egypt in more ways than we realize.

And understanding typical cat behaviour certainly explains the weird hybrid look of the Sphynx --

The major Egyptian cat goddesses were, of course, Bast (who was entirely feline) and Bastet (who was half-cat/half-woman). But no matter who you were dealing with, their personalities were 100% CAT. Any cat owner will recognize the following scenario --

Learning that the Great Goddess Bast still rules in the heavens clears up a modern mystery, too --

I'm told on good authority that Major Tom tasted like catnip.


  1. I love my cats more than humans sometimes.

  2. Never wanted to live with a cat because, let's face it, you never own one.

  3. I always think of this line from a song..."We are Siamese, if you please...we are Siamese, if you DON'T please"! HA! Oh boy, those cats! I once had a cat who could call my name, no kidding! He would never do it with anyone else around, you can bet!

  4. makes perfect sense to me lol,,

  5. As a cat owner, this makes total sense to me.

  6. Cat worshipers should pay no taxes.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. But what really happened to schroedinger's?

  8. Models can never be trusted, especially if they have tails.

  9. Marvelous! Yes. The Egyptians were right....Cats Rule!
    Now I mus run and go get Gomez. Reading this post will make him feel better after that horrid incident with the photo.......

  10. What anne marie in philly said...

  11. As a cat lover I really enjoyed the cartoons...especially the first one with the pyramids.

  12. I too love cats!

  13. That space cat would have batted Major Tom around for a while in a gruesome, macabre game, then chew on him a little, then leave Major Tom's carcass on the front porch.

  14. I don't think it was silly for them to worship cats.

    At least cats are real.

  15. The ancient Egyptians worshiped cats because did not know any better......they did not know about the Great Grey Squirrel.

    But I did enjoy this post. Hilarious. I especially like the explanation for the pyramids.

  16. Not long ago there was a good NOVA show about the pet mummies in ancient Egypt. Cats, dogs, birds mostly I recall.

  17. I loved that ancient Egypt worshiped the cat! Those were some lucky felines back then!

  18. Reading in bed last night, Ms. Kitten wandered on over and plopped herself down on my chest. Directly in between my book and my face. I let her stay.

  19. Okay, okay, so cats rule dogs drool. I get it.

  20. worshipped in some countries, eaten in some others, life is such a bitch....

  21. LOL! Brilliant! The Egyptians worshiped the best!

  22. If there is reincarnation I want to come back as a house cat. An spoiled indoor house cat.

  23. Dexter says 'hey bitches, I approve this message.'

  24. HAHA! I love how you ended this. Poor Major Tom...

  25. Well spun fun. Appreciate you sharing.

  26. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to domesticate cats - they were all wild up until then.

  27. Egyptians were wise. I worship cats nowadays.

  28. Greetings!
    I am new to your blog. Loved this post... made me giggle

  29. Yes - I have had a kitty walk across my keyboard. :)

  30. My cats demand to be worshiped. I am powerless to do any different.

  31. Cats rule, even when they don't. Which is what I love about them! This was fun.

  32. Yes eventually cats will rule the world.

  33. Love the ears poking up and the cat under. Pretty good stuff.

    Happy Weekend :-)

  34. --- I know this so well, and I miss so so much my little black and white cat... Perhaps we would never have other cats anymore, he was too dear to us to be replaced by other feline.:(

    Nice selection of pictures Debra, lol... I do have Bastet and other Egyptian images on the tiles in my parents' bathroom - my choice of decor of course :D I think I could be a perfect Egyptian...hehe

  35. Poor Major Tom, he didn't see it coming did he?


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