Wednesday 30 November 2016

Thank You, Donald Trump!

The man hasn't even been inaugurated yet as president and already he's scored A Yuge Win for the Blogosphere for which I am profoundly grateful. He has single-handedly inspired Anne Johnson to revive her blog, The Gods Are Bored, which she had discontinued a year ago!

The Gods Are Bored is the very first blog that I ever read back in the mists of time about 10 or 11 years ago when I scarcely even knew what a "blog" was. I was immediately captivated by Anne's delightful tales concerning (among other things) bored pagan deities with far too little to occupy their time in this modern world, her family and job, Decibel the parrot, her obsession with upholstery, a mysterious poet friend named The Monkey Man, her Druid circle and her passionate environmental and other causes.

Anne honours the Sacred Thunderbird and enthusiastically serves as a local vulture festival's mascot each year. Here she is in action!

Her passion for fun, play and dress-up also extends to being a member of the Two Street Stompers mummers group every year in Philadelphia's New Years Day Mummers Parade.

She's in this photo somewhere!

Anne is deeply committed to human rights and equality. She is not going to sit by idly or silently as everything that has been achieved in the USA to date comes under attack. So she has revived her blog as a chronicle of her upcoming efforts. I encourage you all to check out The Gods Are Bored and follow along for the ride!

[All images blatantly stolen from The Gods Are Bored blog]


  1. a homegirl YO! I gotta follow mah homegirl!

  2. I will indeed follow. Every cloud...

  3. oh, my, what a scary mascot it is, indeed

  4. I am on my way over there right now!

  5. Sounds like an interesting blog. I am going to check her out! Thanks!

  6. There have been so many wonderful bloggers who disappeared. How wonderful to have one back! I tell you what, if all it takes is one controversial election, bring on the controversy!

  7. Thanks, will follow
    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. I went. I looked. I liked. I thank you for the heads up.

  9. A bit of light through the orange muck...

  10. I was wondering if she would ever come back. Thanks for letting me know. I'll be adding her on to my blog roll again.

  11. I'll go check out her blog. If there is a silver lining to anything DT is responsible for, it's this, I'm sure.

  12. Ok. Squirrel finds both Trump and vultures scary.

  13. "obsession with upholstery" - that's a new one for me. I should sit on that for awhile.

  14. Oh I will be checking it out! There will be no shortage of material with this impending presidency.

  15. He's sure to inspire a lot of "tired liberals" into becoming concerned again.

  16. I shall visit her because you told me to do so.


  17. I will go check her out! Thanks Debra!!!

  18. I shall as well! Looking forward to following this 'mascot'!!

  19. Going over there now. Thanks, Debra!

  20. Debra, I am so doggone touched that you wrote this kind post about me! You have been more than kind to me over all these years. I love you so much that you could stain my best sofa and I wouldn't even be mad.

  21. Well qt lest something good came out of trumps win. Lol!

  22. I'll be visiting her blog, we need all the help and inspiration we can get!

  23. Terrific!! Our hearts ache for our country and we must all do what we can to combat the awfulness.

  24. She sounds like my type of person. I will check her out!

  25. i agree with Martha she is a person who lives through her positive spirit and loyal to her existence.
    i left her comment but could not locate her following box though

  26. Eleven years of blogging? My gosh, I thought I've been around a long time - three blogs since 2011, guess I don't even come close!

  27. Your taste is perfect ! I did and I am ! xoDebi

  28. how did I not know this? will have to run there right now..I have so missed her and the bored gods...

  29. Trump really can't stop winning. It's great to see an old blog come back. There are so many blogs that have come and gone in the time I've been around that I'd love to see come back. If only to find out what happened to the person behind them.

  30. Now I'm visiting Anne, too. I spent the first eighteen years of my alleged life in that neck of the woods.

  31. I'll go and check her out. I mean her blog ...

  32. Looks interesting..I'll check it out..I'm sure Trump has inspired way or another..

  33. It reads Mummer's Parade but really, I'd love to see a Mummy Parade.


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