Monday 27 June 2016

Rainbows Everywhere!

In the comments on my last post, Guillaume of Vraie Fiction spoke of the British police officer who proposed to his boyfriend while marching in London's Pride Parade on the weekend -- if you haven't seen it already, here's the video of that wonderful moment!


  1. there were 2 proposals during that parade; both gentlemen said yes.

    the gentleman in the "you don't look gay" pix - he looks like a former co-worker of mine. I wonder...could that be kyle?

    my fave? the spock pix. have an AB FAB week, debra!

  2. Pride always seems like a lot of fun. It was pretty cute of teh officer to propose right ther and then. There was no way his boyfriend could say no in that situation though.

  3. Great moment.

    My favourite this time was the cremains. Fabulous image!

  4. that gaysus has a nice titty!

  5. Love these all!!!! Especially Janice's text!! :)

  6. Love, Love that video! What a fabulous moment! :o)
    You have some great memes here!

  7. Happy Pride Month to you and yours.

  8. The when you grab my ass one is probably true in my case.

  9. The marriage proposal is fantastic!

  10. I love the ashes. I want mine to sparkle too. I guess maybe straight ashes aren't pretty like that.

    The gay agenda cartoon is very cute!!

  11. The ashes! HAHAHA! Love that one :) Great post once again.

  12. all that glitters on this post - real gold

  13. I shared that video on my Facebook last week. Loved it. Pride isn't a massive thing where I live it's a shame.

  14. The rainbow effect from the book at the top of your post is great! Do you know where to buy them?

  15. @ John M -- Sorry, no, I don't know where to buy that flip book. Wish I did cuz I'd buy one too!

  16. This world needs more color, rainbows and glitter. Happy Pride Month!

  17. Thanks for mentioning me. Just so people know, since Brexit was voted the UK has NOT turned into a homophobic Pandemonium.

  18. that is such a sweet video! and i love the gay cheerios!

  19. I love the marriage proposal!!! So special! Thanks for sharing that Debra!

  20. I saw that there wasn't just the one proposal, but two! Which, awesome. But, can you imagine being the second guy who is about to propose to his boyfriend when you look to your right and you see your coworker dropping to his knee to propose to his boyfriend instead? I'd be so mad but happy but mad. That second proposal probably took a lot of thought, "Well, I can't propose now! But I have the ring and everything. I can wait a year. Ugh, fine, I'll do it." What an amazing time we live in that this frustration is even possible.

  21. I heard Pope Francis said something about the church needs to apologize to gay people. A tad surprising as he was pretty conservative on the marriage equality issue.

  22. nice pieces of humors dear,
    in over here may be gays exist but due to be a very Closed they are shy to admit it
    i think this is everyone's personal matter

    stay blessed dear and have nice days to come

  23. Good ones. Love the gay Cheerios ...
    cute video

  24. Great rainbow round up! I love Pride season!!!

  25. That's awesome he proposed like that.

  26. here's my uneducated question (keep in mind that I am of the olden age..and the olden school, I suppose.)
    why do gays TALK about it all the time whereas straights don't ?
    and I sure hope you aren''t mad at me for asking...I like you a lot..
    i am just trying to understand

  27. @ bj -- That's an excellent question and I'm happy to answer it! Questions should never make anyone mad. So here's the scoop:

    Straight people DO, in fact, talk about their sexual orientation ALL THE TIME -- every time they mention being attracted to someone, dating, engagements, marriages, spouses and children, they are in fact broadcasting their sexual orientation and identity. And of course that's PERFECTLY FINE -- why wouldn't it be? But that's all we LGBTQ people are doing too -- sharing exactly the same kind of details about our lives in an open and transparent way. It's only because straight people aren't used to hearing this, or don't like to hear it, that it's seen as "flaunting" our sexual orientation. Until recently (within our own lifetimes), LGBTQ people were forced to live under a strictly enforced code of absolute silence about our lives for reasons of personal safety. That's why straight people aren't used to hearing about same-sex orientation and think that now they're receiving "information overload" all of a sudden. But we're just sharing our wonderful selves with you, that's all!

  28. Mr. Spock is freaking brilliant. And I wonder if my ashes could look like that. I mean, I'm not gay, but I always feel sooo gay! :-D

  29. Thanks, Debra..I appreciate you taking the time to clue me was just something I had been wondering about..
    ok...that behind me....think I'll make German pancakes tonight for dinner....xo

  30. I do say yay a lot.
    For somebody of my stature, people may found it inappropriate.
    I am gay for yay! Ha ha ha!


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