Monday 28 November 2016

Oh, Did I Not Mention My New Tattoo?

Ooops, I did it again! Yes, I got another tat while I was in Maui!

[Photo by My Rare One,
who still does not really like tattoos at all
but who continues to adjust]

While my first tat was positively packed with personal and spiritual significance, this tattoo, by comparison, is purely decorative and maybe even kinda frivolous. Hell, it's basically one step up from a rainbow unicorn, isn't it?

But who cares, I just lurves it cuz it's purty!

And actually, it does have some symbolism too. Apart from reminding me of beautiful Maui, I had the plumeria flowers inked in purple / mauve / lavender, the traditional coded colour that represents our lesbigay community.

Okay, kids, true confession time now. Getting the second tattoo did hurt much more than the first one. I had to clench my teeth a few times during the tattooing process, I admit it. But even so, the discomfort was still NOTHING compared to the severe menstrual pain which at one time in my life I had to endure on a monthly basis:

Let me conclude with some rhetorical questions, if I may.

Is it wrong of me to yank My Rare One's chain by telling her that this tat is simply the first in what will ultimately be a Full Sleeve? Hahahahahahahaha! Or am I not really kidding?


  1. Wow, I can't believe I'm the first.

    That is definitely a very nice tattoo. In regards to getting a sleeve, if you can stand the pain and if your job doesn't mind it (especially in the summer), then go for it.

    On a personal level, I was never much of a fan of sleeves. But, a sleeve is lot more cleaner looking than simply having them scattered willy-nilly.

    I Are Writer!

    Father Nature's Corner

  2. I hope you do go full-sleeve. Granted, that sounds expensive, but I've always thought the full-sleeve looked pretty cool. Especially if you end right above where a long sleeve shirt ends, then it's a little rebellious surprise. Decorative or meaningful or a mix os both, this looks pretty cool. Nice choice.

  3. that tat is pretty on you. like your rare one, I'm not keen on ink (and needles) on my person, but do what makes you happy.

    and I hear ya about the "woman problem" - that best day of my life was when I got rid of the uterus (cancer)! no more pills/pain/possible pregnancies! that was in 1989.

  4. I love the tattoo!
    I, myself, have several, and always like the idea of another one, but, like your Rare One, Carlos is not a fan!
    Ah, well........

  5. You wouldn't! Would you? Da whole sleeve? And then you can join Angels of Hell :)
    I did not know violet is a lesbigay colour! A third of my outfits is violet :)


  6. What a gorgeous tat. Love the colors.

  7. That is beautiful! I have two from years ago, and I don't remember the pain as much as I remember trying to be ridiculously still during the inking so as not to smudge anything. I'm not sure if that was a real danger, or if I just made it up in my head! Either way, I'd trade that for PMS any day!

  8. Given how much this one apparently hurt I think you're just pulling her chain. It looks good though. I'm not that big a fan of tattoos myself but eh, to each their own.

  9. its beautiful, I think you should do the other arm,,so they match!
    I really can see this being the beginning of a full sleeve,,

  10. I am not a lover of them but it's pretty good

  11. That is a beautiful design! Definitely a great start to a full sleeve if it happens!

  12. way to go! go for the sleeve. the older i get the more tempted i am to cover my entire body in tats. they would cover a lot of damage! the black part always hurts more than the colored part.

  13. Why, it's beautiful! I am fascinated by tats, but don't know that I could stand the pain. Possibly if I was self-medicated (ala single malt)...

  14. I like one or two well placed tats but I'm not a great fan of them either but I do think yours is very beautifully done, and each to their own. There's a lot I do to myself that other people don't like either. It's great when we get to a stage where we don't care what other people think. :)

  15. Cheeky Chld are t you! If pain is the teacher, you are the petulant student! Rebel Yell! xoDebi

  16. That's a really beautiful tattoo, Debra. Nice integration between tribal and floral. And, while I don't (yet) have a tattoo, I support your (possibly tongue in cheek) plan to acquire a whole lot more ink.

    Needle on!

  17. I love plumeria, good choice.
    In my opinion full sleeves are hot, but alas I have no ink.

  18. Nah, yanking the chain is kind of fun :)
    The tattoo looks great!
    My younger daughter has done two so far and has announced that there'll be more. She's the adventurous one in the family!

