Wednesday 14 September 2016

Tiger Tiger Ice Cream!

A quick follow-up note to last week's post Twenty Questions Times Two --

Before that post, I did not realize tiger tiger (or tiger tail) ice cream is only available in Canada. But all the mystified comments from American and British readers taught me otherwise! So just to let everyone in on the secret of how it tastes -- tiger tiger is a strongly orange flavoured ice cream with a thick swirl or stripe of black licorice in it. YUM!

In an understated and restrained manner, Wikipedia simply notes that tiger tiger ice cream "is popular with children." I take this as a subtle and somewhat snide suggestion that tiger tiger's flavour might be considered (shall we say) too garish for a more sophisticated adult palate. Well, FEH to that assessment. All who are young at heart enjoy tiger tiger ice cream!


  1. Indeed - this American has never heard of Tiger ice cream. I do love me some ice cream. I need to visit Canada, I think. :)

  2. Ice cream is about the only sweet thing I'm not into, so I just assumed it was a brand I didn't know. I don't picture you with a sophisticated adult palate somehow. :D

  3. We don't have tiger tiger at the ice cream parlours in our area. If it was here, we'd know, believe me!

  4. LICORICE! we don't have this tiger tiger flavour in philly; I'd love to try it!

  5. That sounds a delious combination and should be brought to the UK immediately.

  6. I am not a fan of ice cream, but you had me at orange flavored and then lost me completely at black licorice!

  7. Wow - I am not familiar with Tiger Tiger but it makes a beautiful cone especially for those of us who love anything black and orange!

  8. I SO did not need to stop here. Why do you torture me so? *shoves a spoon of cottage cheese in mouth* *dreams of ice cream*

  9. What an odd combo. I see how it may be appealing to the little ones!

  10. Why, it's almost worth moving to Canada for access to this amazing creation. Almost as motivating as the threat of the election of a certain ass-hat in my country...

  11. I Googled Tiger Tiger ice cream right after I left your post and was disappointed to find that it had black licorice in it. I never been a fan of licorice especially the black flavor. I think the orange flavor with the licorice though would certainly be a big plus.

  12. I am now wondering if I can make this - could use grand marnier orange licquer in it, but not sure how I solve the licorice problem unless I was able to melt some - must put my thinking cap on.

  13. Hmmmmmm, Can you imagine that licorice being chocolate? MMMMmmmmMMMMM I can!

    1. In nova Scotia, scotsburn has a kind of ice cream named just "tiger" which has chocolate swirl through it instead of licorice. It's a classic favorite in this province along with moonmist (banana, grape, bubblegum)

    2. Wife hates Black licorace, but loves Tigertail Ics Cream. Made her try it, loved it when I was a kid, still love it. Please bring back to the states

  14. my kids and my husband love tiger tiger!

  15. Wow, that is really different. Glad you clarified where to buy it...LOL

  16. Just one more reason why I'm soooo glad to be Canadian. :)
    I have enjoyed MANY cones of Tiger Tail Ice Cream this summer and have to say that yes, it is my favourite.

  17. I had no idea it was only Canadian! Perhaps we need to open an ice cream stand in Hawaii? :) :)

  18. orange combined with black licorice - that must be an interest taste - I can see the tiger stripes

  19. Cool. Now I want some licorice.

  20. I can't even imaginethe combination of licorice and orange in an ice cream! But it looks yummy!

  21. Sophistication and adult should never be in the same sentence with ice cream, unless it's satire.

  22. Only in Canada, you say? Pity...

    (I've actually never had this!)

  23. Don't apologize. Maine also has its own unique brand of ice creams" Maine Black Bear, Moose Tracks, Deer Tracks, Muddy Bean Boots, Caramel Caribou and Wild Maine Blueberry - all a product of Gifford's Ice Cream, a Maine based company.
    Yum, Yum
    the Ol'Buzzard

  24. Now that you clarified that, it sound delish!!!! Although I'm not a huge licorice fan.

  25. I can't figure out if that sounds terrible or amazing, but don't get me wrong, I'd eat that until my stomach ruptured just to find out.

