Thursday 26 May 2016

She Wasn't Called "Her Royal Highness" For Nothing

Writing those cat posts a couple of weeks ago made me miss my late cat, Her Royal Highness, all over again. Oh, the fun times we had together!

HRH particularly loved meal time. She wasn't a picky eater but she always insisted on the very best.

For a cat, she was quite intellectual.

HRH loved to discuss all the issues of the day with me!

And she always respected my opinion!

At night, HRH loved to curl up with me in bed. Well, perhaps "with me" is a bit of an overstatement.

We had our own special rapport!

No, no, she assured me we were equals!


  1. All true. I had the same relationship with my late Tippet (master/slave - guess my role). I don't find the same with my male cats. They are just goofy.

  2. Cats, the reason god made dogs. Lol. Our pets get into our hearts and everywhere else it seems.

  3. All of those are really funny. I, totally relate to missing a pets that have passed. I am sorry you lost your good friend and companion, HRH.

  4. What a fabulous tribute to HRH. The memes are hysterical!

  5. oh wow this was good,, so good,,

  6. That cat got pretty darn comfortable in that bed. I know how you feel. I love the cats I have to bits but that doesn't mean I don't miss Garfield from time to time. He was a way less picky eater too. These cats only eat food out of a box that has their pictures on.

    I wish I was kidding.

  7. Oh, I dunno......maybe you should adopt a squirrel instead.

  8. So, when is the next kitty coming into your life??? I can verify that all these things are true ... Xs 3 ... a my house......

  9. My cat Ignatius just came back home after he went missing for more than two weeks, I've no idea where he went although I do suspect he went to accept instructions from Alien Overlords

  10. Cats have no equals. You should know that! I hate it when they die.

  11. Our cat thinks she is the mother of my youngest daughter. Ever since she was a baby she has groomed her and even tries to grab her at the back of the head (cats obviously have no clue about the dynamics of size).

  12. we do get attached to pets and they probably get attached to us. Sleeping on the floor - good one but no way would I give in to that.

  13. I miss my cats too. All the memes are funny. :D

  14. Fun. Thank you for sharing.

  15. HRH is such a lovely name for a cat.

  16. Oh bless! I miss Odin too sorely. By the way Domino looks a bit like HRH, who was also black and white if I remember.

  17. So funny! And sweet. I'm so sorry you lost HRH. She kept you in line :)

  18. THAT WAS A GREAT LAUGH!!!! I do believe your right about HRH! All of these seem her to a tee. I love the fish one for dinner.

  19. Awwww, what a great tribute to HRH!!! Made me smile and laugh! My Falco has been gone for many years now, and I still miss him so much!!!

  20. do you have a cat now? if not, you might need one!

  21. Don't kid yourself, there's no way any cat considered you an equal, but still--I know this feeling too and it sucks.

  22. My inlaws cat tried biting me today. He should know that's not cool right meow

  23. Aw, and now you made me miss her too...she was just as said, royalty.

  24. Love this post..kitty in bed and intellectual kitty..great ones and so true..Have a happy weekend.

  25. LOL, these are so cute. I'm allergic to cats, but have lots of friends who have them. I keep plenty of Claratin on hand for visits to their house. :D

  26. We all miss her, Debra. No one discusses current issues the way HRH did. Her brilliance will forever be with us. ♥

  27. Aww these furbabies enter our hearts and never leave. I had a Persian cat called Mindy and she died aged 16. I often think about her now after all these years.
    I'm sorry that I never got to meet HRH... she sounded quite a character.
    Your photos are hilarious.

  28. Are you thinking about getting another cat?

  29. Hey Debra,

    Ah yes, cats and memories of your beloved cat. Even Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, has a special place in her doggy heart for cats. Although, she'll deny this.

    Take care, eh.


  30. Hi everyone who inquired whether I'll be getting another cat --

    Although I'd love to have another cat in my life, I've decided not to do so for a variety of reasons. A couple of superficial ones -- it's nice to be free of litter box duties and having to hire a cat sitter every time I go away for more than a couple of days.

    The main reason is that I firmly believe that pets should never be treated as disposable -- you must make a commitment for the entirety of the animal's life to care for them and give them a secure home. I'm nearly sixty and just don't feel I can make a 20 year commitment to a cat. I could very well not live that long or, if I do, may have to be in an assisted living or other facility where a cat would not be allowed.

    Of course, I could just get an older cat (10 years or so of age) instead of a kitten, but I don't want to put another vet's kid through university either. Older cats are proportionately more expensive to care for because of health care costs. And if I had another cat, I'd want to have the delight of a kitten again.

  31. I share your firm believe that pets are a lifelong commitment and not disposable.
    Oh and I'm back....finally getting caught up so I've got some reading to catch up on here....

  32. I miss Annie..but Dexter keeps me pretty fecking happy...

  33. Chiming in a little late here but, can I persuade you to take one of my cats off my hands? As a semi-crazy cat lady, there's plenty of choice!

  34. Loved the one in the bed with the covers and pillows.

  35. You and HRH made such a fine writing duo. It's so hard to lose a close friend.

  36. I miss my cats so much - I have the same reasons for not getting another as you. And yes - litter box - don't miss that at all or hair everywhere, but do miss their antics and lovely vocal greetings.

  37. I have a new cat now. I may post about her soon :)


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