Tuesday 24 May 2016

Tattoo Roundup

Every tattoo has a story, a meaning, a significance to the person who gets inked. Now you'll never look at Care Bears quite the same way again, will you?

For the most part, fortunately, we get to choose whether or not to be tattooed, unless we're caught in some horrible historical nightmare like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. But even those tattoos carry a story, a meaning, a significance, albeit an appalling one.

Here's a couple of clever tattoos that I've seen recently on the internet --

And wheeeee! Just like sliding down the living room drapes!

Don't listen to all the naysayers --

But always do your research before the fact, not after!

And if things do go awry, use some wit in dealing with the situation!

Hey, wouldn't this tat be perfect for an English teacher or editor?


  1. I love the before and after tat at the bottom. :)

  2. I love them all,, but the second one hit home to me,, really really hit home,,

  3. I have grown to like tattoos, an interesting expression of who one is and art as well. Embrace the ink!

  4. Yes indeed my bumble bee tat on my bum has a great story behind it. Pun intended.

  5. No tattoos here. Not that I don't love them. I do. I'm just a chicken.

  6. Fun fun fun... I think I "need" the kitty slipping down the drapes. Love the second one....notes from the universe!

  7. I loved all of those. Very fun read.

    I appreciate tattoos on other people and especially unique ones, I just don't have it in me to get one. Maybe someday. I agree with Snap, if I would get one, that one of the kitty sliding down the drapes is super cute.

  8. Very clever tats! I haven't found something that I can commit to yet, but I haven't ruled it out.

  9. Yeah, tattoo artists aren't known for their spelling skills. Funny stuff, and it makes me cringe.

  10. I'd have the cat sliding down the back of my thigh. Alas, I have no tats. David says they are for trashy people. I'm, trashy, let me have one.

  11. i like the idea of tattoos just popping up at different times in our lives. hmmmm...that would make a good movie!

  12. These are great. I love the idea of embracing a disability or deformity with a tattoo! That last one looks like they got a good artist the second time around. The coffee stain detailing is fun touch.

  13. Very interesting Debra. I do find tatoos do have stories and meaning.

  14. tattoos are definitely for me, but I do like the one with the cat!

  15. This is an interesting collection of tattoos.

  16. I KNEW this was how the Care Bears got their stupid tummy picture!

  17. I had a eight ball tattooed on my left boob when I was 32..by the time I was 50 my eight ball was starting to look like a pool stick...

  18. This was a real tattooed chuckle

  19. Well I have to say after reading that I had to listen to "Start Me Up" from the Rolling Stones album, "Tattoo You"! Not a tat fan myself, but saw an amazing one of Alice in Wonderland on a woman recently, and it was fantastic! Aloha!

  20. I loved the one with the joined toes since I have joined toes (syndactyly, something I share with Dan Aykroyd, Ashton Kutcher and Tricia Helfer).

    I have a tat on my upper left arm, I got it 15 years ago and I still love it.

  21. These are all fun but my top choice is the kitty sliding down. That is REALLY cool. If I ever got a tattoo, which I have no plans to, that would be one for me.

  22. Whenever I see a white person with Chinese characters tattooed on them, I always hope they spell out "idiot" or "loser" or some such.

  23. Great post! That cat one is adorable! I think the one with the person that is deaf is brilliant, also, the one with the toes! Very creative!

  24. Hi human, Debra,

    That Care Bear then proceeds to tattoo a My Little Pony Tattoo on the big human's forehead!

    Arf! eh!

    Pawsitive wishes, your way,


  25. Tattoos.... urmmmmmm,
    It is a great taboo for muslims to purposely mark themselves permanently. But that does not mean we cannot enjoy looking at tattoos on others :)

  26. I remember hearing a radio ad for a "Christian" tattoo parlor. I really hope they are run by more liberal Christians. Imagine the irony of them doing that and being against people in the LGBT community as tattoos are just as taboo in Leviticus

  27. I'm pretty pleased with my tattoo. I've had it for over 11 years now.

  28. Marvelous! So many good ones! Though I do love the cat and the meme about tattoos just appearing randomly. I think that one is my fav.

  29. I have read that sailors wanted a cross as a tattoo because after a shipwreck and they were washed ashore naked, they were more likely to get a Christian burial. Interesting to me.

  30. Would I get a tattoo? Not as long as it involves needles!

  31. I could never think of the perfect one.

  32. They DO randomly appear. They are call age spots by most people.
    The barcode one is funny.

  33. Very clever! Love the barcode. Cute Post!

  34. The tattoo of the girl who's deaf in one ear is pretty clever. I like it very much.

  35. I'm too much of a wimp to get a tattoo myself. Some of these, however, make me want one. Then I get sad again because I can't think of anything clever yet also meaningful. c'est la vie.

  36. cute post ....
    I just went by Dr. Theada's so thought I'd swing by and wish you a Happy Towel Day....:)

  37. Although I don't have a needle fear I am tattless... I am sure that if I chose a design I'd either go off it or change my mind after it was done.
    I also had a skin complaint years ago and love to see clear, healthy skin now.
    Maybe it's an age thing? Loved these pics though.
    Have a great weekend.

  38. Oh my gosh, the scanner thing. Too much.

  39. Though, I loved the toe one, too.


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