  19. Go for that sleeve! You have a great start.


  20. Beautiful tattoo!!! Purple is my favorite color, always has been. So all of mine *cough* (more than 5) all have purple in them somewhere. I am way overdue for another.....

    I think it looks gorgeous. A full sleeve would look Out Of This World. ;)

  21. I am with your rare one on this, tattoos are not for me, but I must admit that the design of yours is very nice.

  22. Well, it IS kind of pretty. Chain yanking isn't given enough credit for its entertainment value.

  23. It is gorgeous!!! I love it and the symbolism and totally agree. Purdy!!!!

  24. That's a lovely tattoo - very symmetrical, harmonious, and beautiful. Keep yanking, keep yanking. And then actually do it with sticker or Henna tattoos to fool her. Gotta take the joke all the way, hon.

  25. Now that is a pretty tattoo, love it! I've heard once you get one tattoo you are pretty much on your way to full sleeves so tell your rare one that. LOL!

  26. Great work on that beautiful tattoos.

  27. The bear I work with got one tat in the same place. Now three years later he has a whole sleeve. The neat thing? the whole thing plays together and tells one story!!! The only needle to pierce my body was in the rump for a shot and that's it. far.

  28. I found both my tattoos annoying but not really painful.

    I didn't know that about the purples.

  29. It is such a pretty tattoo. Glad to hear your rare one tolerates them...LOL

  30. I guess I am not too old to get a tattoo. Yours looks great.

  31. YAY Debra YAY Debra!
    Love it! By all means go for the full sleeve......I can see a tropical garden of blossoms spiraling around your arm.
    I have two little ones near each ankle....and they hurt!! Like bee stings!!
    I would like to have a few more.

  32. That's pretty..I'm with your rare one..Not a fan of tats..I see a full sleeve in your future?? More flowers??

  33. Beautiful Hawaiian tribal tat. Wish I could get one but nah.

  34. I'd never have the courage to do that myself

  35. I've always wanted a tattoo but I haven't been able to decide what I would be happy with for the rest of my life.

  36. It is purty for sure. I don't desire one for me but they sure are neat on other people.

  37. They're addictive! I predict a full sleeve. I like it and it's NOTHING like a unicorn shitting rainbows. Maybe you didn't use that exact phrase ... I can't remember. That was two whole minutes ago I read it.

  38. They are addictive. Rainbow unicorn sounds great to me. I would have thought bees. Perhaps if you go for a full sleeve you can intersperse it with bees.
    It is a beautiful tat and If it make you feel good it was the right thing.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  39. Quite a news! :) But I like this tattoo, it's beautiful... I always wanted a tattoo but not sure I will ever go for such a spread one.
    Well, your Rare One indeed needs to seriously adjust!hehe

  40. Love the tattoo. My oldest has a couple. Dogs paw in memory of her beloved black lab and another she designed herself somewhere on herself which I assume her husband is allowed to see.

  41. Tattoos are a tad additive, so... bring on the sleeve! *cackles*

  42. That is gorgeous! Keep us posted on the full sleeve. :)

  43. Sooo pretty! It is beautiful! I love it! I hope you get the sleeve!!

  44. The tat is beautiful but for me, I don't think I'd sign up for pain. Daily shots and blood tests are enough needle punches for me.

  45. Way to go Debra!!! So beautiful!!! I love purple! I say go for the sleeve!!! Still thinking about the pain! LOL!

  46. Loving to tat. Morticia has 4 and still plans to have another. I have 1 and pretty happy to stick with it.

  47. well, as you know, I am olden...VERY olden...but if I wasn't on mega blood thinners and afraid I'd bleed to death in the tat parlor, I would have a tiny..
    T.I.N.Y. little lady bug on one of my skinny ankles....but, alas, I should have done it yrs ago...before the age thing...our son has the most beautiful tattoos you've ever seen. If I can get him to sit still long enuf, I'll take pics...I want you to see them. Your new one is really pretty....

  48. I don't think you're kidding. As for the tattoo it's so pretty. Love the colours. Back and I was a teen or a little older, there was lady in a purple house. This is not the start of a joke, it's real. She said she was gay and that's why she painted her house purple. I thought it was so fun. Have any colour house you fancy. Life is too darn short, not too.

  49. My Krav Maga instructor is tattooed everywhere or almost.

  50. oh there it is! and it is pretty with those plumeria flowers (man I love how those smell!) I'm always fascinated with pacific island patterns - without the flowers, the pattern looks almost Mauri


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