  26. Such a fun ice-cream! Though I am not sure whether I would have liked licorice flavour in ice-cream :)hehe

  27. Well, I would try it. I love me some licorice! I'm always learning something new over here. :)

  28. This flavour needs to travel!

    All we get is tiger bread.

  29. My childish taste buds have just gone nuts!

  30. Swooning! The ice cream looks so nice ♥

  31. I'd certainly give it a try! Although, I'd probably like it better if the stripes were dark chocolate instead of black licorice.

  32. trade you a skunk egg for a pint of tiger tiger.

  33. That ice cream looks delicious. I'd totally eat it. I want some now actually.

  34. Popular with children? That means it REALLY good stuff.

  35. ....I was waiting for orange flavored ice cream with dark chocolate or something. I think I'd politely decline the licorice. Bleh! Each to their own*, I suppose.

    *y'all are weird up there.

  36. I have never enjoyed licorice but my youngest loves it. I really must visit more often to stay abreast of Canadian culture.

  37. Wow..that's quite a combo!! We need to try that here in the states..I thunk I would like chocolate rather than licorice?? Thanks for the info..

  38. OOO, I love orange ice cream to the moon and back...and HATE licorice...

  39. Debra, I am glad you wrote about this, because I was going to ask you about it! My mom LOVES orange and she LOVES black licorice! This is available in Canada??? May I ask, in all your trips across Canada, have you ever got it in Ontario? My mom wants some!! LOL! We have never seen it before???

  40. I saw Baskin Robbins on the link, maybe we will have to check them out!

  41. Such a rare thing in North America, like national health insurance

  42. @ Magic Love Crow -- I used to get it at Baskins-Robbins or any ice cream place that sells Chapman's ice cream (not sure if they're only in western Canada or not). Judging from the internet, you can buy it in grocery stores that sell the following brands: Chapman's, Island Farm, Sani-Dairy or President's Choice (who calls it tiger tail). Happy hunting!

  43. don't have here too ,looks inviting .i wonder how can American and British miss this yumm

  44. I can see that tasting pretty darn good. I love orange and most things, together.

  45. I'm certain Don would love that ice cream. He gets just plain licorice ice cream cones in the summer - me, not so much. Give me something loaded with nuts and chocolate and more nuts and more chocolate. It is pretty looking - but I had hoped that the stripes were chocolate - now orange and chocolate - THAT would be good.

  46. I love tiger ice cream!!! I make sure I have some whenever I get to Canada.

  47. Hurm, even as a wee lad i dont choose my ice cream because of its colour...

    i always asked if it taste nice or not.

  48. I'm surprised I've never heard of this in Vermont, we have towns half in Canada! We wear tuques! We're so close! 20 years ago I'd just get some friends together to drive up and see if we can find some, only an hour away! Nowadays we'd need passports and probably a few hours through customs.. 😟

  49. I've always liked Black Licorace buty wife never has, yet she fell in love with Tigertail when I bought some in Canada while on an Alaska tour, but can't find in the states. Still trying

  50. Curious and would like to try. Perhaps I might be able to get my Canadian cousins to bring some over here to New England...?

  51. 🇨🇦 I am visiting in Nova Scotia and just had this “Tiger” ice cream ((yellow & black swirl))
    I can say honestly not a fan… it tasted like chocolate with the yellow really no flavour base ice cream.
    Now that said I live in Barrie Ontario I get “Tigers Tail” ice cream ((Orange & Black)) omg LOVE IT strong orange taste in the ice cream with lots of black Liquorice. Mmmmmmm yummy!! Love Canada 🇨🇦

  52. @ Anonymous -- Yes, Tiger Tail ice cream's taste and quality can vary depending on the manufacturer. I like the flavourful oranbe & strong black licorice kind the best too! The kind you had in Nova Scotia sounds pretty lame. Recently I had some "Western Family" brand tiger tail and it was not worthy either. Not enough licorice flavour!


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