Monday 5 September 2016

Happy Labour Day!

Greetings, fellow wage slaves! I hope you're getting a statutory holiday today. It will give us all the leisure time necessary to enjoy a few LOLs about the Wonderful World of Work!

Okay now, back to work, you!


  1. I've always wondered what happened to people who went into an interview 100% honest and said they only wanted the job because they like having money, food, and a place to live. If I ran a business I'd appreciate their honesty.

  2. so that is why so many people at working place say oh, great? Our Labour day here is May Day

  3. Oh my gosh that last one cracked me up!! Now off to work...

  4. yup, I definitely want a place to live and food to eat and I sooo relate to the woman on the couch (God that's a fabulous outfit she's wearing).

  5. It is so sad! Then trying to play the lottery so work is no longer an issue never seems to work.

  6. "Because I enjoy food and shelter" BAHAHAHA Love that. I'd hire that person!

    Lots of great LOLs here!

  7. I feel better now. I actually did interview someone once who said she got into computers because she wanted to work from home. "Um, so you'll be working from home while the rest of us trudge into this office every day?"

  8. Here's to the labor unions that made the middle class, here's to the fight to keep them.

  9. These are all great!
    I am working today. Meh

  10. Been there
    Done that
    Didn't enjoy it

    If only there was another way - but there isn't

    the Ol'Buzzard

  11. We might as well laugh through the tears, eh? My partner has a newish job and while she has today off, it's not a paid holiday for her. Bah! Still, we are going to go out and fulfill our lesbian stereotype by golfing this morning. Why not?!?

    Enjoy your day, D!

  12. People only take 10 minutes to poop at work? They're missing out. I get a 40 minute vacation every day. It pays to think ahead and tell people you have IBS.

  13. Now watch Micheal Moores " Where to Invade Next". Italy has an amazing take on work! On Netflix. And don't get me started on Germany ! Loved watching this but didn't make me feel better :(.
    So I dream of living in the woods! xoxoxoxo

  14. If our election goes bad, I will learn to spell labour and humour correctly, before crossing the border.

  15. I'm pretty sure the bit about the bee (and the bee's expression) just broke my heart a little.

  16. Very good, dear Lady Debra... !!!

  17. I know some thank the Christian God for Labor Day. Which is ironic as the bible claims he invented the six-day workweek.

  18. Work? Work? Oh yes I remember work! That was something I did fairly regularly - until last week. Sorry I know I shouldn't rub it in but I just couldn't resist.

  19. Love the one about meetings and e-mail. Once did 8 straight years of going to meetings that had absolutely nothing to do with my department.

    Father Nature's Corner

  20. These are the best. It'll take a lot of restraint to switch to "Ok, great" at work, but I'll give it a go.
    Cheers and be well, Deb.

  21. As always, LOVE your cartoon choices. I an totally on board with replacing "F*** You with "OK, Great." That would be far more accurate in a lot of cases.

  22. Ha! Love these. And I deal daily with meetings that could have been an email or the same needy client who calls me when he could have emailed. Sigh.

  23. We don't have such a holiday so I've been working. Love that Canadians use the 'u' in Labour. Enjoy your time off.

  24. I had a happy Labor Day and my cohort had a happy Labour Day. We have split custody of the 'u'; I'll get it next year.

    These were all great. I too always wondered why they even bother to ask 'why do you want this job?' My favorite meme not pictured here is a follow up in which the interviewer asks 'what is your biggest weakness?' and the candidate replies, 'I don't have a job.'

  25. Being retired the holidays don't seem as special. I can still remember those days. You found a few great ones.

  26. Ha - love that 40 hours of paid vacation!

  27. I know Military Husband was glad to have the day off....because he was sick all weekend! Hooray for

  28. Hahaha. I love the - works days are the same. I remember that was my sentiment exactly.

  29. HaHAHa...loved the last one..Don't let that get around...

  30. Couldn't resist but forwarded the link to your post to my hubby :0 we btoh are slaves ,lol))

  31. Hope your labor day was fun! Funny humor there Debra....We are both retired. That is what happens when you get older....LOL I forget what day it is.....

  32. Here they don't celebrate Labour Day. But fun fact: my son could have been born on Labour Day.

  33. This may fall under TMI but I can't help myself. One of my kids texted me from work and said, "Mom, you know how I just got a raise yesterday?" I replied, "Yes." (It was a significant raise). They responded, "Guess how I'm celebrating at work right now?" I asked, "How?" "Pooping while on the clock! I'm making the big money now!"

    It was so funny! And kinda gross too. :)

  34. Brilliant Debra!! I hope you had a great holiday!!

  35. I enjoyed these a lot. Great funnies.

  36. Great collection. Makes me happy to be retired.


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