Thursday 23 June 2016

My Fashion Plate Days

Last week, The Captain at To Baldly Go posted about his new flat cap and how it's the only kind of hat that looks good on him. I empathize with his post a great deal because I too look terrible in hats. Except for flat caps and fedoras -- those styles I can absolutely rock! Yes, I know they're both technically men's hats. What can I say?

All this started me off down memory lane back to the days when I used to wear a grey tweed flat cap all the time. It was the late 1970s and I was a young student at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.

Along with this cap, I always wore my union label, Canadian made GWG blue jeans. Alas, my butt never looked quite so good in them as this --

My hiking boots were one-size-too-small cast-offs from my sister --

And I paid the inordinate price of $15 to buy a green army satchel from Army & Navy Surplus in which to carry my books. In those days, this was the absolutely must-have accessory for cool university students. It was the only time in my life that I was up-to-date with a fashion trend, LOL!

I got an old brown work shirt with long sleeves from my Dad . . .

. . . which I wore unbuttoned over a t-shirt with this logo on it (except the beaver was dressed like a Mountie). Hmmmm, "Beaver Patrol" -- too subtle?

Yes, I was a walking, talking, Baby Dyke stereotype, but I'll have you know I never wore plaid! By gawd, I had my standards.


  1. my husband wears flat caps like that. I have never worn/used any of these items. hopelessly str8 here.

  2. That looks like a great outfit! I love the boots!

  3. HAHAHA! Your last line had me laughing out loud :) I love the outfit, especially the boots!

  4. Mr Him bought himself a flatcap and looks quite dashing in it. I adore my Barmah and my big summer floppy hats. Sadly I'm not getting much use of the summer hats in the UK.

  5. I actually dressed similar in my college days during the grunge era. I wore my dad's old tweed flat cap, backwards though! Instead of hiking boots my feet wore Doc Martins. My shirts were like your dads. I did sport the plaid! LOL

  6. i went thropugh a lumber jack phase in college too! i did not wear a beaver patrol patch though i might have had a dick chick patch on one of my shirts.

  7. Loved the Army and Navy Surplus store...wish it never left. I totally wore plaid (lumberjack jackets) but that's about where it stopped. I should have added some Doc Martens to the mix, but couldn't afford those back then! I may have to bring that fashion back (for me if no one else!). :)

  8. School Fashions seen years later makes me wonder why we wore that in the first place. They did not always show us to our best advantage. As we mature our taste change and we make probably better choices.

  9. It doesn't matter what was made for who! As long as you like it. :o) My youngest likes to wear both the flat hat and a fedora, depending on the event. Both his boys love the flat hat as well.

  10. Whatever is comfortable works for me. Great post.

  11. I love hats, but my head and giant hair combo mean that some hats just look silly on me. LOL, I laughed at the Beaver Patrol badge. Yes, very subtle, just like my hair.

  12. "Yes, I was a walking, talking, Baby Dyke stereotype, but I'll have you know I never wore plaid! By gawd, I had my standards." LOOOOOOOOL Too cute! I used to wear my Pop's grey fedora all the time. I loved that hat. I should have claimed it. So who cares if they are men's hats. If it looks good and you like it, DOOOOO IT!

    Have a good day!

  13. You would be still " trending" I hope you still strut those classics that keep appearing! I want those jeans back, I've lost my butt and the hip jeans slid right off even with a belt! Quite the sight, old women tugging her jeans UP! I love hats but to short, I resemble a toadstool
    I was tooooo thin in my youth and same in old age, NOW there's a fashion delema ! xo

  14. I love flat hats too, and have a number of them, but never wear them, although they look swell on me :) because my head is just too big for most hats and it leaves traces on my forehead :) and plus I get all sweaty.... I wear hoods in the winter instead.... wish capes would get back in fashion :)

  15. I love hats too but I don't look good in ANY hat. (or at least I don't think I do) My college years were in the early 70's (and I was married already) so I probably was dressed really badly. 1971 wasn't a good year for fashion or my finances.

  16. I don't look good in any hat.

    I have to say that that butt in those GWG's is too flat. Not a good look.

  17. My wardrobe today as then, still consists of t-shirts and jeans (casual wear and jeans for work). As for chapeaus, I still were the baseball cap, although people who wear it backwards 24/7 look like overgrown toddlers. I do wear mine backwards from time to time, so that I can actually see what I'm looking at in a store or when I'm writing a check (yes, I'm that old fashioned).

    Father Nature's Corner

  18. I have a pair of those boots in my closet right now..and do you know what those hats are called ????? or at least the people I know..Cocksucker hat..hahahahahahha

  19. It's really sad that I think I actually do look great in a fedora. But I can never, ever wear one. Even if I shaved off the neckbeard I'd still look as much of a neckbeard who lives with his parents as you looked like a Baby Dyke. My friends mum wears plaid all the time and she's unmarried so there are plenty of rumours about her sexuality. Truth is her ex-husband died and I guess she just never found anyone else. Same thing happened to my dad after he divorced my mum. He's been single for about 20 years now but he's defintely not gay.

    At least as far as I know.

  20. Wish I had those hiking boots, bet you have good ones in Canada!
    I can't wear a hat either, my head is just like a basketball.

  21. I can just picture you! Probably because we dressed alike. I, however, feared no plaid!

    Now, it's all about the corduroy. Gay? Oh, a tad...

  22. @ Jackiesue -- OMG, no! Is that because it's a British hat and Americans always think every British man is gay?

  23. Uh oh...I wore those hike boots and flannel shirts in high school. Was I the stereotype too? *smiles*

  24. Hi,
    I really love all of the items listed, infact I saw a lady at home depot this week dressed just like this, she had to be well into her 70's and thought she looked so cool, I'm mad at myself for not asking if I could take her picture for my daily my caption would have read "some people are born cool"

  25. Back in my college (in the UK that's the school between what you would call High School and University) days I wore a tweed jacket, chinos and brogue shoes. I also carried a large golfing brill. I never wore hats back then cos my hair was all quiffed up with brillcreme. Sadly the hair didn't stay so I wear the flat cap as protection from the elements (sun and cold).

    BTW thanks for the mention! x

    1. *that should read "golfing brolly" - damn you autocorrect.

  26. Super fun post and you made me laugh at the end, you never wore plaid.

    Thanks for the visits this week and the funny comment about eating out of the pan. I used to do that before, it's high-time I get back to it.

    Happy Weekend, my friend.

  27. plaid !!! I used to wear a cap like that when I played golf !! Have a happy weekend..

  28. We must dig out a photo one of these days. We'll share it right along with a picture of me in high school, wearing my dad's pants and my big brother's shirt. I might've been wearing my own shoes, but I can't be sure.

    I love flat hats, and I had not idea they were men hats. Oh, well.

    Oh, and your post has just reminded me that I've been dying to get another satchel... and hiking boots. :-D

  29. Wow, this post brought back memories, Debra! Thanks! I have to admit, I don't think I've ever had an up-to-date fashion moment. I'm not up-to-date in anything ~ which is why I'm playing catchup again with my blogging buddies! Oh well, I am who I am. Have a good one!

  30. I have a pair of those boots! I love that army satchel! I want one! You looked adorable! Beaver Patrol! LOL! Only you Debra! LOL!

  31. I love those flat caps. I never look good in hats, much as I'd like to. (Hair is too big.)

  32. Clothes 'make the man....and woman'! So they say.


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