Tuesday 3 May 2016

Lawn Maintenance

Now that Spring is here, you know what that means! Yes, it's time to cut the effin' grass. Over and over and over again. It's certainly not my idea of a good time. How terribly, terribly tiresome, dahlink . . .

. . . but My Rare One loves doing it! A few years ago, I bought her this same t-shirt. She gets quite a few compliments on it. And on her immaculately groomed front lawn.

She has pimped her lawnmower too.

Well, not really -- but she would if she could, believe me.

Of course, if you don't enjoy doing lawn maintenance, you can always hire someone to do it for you . . .

. . . or you can, in time, produce your very own lawn maintenance crew!

Oh, you thought I couldn't work superheroes into this post? Think again!

And I'll just leave you with this final thought . . . .


  1. my spouse also cuts the lawn; 30 minuted on his wee riding mower and it's finished. grass makes me sneeze.

  2. Hah! Lucky you to have someone else who likes to mow. (Sounds like.) :) And I do like the smell of freshly mowed grass. Me - I live in a condo, so I don't have to do that - it was the main reason I chose a condo.

  3. I love the smell of a freshly cut lawn. One of my favorite summertime scents.

  4. Lol. How fortunate your Rare One enjoys lawn care. We both detest it here.

  5. Major Tom's Ground Control is a brilliant business name! Luckily my other half enjoys mowing too. I just don't get it. The fresh cut grass smell is wonderful though!

  6. major tom's ground control? perfect! i love cutting grass.

  7. Scythes and bare male chests are my preference.

  8. LOLOLOLOL........ I don't have any grass ... now I wish I did.....!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. We have a very low maintenance yard, just enough to be law abiding and leave the required 13 feet for the city and a small patch in the back yard. Not much mowing around my house! :)

  10. I think there must be some wonderful cosmic intervention that at least one person in a relationship loves "lawn duty". My husband loves lawn mowing. I actually don't mind it all that much but hate the edging and trimming.

    Love those names for the lawn services. People can be so clever.

  11. Hilarious!!!! Gotta share this with my youngest. He'd love that mower! :o)

  12. I love lawn and garden maintenance, but alas possess neither.

  13. I don't even have a yard, but I still want the t-shirt and the "Justice for Your Yard" truck parked in front of my house. ;-D

  14. Funny stuff! Lawn order: never did it, never will. I hope.

  15. Did not know about the smell of cut grass (we did know that releasing of chemical "odor" is used as a defense mechanism). Hope that you and yours are well, dear Lady Debra.
    ...Cool-looking Lawn Mower.

  16. I used to love the smell of cut grass..thanks Debra...just for that I'm stealing the major thom one..hha

  17. These were really good. Made me laugh. Took me a while to type thisand it's not because of the drugs.

  18. I hate cutting the grass. The new house we're getting has just a front yard. not a real backyard. I don't mind, less to cut

  19. The smell of fresh-cut grass makes me feel as if I'll have an asthma attack. I have a nice lawn service. The fancified lawn mower is funny.


  20. I've got a couple of weeks before mowing season. I always wanted to be one of those geezers that yells at kids to get off of my lawn.

  21. We have a super hero who does for us, and he has just this minute left - doesn't come cheap though.

  22. I am the one who cuts the grass at our house. Can't say I love it but I don't mind it too much. I just wish it would not grow so damn fast.

  23. Apartment life has its perks...

  24. The first thing we did was TAKE OUT THE LAWN!!....plowed it under. Phew! What a waste of time THAT would have been.

  25. This was a real pleasure. Thank you.

  26. ha,ha,ha,ha!! I can't believe you used that picture of moi in that old rag mowing the lawn.

  27. I hate, hate, HATE mowing the lawn. Thankfully I managed to avoid it well into adult age. Mostly. Now if everything goes well I will soon have my own house and thus my own lawn to mow, so I cannot escape this chore forever.

  28. LOL! Seriously, I am getting that t-shirt! I am the gardener/lawn person around here! I try to not be so picky, but I can't help it! But, the backyard, I leave a little more wild, for the birds and animals!
    (I am going to take a vote on the heart in my painting. I was going to leave it white and now you got me thinking!)
    Take Care!

  29. I have a tee-shirt:
    "I Fought the Lawn and the Lawn Won ".

  30. I can count the number of times I've mowed a lawn on one finger ... allergies. Shame, eh? ;)

    We have an area of clover and weeds that passes for a lawn now, and the deer obligingly keep that trimmed for us. The spouse is pleased.

  31. I love cutting the grass, it builds up my arm muscles. :D

  32. I don't have a lawn so much as I have a collection of weeds that are green and approximate a lawn. My kudos to you for this collection. Major Tom's Ground Control? I hope he had a discount going when Bowie passed.

  33. lol,, that was hilarious,, all of it!

  34. I hope my husband didn't think our son would ever cut the grass! He hardly ever did! Lol! My lord Debra this is so doggone funny I am rolling on the grass in laughter!

  35. HAHA! I loved this. And that t-shirt is awesome. My husband mows the lawn...and hates every minute of it. Every time we see houses with big front lawns or back yards, all he can think about is all the "%&@#$#@% mowing" that needs to get done :)

  36. Truth be told... I do love that smell!!!

  37. such a stylish retro lawnmower - I wouldn't want to get grass or gasoline stains on it. Major Tom's Ground Control - great thinking.

  38. This just cracked me up! Won't get to that grass until the rain stops. And we did need the rain! Good excuse, eh? Aloha!

  39. I used to love mowing the lawn..Especially when I got A riding mower ;)Great post!!

  40. LOL! Just the post I needed to read right now! I hate moving lawns. Lucky you, you have your rare One! The E-P and I moved into a townhouse with lawn service and snow-shoveling services supplied! Have a great evening!

  41. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin', hay? Never mind that one. Thankfully, my mowing days are over, unless I can get some lawn in my apartment.

    Suddenly, I'm thinking about grass! *Cough!* *Cough!* The Lawn Ranger rides again....


  42. :) My dad made me mow the lawn since i was 10. Our lawn wasnt that big but the mower was heavy!

    Hi again :P

  43. I haven't mowed our lawn since I was 40. We have someone come out and do it ever two weeks. Much cheaper than having it done every week.

    Father Nature's Corner

  44. We just bought a house with a massive lawn so Husband can mow it... When we moved to the city in 2006 we left our large lawn for a tiny postage stamp and he was sad for 9 years. Cutting the lawn is stress relief for him. :)

  45. Seriously, these were great. Though, I'm a little slow this morning so it took me a bit to get the Law & Order one.

    Good stuff :-)

  46. The nice part about the California drought? The lawn grows so slow that morning is about once every three weeks. less water equals some slow growin grass.


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