Thursday 12 May 2016

What Would YOU Do With Nine Lives?

Being possessed of nine lives, cats inevitably reincarnate over and over again. But they don't always come back as ordinary felines, oh no. Some cats are MUCH more ambitious than that. Based on my extensive research into this area, I present for your edification a cross-section of some popular kitty cat choices for reincarnation.

Certain BAD-ASS cats always try to come back as ruthless and infamous Dictators. It's as if they WANT to run our lives and make us obey their every command. Like the Little Corporal of France --Napoleon Bonapurr!

And here's one who enslaved millions and millions of humans -- Chairman Meow!

But here's the WORST one of the whole bunch -- Adolf Kitler!

Some more INSIGHTFUL cats prefer to return to this world as beloved characters of literature and the silver screen. Like this certain hard-boiled private detective --

Or this enigmatic pursuer of the American Dream --

How PURRFECT it must be to come back as the righteous upholder of Truth and Justice from To Kill a Mockingbird!

But then again, SOME cats just want to make you an offer you can't refuse.

The most literary-minded cats of all prefer to come back as GREAT POETS! Like this feline who toiled his entire life to write a single book of poetry, Leaves of Cat Grass --

And finally, here's a cat who chose to reappear as one of my FAVOURITE female poets! One of her most famous poems was about that classic feline activity of catching and eating birds. It contains the immortal line: "hope is the thing with feathers."


  1. wonderful pussy pics! but grumpy cat as "the godfather"?

  2. LOL! Great start to a busy day. Thank you!

  3. If I had nine lives I'd probably just do what cats do. Muck about for eight then decide to be serious for the ninth.

  4. oh wow, these were great,, that hitler cat and sam spayed,, I'm still laughing,,

  5. this week i was teaching my grade five lesson from their English book about superstitions among people about cats and what a coincident your both posts has interesting stuff which resemble to that lesson ,really enjoyed with smile ,but let me share that when i was a baby once my mom saw a cat near my bed staring at me while i was sleeping,mom got scared and later when i was one and a half year old i got stuck in a room upstairs and my mom was unable to reach to me as the door was stuck strangely ,

    now when i am forty six i sometime see cat wandering on wall or roof to defeat my fear i stare at them while they do same and i ask myself is the fear still somewhere inside me still hidden ?

  6. Aahhh...the famous and infamous in the Cat World. :o)
    Is HRH going to be reincarnated? Maybe coming back as a kitten???

  7. Cats being reincarnated as evil leaders??? That would explain a lot of things.

    I always enjoy your funny cartoons and such...You have a real knack for finding funny stuff.

  8. The Chinese (and Japanese) character for cat doesn't make much sense until you look at it upside down, it's like a kitty cat. You can see it near the head of Chairman Meow

  9. These were great. especially "The Tardfather"

  10. Catticus Finch, come on! That works on so many levels.

  11. The Kitler cat has quite the determined look on his face. What a mustache!

  12. I did used to have Princess Puffy Pants. Kitler is spooky!

  13. Walt Whiskers is a great name. I should have used it as my online name.

  14. Fun. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Oh I love cats! Check my blog tomorrow for another homage to a special cat.

  16. F. Cat Fitzgerald wrote The Great Catsby.


  17. If I had nine lives, I am sure I would mess up in each one. Good thing I've got a sense of humor! Funny pictures.

  18. Oh, man to funny!! I think I'm on life number 8 so I best behave

  19. Catticus Finch...BAHAHAHA.... Damn but this post was so funny!

  20. I am thinking about getting another cat and these are some great names. However, I still think Norbert is a great names for a cat. Norbert doesn't agree.

  21. Now this is an excellent way to start off my stressful Friday.

    Father Nature's Corner

  22. The Hitler cat had me laughing. It'd be hard to be his owner and not see that EVERY time you look at him. Good stuff!

  23. Love the last one..I guess the cats have it figured out..I'm not sure I would want nine lives???

  24. are so much fun, Debra. I just loved every bit of this post.
    and...wanted to tell you how neat looking your blog is. I bet your home looks the same way, all nice and neat and everything in it's place. I am so UNorganized..I fly by the seat of my pants most of the time. My blog page is filled with sidebar pics of all different sizes while yours seems perfect..guess I'll work on mine soon....

  25. Awesome post. :) Catticus reminds me of my late Sophie. And my late kitty Cleo - a gorgeous Calico - could have ruled the world. She sure bossed me around enough.

  26. I will be grinning at that hanger crown for days. :-D

  27. I suspicion you are correct. We are here to serve; but each cat has to decide how.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. LOL, Debra! What a wonderfully funny sendoff for me as my computer goes dark and hibernates for a while. Take care, my friend! Sending you hugs!

  29. Oh my you gave me such a giggle. Each one just purrfect!
    Thank you for making my day that bit brighter.

  30. Wonderful imagination! Thanks. My personal favorite is Chairman Meow.

  31. LOL! Very, very cute!! Thanks for the smile!!!

  32. You always have the most fun posts - ever!!!

  33. Amazing post about the nine lives of cats of various personages of the centuries. If I had nine lives, I would re-create myself, and explore all of the nuances of art, the language of trees, the stars, the oceans, the tiny world of infinitely created things which can hardly be seen with a microscope, the deep minds of the most intelligent people who have lived upon the Earth such as Einstein, why things go bump in the night, and why the dryer always gobbles up pairs of socks leaving only one, and why women are so much like cats, and men are so much like dogs. And the infinite questions of Life, the Universe, and Everything, which is number 42 as per se Douglas Adams of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe. Which brings us back full circle as it would take nine lives of a cat to unravel the mystery of cats.

  34. These were pretty good. Got me thinking. What if a cat came back to be a dog. Oh no! The horror!

  35. My cat must have all nine still intact since she's nervous of the outside world. She stays on the garden when she goes out unless the birds come, then she legs it into the house.

  36. All of these literary cats and no mention of Henry David Purreau? For shame!

  37. Hope is INDEED a thing with feathers. Haha.

  38. Catching up again. I love all your cat "stuff"!

  39. Hi kindred..such sweet kitties.. all of it so cute and funny...I always leave here with a smile, thanks for the giggles!
    Wishing you a sparkling day

  40. Possibly the best cat-themed post I've seen yet this year. Love Emily Lickinson! :-)


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