Friday 21 October 2016

HRH's Halloween Post

Hello, it's me -- everyone's FAVOURITE dead cat, Her Royal Highness, back from The Afterlife AGAIN to do my annual Halloween post! My hard-of-hearing and mostly-useless human FINALLY heard me meowing from across THE VEIL and let me in so I could use her computer.

Cats LOVE Halloween. It's the ONE holiday where we get some RESPECT. Of course, it helps that we just look SO DARN GOOD associated with all things spooky or pumpkinish!

By the way, this next photo is the VERY FAB Halloween costume which I DESIGNED for my human this year. As you can see, her bodice has MY lovely face on it. Don't read TOO much into the bloody throat/necklace imagery though. I would NEVER hurt my human by slashing her like that. Besides, it's a well-known fact that cats always eat the EYEBALLS first. Yes, I know the picture doesn't actually SHOW her eyeballs. Don't read too much into that either. SHEESH, YOU PEOPLE!

Anyway, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, everyone!

See ya 'round the blogosphere the NEXT time I can access a computer!


  1. Lol! Dogs and Hallowe'en just wouldn't have the same effect!

  2. Hello HRH! :) Long time, no see... It is Markiz writing, a Hindustanka's deceased cat... What a lovely post to honour us, cats, familiars, quiet satellites of humans!
    Gosh, I would have looked so great among those orange pumpkins as my fur was black and white.

    Anyway, have a spooky Halloween!

    BRB... don't know when.


  3. Hello from the other side, I must've meowed a thousand times.... now I'm gonna sing it like that forever and forever, thank you and much obliged!

  4. Cats are special all year; but especially during Halloween.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. As a certified Cat Man myself, I love all things feline, but that second picture is my favorite.

  6. Gotta love those kitties - hours of entertainment.

  7. Greetings HRH! Welcome back - we have missed you! Lovely post today - such fantastic photos! Until next year - MEOW!

  8. Happy Halloween, HRH! (may you RIP) So nice to hear from you and I see you still have a very funny sense of humor. Some things last through eternity, I guess.

  9. I LOVE this time of year! HH, HRH!

  10. So nice to "see" HRH again. You find the best stuff. Love the cats in the pumpkin patch. Love the dress. Happy Happy and Ho HO HO (too early???)!!!!!!!!!!

  11. That is so awesome! I love that dress, btw.

  12. Ding Dong! Trick or Treat! Love the choker & Gown! Funny you should mention kittie! I caught a flash, glimce of a black kitty dashing under my bed the other day, I don't have a kitty! Happy Peak beyond the Veil Celebration! xo

  13. Vampire cats with wings, now there's a frightening thought.

  14. Something I used to make a lot before we got all blogging, and fancy

    Meow! (did you get it?)

  15. Those are some great looking cats. I'd consider putting my cat in a costume but I like having all my fingers.

  16. so your cat will not share the computer?
    A cat flying in hat pulled by bats. Did Dr. Seuss come up with that?

  17. Your feline majesty, I had been wondering if you were going to stop by. I even asked another dead cat, but she just hissed at me and tried to scratch, saying that I needed to pay attention only to her. No respect, I tell you.

    So, about those eyeballs... were they tasty?

    Read you next time your human lets you borrow the computer! Unless you get Internet access in the beyond before that.

  18. Happy Halloween! On the 31st of October it will be Halloween in USA.

  19. I liked the "cat in the hat" best myself! Good finds :o)

  20. Somebody needz to make that dress and necklace for realz.

  21. Cats rule! I love them. And I love posts from HRH. She is the best!

  22. HRH, where are u spending Halloween? In the Catacombs?

  23. I guess i!m not into it that much.

  24. Yes cats are very Halloween -y! I don't want to alarm you but I am not sure hrh 's intentions for you are the most angelic ones!! Perhaps a catorxism is in order!!

  25. Love all the art but my fave is the ca-bats. Since I have two black's given me ideas. Poor kitties, eh? You know how I love Hallowoonie things but I adore Hallowoonie by Cat, much to love. xoxo Oma Linda

  26. Cats are the best... funny little furry monsters... *smile*

  27. Love your kitty post..I hope the one doesn't burn it's whiskers getting too close to the candle..Great dress..such talent!! Can I steal the picture with the cat sitting on the pumpkin?? Adorable! Happy weekend..

  28. I'm very excited for this upcoming Halloween. I've got my own black cat, ready to go. In preparation, she even sometimes randomly stares at blank spaces in the house, in horror, like something's there.

  29. I just put the pumpkin kitty on Mondays post with a credit to you..If you object, please let me know..I don't mean to offend..I know there are people out there who might..I'm not one of those...Hope all is well...

  30. @ Missy George -- Please feel free to steal whatever image you want from my blog at any time! No need to give credit. Goddess knows I stole them all from other sites myself.

  31. Quite frankly, dear kitty, your talents frighten me. I will most definitely have a great Halloween; I value my eyesight.

  32. oh Debra I have missed you,, I haven't been online much this last while but I have been visiting a wee bit,, I haven't been able to comment but everything is in place for me now,,
    this post was wonderful and the laugh was much needed,, I am so glad HRH came back,, the cat came back!!!! I thought she was a gonner,,,lol,,

  33. oh one more thing,, if HRH must stab me in the eye please make it my bad eye OK ??? lol,, too funny!!!

  34. You need to buy this cat her own laptop and set up a blogspot account for her!

  35. LOL!!!!!!! She arises again like the Great Pumpkin from the pumpkin patch each year to bring smile and cheer!!!!

  36. what a fun post enjoyed and smiled a lot .first pic grabbed my heart

  37. I'm lovin' the BAT CATS....

  38. ha! it might be cats' favorite holiday, but it isn't dogs!! even if they do throw Halloween Dog Parades! I think this was the most dreaded holiday of the year for my dog. I mean ... the doorbell never stop ringing and all those scary kids shoving bags in the door, or worse grabbing at the bowl! ha! She absolutely HATED Halloween

  39. Fantastic post HRH!!!!!! I love that dress!!!! Thanks for the smile!!!

  40. My daughter bought Norbert a unicorn Halloween costume. He didn't like it.

  41. Thanks for the silly fun - ooops - did I say silly? Oh dear me - I'll have to sleep with one eye open - hope it isn't the eye you prefer. Happy Halloween from this side.

  42. Hmmm - so all those times my (late) cat Cleo used to stare me in the face while I was sleeping (wake up wake up wake up wake up...), she was plotting to eat my eyeballs??? Oh my.

  43. Coming over from Missy's blog (who happened to STEAL one of your images) lol Love your blog and glad I found you. You sound like you have a WICKED sense of humor. My kind of gal. I am your newest follower and will put you on my sidebar (cuz I read from there). Have a great week- xo Diana

  44. I showed this to my cat. She said meow then rubbed her head on the phone.

  45. Halloween is not the same without a cat. I have Domino now, but I miss Odin.

  46. Happy Halloween, Loving some of these images. I hope you are enjoying your time away.

  47. Aww - we miss HRH but it's good to see here stopping by from the other side! The best Halloween mischief and awesomeness to you!

  48. Fabulous post HRH. Glad you shared all these fantastic photos, hope you have a very nice and Happy Halloween on the other side!

  49. Hey Debra, I've been playing catchup. Love all the cats. The one with the candle is a hoot - so eerie. I also love the metal raven in the other post. Isn't it amazing what some people are able to create.

  50. Cats meow and purr, Oh lookie whose these candies for?


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