Wednesday 19 October 2016

Putting the FUN in Funerals

It's only NATURAL at this time of year for our thoughts to turn to issues of DEATH and MORTALITY. Of course, we can use this contemplative impulse to wax philosophical about PROFOUND matters . . .

. . . OR we can take a more LIGHT-HEARTED approach to the whole area.

WHY must funerals always be such GLOOMY affairs? Use your creativity, people! Inject some FUN into the proceedings . . . serve CAKE, at the very least. EVERYONE loves cake.

Give some THOUGHT to how you want to lighten things up, even if it's only just to TWEAK the traditional ceremony a wee bit.

Or maybe you should consider going FULL-OUT GONZO CRAZY! Make your funeral an EVENT! One that people will talk about for YEARS!

If nothing else, take out a BILLBOARD!

WATER burials are an option for some.

Hmm, this looks LEGIT.

Whatever method you choose, may LOTS of people come to your party . . . I mean, funeral.

And DON'T forget to have fun with your post-funeral MEMORIALS too!


  1. pissing myself laughing here!

    the first pix is a serious matter though; and WHY is that NOT so?

  2. Lol. Hilarious! Interesting ways to deal with one's demise.

  3. LOL - totally amusing. But, yes we should try to live in peace too!

  4. Just shows you how good it is to have 2000 friends on Facebook. It's a good job I have 1,999 then.

  5. Too funny - don't where you find these memes Deborah but they are a hoot.

  6. I'd like to be handled by Justin Timberlake, before my death, preferably!

  7. :) funerals are sombre occassions yes. I get this, to celebrate life. I also wanna grand funeral for myself although I opted to live forever.

  8. I liked the cake until I saw the Bee Pinata!
    That I love!

  9. These are fabulous! Thanks for posting!

  10. I will leave your name as contact for MY funeral arrangements! Perfect! xoxo

  11. HAHAHA! I love this. I don't want people being all depressed when I die. That's not what defines me. I want laughter and a party.

  12. I've told my kids to spread my ashes in Key Largo and have a nice vacation with the pittance thatI have left them.

  13. Luckily I come from a family that has lively funerals when someone has had a good life! I recently binge watched the old HBO series 6 Feet Under. The story lines were fantastic with plenty of humor.

  14. Is that a Florida license plate on the "sea burial" van? Color me surprised.

  15. I have made my granddaughters promise that they will fix my hand so I will be giving the finger ..then cremate me..and put popcorn kernels in my casket..

  16. Having worked in a cemetery, I thought I had seen and heard a lot of craziness but as usual, your creative research has brought more goodies to your readers. I loved the funeral where the woman had Snickers bars laid out on top of her body at the open casket service with a sign saying, "take on because I always was a sweetie and a bit of a nut". hehehehehe, xoxo Oma Linda

  17. The popcorn was my favorite - fun and something to eat afterwards. When my family asks about how I want to go I tell them "surprise me, I always like a good surprise"

  18. These are just so hilarious!!! The pinata one though....OMG!!!!

  19. Perfect! I am getting some good ideas to incorporate into my will...

  20. If you really want some good hilarity, hide a remote controlled whoopie cushion in the coffin! Good times!

  21. I LOVE the cake, and I hope a bench in our neighborhood park will be dedicated to me: Janie Junebug--She never bothered to learn the names of the people she met here. What a bitch.


  22. Funerals are often too much about the people left behind and not the departed.

  23. The popcorn sort of went out with a bang!

  24. Ha ha that last one cracked me up. Thanks I needed the laugh.

  25. Most people find my perception of death bizarre as I find a relevantly normal thing.I worked in elderly health care and you get very close to death, so I talk about as normal part life and talk very openly, sometimes I forget some people don't have life experience.

    Also, it that transitional time of year I think it's part of the reason I love this time of year.

  26. The full body burial at sea people would probably take living bodies to bury as well as dead. For an added fee, of course ... .

  27. Hahaha, these are great. I loved the bee one the best. And the Just Buried.

  28. About friends at funeral - is actually sad...

  29. These are all hilarious! Love that last guy's plaque. :)

  30. Laugh 'til we cry, that's the ticket!

  31. I don't think I'd even have a smoking hot body after I died :( I don't want to be cremated. I've never been able to explain why I want to be buried. I'm not even that religious.

  32. Laughed out loud at the piƱata full of bees.
    Disneyland is actually a fabulous idea but I would be cremated and have someone accidentally spill the smuggled in creamains while riding in the haunted house. Actually I think I now know what you do with dad...

  33. Serve cake... now you've got me thinking.

  34. Great post..My husbands family had a sense of humor when it came to funerals..Never solemn.

  35. Those did put the FUN in funeral. Super funny!!

  36. The last one! That's what I want. Green burial and that plaque.

  37. LOL! Brilliant post!! I want everyone smiling and dancing at my funeral!!!

  38. A viking funeral would be neat;but I want to be cremated and put in a douche bag and run through one more time - only my wife hasn't agreed.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  39. Wait, "full Body" burial at sea? Is it not usually full body? What part(s) are normally left off? Wait. I don't want to know.

  40. ha! LOVE these .... the popcorn made me laugh out loud. I think the Mexican tradition of the Day of the Dead (or Dia de los Muertos) is the way to go. Celebrate the life of your loved one at the graveyard.

  41. Lots to enjoy here but I was quite struck by that opening question.


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