Saturday 25 June 2016

He Loves the Stars AND Stripes, Dammit!

By now, lots of people have heard about the persistent and increasingly mainstream campaign to have Captain America come out as bisexual.

Poor Steve Rogers! His tragic and thwarted love for Peggy Carter . . .

. . . is matched only by his tragic and thwarted love for Bucky Barnes.

Okay, I grant you there's a certain amount of subtextual interpretation going on here but the situation is crystal clear to anyone with good Gaydar!

Recently, however, Marvel chose to have Captain America come out as a lifelong Hydra agent instead because that's somehow, you know, more believable . . . .

But once that whole ugly smear campaign gets derailed, then surely it's only a matter of time until Cap kicks his closet door clear off its hinges, right? Right?

Keeping my fingers crossed for a happy ending!


  1. now I know NOTHING about comic book characters, but yeah, WHY CAN'T we have a bi superhero?

  2. Wasn't Aqua-man gay? Or was that Green Lantern?

  3. I never watch comic book movies, but I hope Captain America can find true happiness.


  4. oh, my, to have Kiss Evans in a gay or bisexual role... be steady my heart.... If we can't have Loki and Thor cuddling with each other, we wanna Captain get lucky with Bucky :)

  5. I hope he finds happiness wherever !! Funny post

  6. You go Captain America!!! Keeping my fingers crossed too for a happy ending!
    (Debra, you made mom and I laugh with your comment on my blog! LOL!)

  7. Captain America should get his guy! The yes answer killed me by the way.

  8. I don't remember comic books being like this when I was a kid!

  9. I have some serious catching up to do on the Captain America series! My lack of knowledge didn't keep me from laughing at this post! Have a good one, Debra!

  10. I'm completely at a loss with Captain America and comic books, but I hope all of the questions get answered!

  11. If Cap is a lifelong Hydra agent, he's been the worst employee of the month for decades

  12. Whatever makes him happy is good enough for me!

  13. I hope there is a happy ending to Captain America's story!

  14. I was completely clueless about all this. What would I do without you, Debra? Probably know very little about coolness.

    Still, I'm voting for Team Bucky. I don't care if there isn't any voting going on. Team Bucky!

  15. Captain America used to be my favourite Marvel superhero when I was watching the Saturday cartoons.

  16. As hot as Peggy is, I wanna see him keep smooching, etc. someone in uniform. Now that's hot!

  17. By the way, have you seen the video of the London police officer proposing to his boyfriend on the Gay Pride Parade?

  18. @ Guillaume -- Yes, I did see that on the news today! LOVE IT. So sweet!

  19. How is your gaydar working for Game of Thrones? Are we going to see Denerys Targaryn, Mother of Dragons, light a fire with Yara Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. There could be some iron smelting in the future.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. This is so cute, and gorgeous artwork.
    I do love a happy ending ♥

  21. Oh, Debra..I am such a bad blogging friend. I have never watched any of the "super hero" movies and didn't understand any of this. HOWEVER, I am totally rooting for a gay super hero as every occupation (and let's go with the hero biz as being an occupation) should be diverse.

  22. I haven't been keeping up with super heroes, so thanks for the update! Lots of news there. :)

  23. LOL, I will support my heroes' rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, whichever way their hearts take them.

  24. Oh I am sure he'll figure it day!!


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