Monday 13 June 2016

Pride Sustains Us

Violence, hate and terror are old and familiar tactics that have often been endured by the LGBTQ community. Over the centuries, many have used those weapons against "our kind" -- private individuals, public institutions, national organizations, religions of all descriptions, governments of various ideologies. These horrifying tactics have never defeated us in the past and we will not allow them to do so now.

Rest in peace, all who died in the Orlando nightclub attack. Live in pride, all who survived it. Blessed be.


  1. There are no words to convey the horrors of terrorism. This was more than an attack on the LGBT community, this is an attack on our way of life. We all need to stand together.

  2. Debra, words are inadequate...

  3. there was serial killer written all over his ugly face, hope he rots in hell, where he gets raped by devils all day long!

  4. I think this is the largest attack not just America, but the LGBT community has ever seen. Denying rights is one thing, the slaughter of innocents is an entirely different thing. I hope this doesn't become as forgotten as every other major news story in America.

  5. No words. My heartfelt prayers to all the families, loved ones, and friends.

  6. Reading the eyewitness accounts of the people who were there, helping the wounded at their own expense. It's heartbreaking. I don't understand how or why someone could care so much about what others do if it doesn't hurt anyone.

  7. I'm a little surprised by how little reaction the American right-wing had over the event. In terms of being negative about it. The only one who made something shameful that I heard of (besides crazy pastors) was Texas' Lt. Governor.

    Though I doubt they're truly upset about it. Seems they're torn on whether they hate gay people more or Islamic terrorists more.

  8. My anger has been simmering for the last 24 hours and sadly has won, which means these people have won. These haters - many of whom now rejoice in what was done, others who stand on the sidelines wagging their heads and pointing at someone from another religion and offering their insincere prayers while someone else has done their dirty work for them. I am crying for the victims and bitter tears because at 70 I now realize how little progress we have really made.

    Sorry if this is a downer but I had to vent it somewhere.

  9. What a beautiful day it will be when there is no more hate in this world. ♥

  10. This saddens me. I am a firm belief of concept "what is it to me that people chose to live their life the way they want?" Seriously, who cares if someone is straight, bi-gay, trans, purple, blue or green! It is the person inside that counts. It hurts me because these people were at a club - a place catered to them where they thought they were safe.

  11. We've made such astounding gains worldwide in the last several years. Things are improving for our community in so many ways. This act of violence feels like a return to the days when we lived in secrecy and fear.

    But, we will not go back. We will celebrate Pride this week in my city and I will be waving my rainbow flag, loud and proud.

  12. I used to wonder, "why?" but now I don't want to know, lest I become stupid and cruel like some. Love is miraculous. Love and only love!

  13. My heart is so incredibly heavy and sad over this. No one should have to live in fear. We should all be allowed to be free, enjoy life and carry on. Blessed be.

  14. Short , well put and to the point. Lovely post Debs. So different this year over all the great celebrating of last years great news. What a difference a year makes.

  15. Such a sad day it so frustrating that this was terrorism and a hate crime. Being a strong supporter of the LGBT community this tears me up.

  16. It is too bad that it takes such a horrific and senseless event like this to bring everyone together. My thoughts and prayers go out to victims, families and survivors - and to every single LGBTQ person who has endured hatred and discrimination.

  17. So sad, so tragic, so sorry. The heart is heavy for yet more lives lost and for the hearts that are hardened by hate.

  18. Wonderfully said. Hate will never win, in any form, so long as we have good people willing to stand up for what's right.

  19. Beautifully put. I wish hatred and ignorance would disappear. Such a tragedy.

  20. Hate and violence targeted against any community is wrong. I also dislike politicians who use tragedies to promote their agenda.

  21. Peace. Just peace.

  22. Its just so very very sad,,,
    beautifully put Debra,,

  23. i am just sick about this. listening to the text messages that were exchanged is so heartbreaking. it's beyond horrible.

  24. Well done! We must all get out there and spread great JOY, and not let these godless individuals continue to infiltrate our society! LOVE IS ALL THERE IS!

  25. The Orlando murders were shattering. My heart goes out to all the people crushed by this horrific event. Hate is truly ugly. Sending you a big hug!

  26. I wept so much Abby told me to was hard, but I did.

  27. I'm sad. That is all I have to say.


  28. There are no adequate words.

  29. Another heartbreaking and tragic act - it must be devastating for all those families and friends who have lost loved ones.

  30. So heartbreaking, it makes me sick. I am so sorry for the families that lost loved ones...and I have to say that if there'd been one or two with guns in THEIR pockets, maybe so many wouldn't have died. If we don't start fighting back, they are going to keep killing us. If we don't get some leadership that has balls enuf to help us fight, we are done for.

  31. I am still in shock over all of this! I don't even understand!! It's your soul that counts. What is inside of you! These people did not deserve to die! They were all good loving people! So many tears!!! My love goes out to everyone!! I am so sorry!! Life is so short! Love! Be happy! Be you!
    Your words were well said my friend!
    Blessed be!

  32. Horrific and heartbreaking. Why can't human beings just live and let live?

  33. This attack is horrifying... RIP those innocent souls. I pray it never happens again.. .

  34. It's a sad world we live in. My question is, how could the FBI have investigated this guy several times and yet he was able to legally buy a gun. So sad.

  35. My heart goes out to all those families. I am so, so sick of things like this happening. We are better than this!!

  36. May their souls find peace and their families find solace. ♥♥

  37. There are no words. So unnecessary. Very sad

  38. It so bloody angered me. Madman with guns. Cowardly Islamofascist.

  39. The rainbow of hope on this, a rainbow planet, shall embrace hope, love, compassion and understanding.

    We must rejoice in the all different, all equal diversity, instead of hatred putting fear in the hearts of all decent humans.

    To those in Orlando, peace and hope.

  40. Horrible thing to have happen. There's no reason for this. None.

    Makes me sick.


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