Sunday 1 May 2016

It's May Day!

So go find a maypole and dance around it! You can take that as literally or as figuratively as you want.


  1. A Gaelic Blessed Beltane to you too - we have a Maypole in our town.

  2. It is both Orthodox Easter and May Day five day freedays holiday here, God bless the old socialist tradition of celebrating workers. Not that I'm not working... Dezzy will die working, I bet I'll be a busy ghost too.....

  3. Happy May Day from sunny PEI! It is a glorious spring day! Yay!

  4. Happy May Day Debra.
    Me personally.. enjoying the sun - got no pole lol

  5. blessed beltaine to you too! it's my little brother's birthday.

  6. The only thing this May 1 means to me is that my debit card has expired and the bank never sent me a new one. Which basically renders me a hobo now, since I carry no cash. Crappity crap!

  7. Happy May Day :) to bad its really cold here today.

  8. I'll take it!

    I hope your May Day is glorious, Debra. ♥

  9. YeeHaw! And, the sun might shine today.....

  10. May Day - I hadn't thought of that. My great niece will be in some sort of May Day play at her school (wish I could see it - too far away.)

  11. I don't know what Beltane is, but if it involves dancing, then it sounds like fun. Happy Holiday and boogie boogie.

  12. you know what starts today dontcha?

  13. Did maypoles have something to do with the Black Plague too? Not to take down Beltane at all. Happy and Blessed Beltane to you.

  14. Happy May Day! I miss being a kid. I remember dancing around a May Pole at school!

  15. Haha, thank you. You've reminded me what I must post next. Hint: Erotic. May. Pole.

  16. Happy Mayday Debra! I was just out dancing in the glorious sun!

  17. Your post made me laugh. If anyone else had said it it would not have been so funny.

    I have always wanted to dance around a Maypole. I should add that to my Bucket List. A real Maypole with ribbons.

  18. I remember bring in elementary school, every may we did the Maypole. I bet children these days don't even know what it is. Happy May!

  19. Takes me back. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Happy May Day to you, Debra. When I was a little girl I used to make little May baskets and fill with candy, then deliver them to all my little friends. I would give you a May basket if I were there.

  21. I have never actually seen a Maypole....
    Enjoy your week...
    Linda :o)

  22. Those hands! They're beautiful!

    We had a Maypole once, in primary school; somehow the very irritating teacher was bound to it... quite colourfully.

  23. Oh, and they said those pole dancing skills would never pay off. Time to get festive!

  24. Love the colors in the first picture..good shot..Have a good week..

  25. And to you, Debra....a Blessed Beltane.

  26. In all my loooong life, I've never seen a May Pole in "person".....

  27. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin', eh? MAY I just say I MAY end up doing some traditional Morris dancing to celebrate all of May.

    Gary :)

  28. Can't believe Beltane flew right by me. Blessed Beltane to you. I hope that all is well.

  29. I haven't seen a maypole yet. But I remember drinking a beer called... maypole. I haven't seen this one again.

  30. Happy May! I was out dancing around today! Nice to get a little energy back, after being so sick!

  31. Happy May, Debra! Popping into a few blogs this morning to say 'hey' before I'm off to get some work done.

  32. Oh I am sorry I missed this on May Day! This is WONDERFUL!!! ALOHA!

  33. And this post brought a smile to my face. Who knew that maypoles could be so elaborate? But then you are always exposing me to new worlds!

  34. we dont have maypoles here...
    somebody told me maypoles represent the male phallus, its about fertility etc etc.
    I just nod and listen :)


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