Thursday 1 September 2016

"Stump Kitchen"

Here in Edmonton, there's a delightful young woman named Alexis Hillyard who hosts her own very funny YouTube cooking show in her apartment's teeny-tiny galley kitchen. She specializes in making vegan and gluten-free fare. But what I like most about her is the fact that she is not slowed down one bit by having only one hand. She's got a great attitude, a wonderful sense of humour and is just loaded with personality!

Here's an intro video if you want to see more!

And this next video is my all-time favourite episode where Alexis and another stump buddy named Molly make sushi rolls! It's a little longer to watch but well worth the time to do so!

We should ALL have such joie de vivre!


  1. THAT is strength of character; wonder how many times alexis was told she couldn't do something because of her missing hand? YOU GO GIRL!

  2. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing! Love it.

  3. Fantastic. Awesome woman. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Love that! So many people can set so many lesser obstacles slow them down. They need to see this.

  5. it is lovely when people are unstoppable. One of our golden medalists at this year's Olympics suffers from epilepsy and it did not stop him to win.

  6. Both women have rockstar personalities! I love it! Thanks for sharing this!

  7. She's definitely awesome for not letting something like missing a hand stop her. I'm not sure what it says about my cooking skill that I can barely cook with two hands though.

  8. Magical inspiration. Go girls, go!

  9. Wow - those are awesome! I love people who have a sense of humor about themselves!

  10. OMG that is amazing. and yes I would eat at their sushi restaurant ... it looks delicious! I am the worse trying to work that rolling mat

  11. Couldn't stop smiling while watching the videos. Their positivity was infectious. Thanks for sharing.

  12. How inspiring and fun! And I thought rolling sushi was difficult with 2 hands!

  13. Yes I have to say they make it look easy!! And fun. Thanks Debra!

  14. She is amazing!!! Thank you for letting us know about her. :) Talk about an inspiration.

  15. Ha! That's awesome! I love when someone can have such a great sense of humor about something like this and turn a negative into a positive.

  16. Great to see someone laugh when they cock up. She seems fun.

  17. Some people are just too talented

  18. They are such inspiring women!

  19. OMG! They are awesome and so funny! Love this.

  20. This was awesome! Both young women are pretty amazing. And lots of fun. I couldn't stop smiling throughout both videos!

  21. You know my Richard has to eat gluten free so I thank you for this!

  22. Great characters - love the way she used her stump to squeeze the juice from the lemon - sometimes stumps can come in very useful it seems.

  23. That was so inspiring! Thank you. Happy September sweet girl!

  24. I adore people that have such wonderfully positive attitudes even though they have some type of adversity. Makes the whiners of the world that have so little to actually complain about look small.

  25. She is absolutely wonderful. And I love her tea cosy.

  26. She has the power of awesome! And so do her friends. I'm so with her, humor is a great ingredient to make life worth living and to brew a good time.

    Thanks for sharing this, Debra!

  27. Thanks for sharing this Debra such a powerful woman and fun to boot.

  28. these two cuties were a joy to watch...thanks, Debra

  29. She is brilliant! I love her! I love them both! I have to start watching her! I love her sense of humour! Thanks so much for sharing this Debra!!!

  30. Awesome and inspiring..Fun to watch..Thanks for sharing

  31. Hey Debra,

    Comedy cooking at its finest. Happy cooking ,eh.

    Oh, and enjoy your Labour Day weekend.

    Gary :)

  32. Great video - we should all be inspired by it. It is a wonder what we can do - with our without differences in our bodies.

  33. Very inspirational! Love this gal!

  34. I might show this to my wife who is vegetarian.

  35. "Disarms people." lol She's fantastic!

  36. It's amazing to see the human spirit and puts certain things into perspective. It's always wise to look past the disability and look at the person.

  37. I've thought about doing a video of me making cake balls..the jokes alone would make it a hit.

  38. I cannot view this video where I am right now but I will for sure come back to it. Thanks for posting it. I love stuff like this.

  39. These were great! And inspiring! It shows you how being a handicapped person is really just being an ordinary person. My first husband was a quadriplegic, and he always used humor to breakdown awkward situations. He always told little kids who asked why he couldn't walk that he fell off his horse. Like Alexis and Molly, he could make you see pass the disability to the wonderful person who had it. Thanks for sharing!

  40. I can't believe that it's taken me this long to find this post, but I wanted to thank you for posting the blog article about my show! Happy eating and happy stumps to all!

    For a link to all my episodes, plus another one with Molly, check out my YouTube Channel! I'm also on FB, Twitter, and Instagram. Here's my website which gives some of the backstory:



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